
Court Chastises Parties for Turning Case into a “Discovery Slugfest”: eDiscovery Case Law

In UnitedHealthcare of Fla., Inc. et al. v. Am. Renal Assoc., Inc. et al., No. 16-cv-81180-Marra/Matthewman (S.D. Fla. Oct. 20, 2017), Florida Magistrate Judge William Matthewman granted in part and denied in part the plaintiffs’ Motion for Reconsideration or Modification of Omnibus Discovery Order, clarifying the Court’s previous order regarding custodians and search terms, while denying the remainder of the plaintiff’s motion.  Judge Matthewman also chastised both parties for their lack of cooperation on search terms.

In the Court’s August order, the Court permitted Defendants to select an additional 16 custodians and an additional 12 search terms and to request more at a later date if Defendants have a good-faith basis to do so and also ruled that the defendants had not waived any privilege and did not have to produce a privilege log.

In the current Motion, the plaintiffs argued that the Court should reconsider or modify its Order because the Court never made a finding that Plaintiffs’ production was deficient, there is no evidence that would support such a conclusion, the Court did not tailor the additional custodians or search terms to “any purported inadequacy nor to any proportionality limits”, the Court did not “provide any mechanism for ensuring that ARA’s custodians and search terms do not capture an overwhelmingly, burdensome, disproportionate amount of information”, and the Court’s Order was “patently unfair”.  The plaintiffs also argued that the Court should reconsider its decision not to compel the defendants to provide a privilege log because they “wrongfully withheld a responsive, non-privileged document, and the Court should not rely on Defendants’ counsel’s representations that they have no additional non-privileged responsive documents.”

Noting that “the only asserted new evidence submitted by Plaintiffs consists of Docket Entries 303-1 through 303-4” (which included email correspondence, a list of the additional 16 custodians, a list of additional 12 search terms and a Declaration from the Director of e-Discovery at the plaintiff company), Judge Matthewman focused on the last paragraph of the Declaration, which stated:

“In my opinion and based on my experience, if additional time is taken to reexamine the search terms to minimize some of the more obvious deficiencies and then, after the search terms are run, allow for the parties to evaluate which terms hit on an excessive number of documents and narrow them accordingly, the process could be sped up significantly as the volume of documents for the steps after collection and indexing will likely be greatly reduced.”

In response, Judge Matthewman stated: “Ironically, this type of cooperation is exactly what this Court has been expecting from the parties and their counsel throughout this case—to work together to arrive at reasonable search terms, to run those search terms and engage in sampling to see if the search terms are producing responsive documents or excessive irrelevant hits, and then to continue to refine the search terms in a cooperative, professional effort until the search terms are appropriately refined and produce relevant documents without including an excessive number of irrelevant documents. However, despite what paragraph 12 of the Declaration suggests, and despite this Court’s suggestions to the parties and their counsel as to the cooperative and professional manner in which the parties should engage in the e-discovery process in this case, there has instead been an apparent lack of cooperation and constant bickering over discovery, especially e-discovery. The alleged new evidence submitted by Plaintiffs, that is, the list of additional search terms and custodians and the Declaration, clearly show that, where, as here, parties in a large civil case do not cooperatively engage in the e-discovery process, the collection and indexing of documents and the production of relevant documents, become much more difficult.”

Indicating that “the parties and their counsel, through their many discovery disputes and their litigiousness, have unnecessarily turned this case into what can best be termed as a ‘discovery slugfest’”, Judge Matthewman noted that “the parties have filed well over 50 discovery motions, responses, replies, notices, and declarations, many of which have been filed under seal” and that the Court “has held at least six discovery hearings in 2017, most of which were lengthy and contentious.”

Judge Matthewman also referenced several resources regarding cooperation for the parties to consider, including The Sedona Conference, the Federal Judges’ Guide to Discovery, as well as comments from Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts regarding the 2015 Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 1 and 26.  With that in mind, Judge William granted in part and denied in part the plaintiffs’ Motion for Reconsideration or Modification of Omnibus Discovery Order, clarifying the Court’s previous order regarding custodians and search terms, while denying the remainder of the plaintiff’s motion, including their dispute over the number of custodians and search terms and the failure to require the defendants to produce a privilege log.

