A Complete eDiscovery Services Portfolio
An ongoing challenge many legal teams face is that eDiscovery workload levels can be difficult to forecast. Whether it is an unexpected workload surge, or the desire to focus on higher value work, there will come a time when you can benefit from supplementing your team with eDiscovery experts.
CloudNine complements its simplified eDiscovery automation offering with a complete portfolio of professional services delivered by experienced teams or information technology, project management, and legal professionals. Our service offerings are complemented by an international community of trained, experienced experts who partner with CloudNine to deliver successful projects.
Our professional services team is an extension of your own. We designed our products to be self-service, but if you experience an unexpected workload surge or gap in your team, we have your back. CloudNine’s project managers, technical analysts, forensic collection specialists, and managed review professionals are standing by to extract even more value from our platforms and better outcomes for your project.
Our professional services are offered across a wide array of eDiscovery needs, including:
- Migrations from Concordance, LAW, and competing platforms
- Data loading and productions
- Workflow guidance and design
- Project metrics reporting
- Project management
- Imaging native files
- Creating tags and applying review sets
- Search hit testing and reporting
What We Offer – Benefits – Use Cases
Project Management
Strong project management support is critical for cost control, schedule management, and risk avoidance. CloudNine project managers can help you maintain a detailed understanding of your data, monitor the progress of review and production, and ensure that critical deadlines are met.
With a nationwide network of forensic collection experts, we can help you collect data in a defensible manner from corporate networks, laptops, desktops, cell phones, iPads, social media sites, and more. We can collect data remotely and securely via the Internet, send a dedicated collection kit, or visit on-site where your data resides to acquire data quickly and completely with minimal interruption to custodians’ regular schedules.
Our data collection experts will save you time and effort, focusing on the data that is most likely to be relevant while preserving its integrity and providing you with a sense of security.
Technical Services
Our software is designed so that even the most novice user can load data, review documents, and export productions themselves. However, our team of technical specialists are ready to act as part of your team to complete these tasks if needed.
Examples of the technical services our team offers by product include:
Managed Review
Whether you are involved in an internal investigation or a privilege and responsiveness review of massive amounts of collected data, CloudNine can assist you to manage the process, control costs, and identify critical content quickly and effectively. Managed review services include specialists in investigations, linear and assisted review, and search and culling strategies. Our teams can scale to handle the small projects, the large projects, and everything in between. Using CloudNine Review to help staff your managed review saves you time and cost, as you will not need to identify, hire, or train resources. Further, our teams are highly trained to use CloudNine technology to produce results, getting those to you faster and more cost-effectively.
CloudNine’s collection services help clients rapidly, accurately, and defensibly acquire potentially relevant electronically stored information (ESI) for litigation, investigations, and audits.
Computer Forensics
Data Collections
CloudNine’s collection services are delivered by certified collection experts with proven experience in the planning, execution, and documentation of traditional and forensic data collections. With expertise ranging from departing employee protection programs to mobile phone examinations, contact us today to learn more about how CloudNine can support your collection needs.
CloudNine’s discovery services help clients identify, analyze, and eliminate irrelevant document sets and prepare relevant files for subsequent use.

Discovery Consulting

Managed eDiscovery

Project Management
With consulting expertise and managed discovery options designed to complement the use of CloudNine’s simplified automation technology, CloudNine’s discovery services provide clients with legal and business value in the accomplishment of litigation, investigations, and audits. Contact us today to learn more about how our discovery services can augment and accelerate your discovery efforts.
CloudNine provides clients with the ability to define and examine sets of documents for relevance, responsiveness, privilege, and confidentiality.

Technology-Assisted Review

Managed Review

Online Hosting
With the ability to enhance traditional review efforts by delivering support for the latest approaches to technology-assisted review as well as helping corporate legal departments and their outside counsel conduct legal reviews by providing teams of trained legal review attorneys, CloudNine’s review services empower clients by helping clients maximize review efficiencies while reducing review costs and risks. Contact us today to learn more about how our review services can enhance your review efforts.
In addition to our portfolio of collection, discovery, and review professional services, CloudNine litigation, investigation, and audit experts are available to help clients plan, manage, and document organizational information governance and litigation support initiatives.
Information Governance
Litigation Support
Contact us today to learn more about how our information governance and litigation support services can contribute to your corporate data discovery and governance objectives.