So, what do you think?  What can we learn from the parties’ lack of cooperation in this case?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case opinion link courtesy of eDiscovery Assistant.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Court Denies Motions to Compel Against Various Defendants, For Various Reasons: eDiscovery Case Law

In Blosser v. Ashcroft, Inc., et al., No. C17-5243 BHS (W.D. Wash. Sep. 19, 2017), Washington District Judge Benjamin H. Settle settled this dispute for now between the plaintiffs and three defendants over discovery disputes by denying the plaintiffs’ motions to compel against all three defendants, two of them without prejudice.

Case Background

In this case by the plaintiffs against several defendants alleging liability resulting from exposure to asbestos, the plaintiffs filed motions to compel against three defendants in July 2017, with all three defendants responding in August 2017, followed shortly by plaintiffs’ reply to each response.

With regard to defendant Weir, the parties’ dispute stemmed over Weir’s search of its electronic database.  The plaintiffs sought information on “any and all Atwood-Morrill valves on the Kitty Hawk and the Peleliu at any time, as well as any of its valves and replacement parts sent to PSNS in 1976 and 1977 when Mr. Blosser was working there”, but Weir contended that its database is not searchable by ship name or hull number and that doing a manual review would be “incomprehensible.”

With regard to defendant William Powell, the plaintiffs moved for an order (1) striking the boilerplate objections, (2) compelling William Powell to fully produce relevant documents, and (3) produce a 30(b)(6) deponent (the parties ultimately resolved the 30(b)(6) issue, so the Court denied this portion of the motion as moot).  Regarding the request for production, William Powell asserted that “it has no documents responsive to [the Blossers’] requests”, but the plaintiffs submitted deposition testimony from 2009 and asserted that William Powell must have relevant documents because its website “makes clear that it has an available database from which to mine information.”

With regard to defendant Flowserve, the dispute existed over determining a date for the 30(b)(6) deposition as well as the date for Flowserve to produce documents.

Judge’s Ruling

With regard to defendant Weir, Judge Settle observed that “it is unclear whether the parties conferred or attempted to confer to resolve this dispute without Court action”, noting that the plaintiffs’ attorney threatened a motion to compel regardless of Weir’s attempt to comply with the discovery requests (“we would be filing a motion to compel regardless because our document requests were broader than the limitation Weir had unilaterally imposed.”) and citing an email exchange from Weir that included the exact same threat to file a motion to compel without any indication of a good faith attempt to resolve this dispute.  To this, Judge Settle said “This failure alone is sufficient to deny the motion to compel.”

However, briefly addressing the merits of the dispute anyway, Judge Settle indicated that he “agrees with the Blossers that the information it seeks seems relevant and readily identifiable” and noted that “Weir’s response seems rather illusive in that it asserts there is only one possible way to electronically search its database.”  So, Judge Settle denied the motion without prejudice and ordered the parties “to meet and confer on the issue of searching Weir’s database.”

With regard to defendant William Powell, Judge Settle denied the plaintiffs’ motion, stating: “The Court cannot compel a party to produce that which its attorney certifies it does not have in its possession. Stale testimony and speculation based on website advertisements do not overcome an attorney’s certification to the Court.”

With regard to defendant Flowserve, Judge Settle stated that “the Blossers have failed to show that a dispute exists that requires Court intervention”, noting that the plaintiffs’ attorney acknowledged that several dates had been proposed by both sides on the 30(b)(6) deposition and that Flowserve contended that it informed the plaintiffs that it will “make responsive documents available at a mutually agreeable time and location” and that the “invitation remains outstanding.”  So, Judge Settle denied the plaintiffs’ motion without prejudice.

Also, I’m excited to report that eDiscovery Daily has been nominated to participate in The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Contest in the Legal Tech category!  Thanks to whoever nominated us!  If you enjoy our blog, you can vote for it and help it win a spot in their Best Legal Blogs Hall of Fame.  You can cast a vote for the blog here.  Thanks!

So, what do you think?  What should parties be required to do to demonstrate to the court that their opponent has responsive data it’s not producing?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case opinion link courtesy of eDiscovery Assistant.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.