eDiscovery Daily Blog

August Case Law Pop Quiz!: eDiscovery Case Law

I’m out of the office for a couple of days, taking the kiddos on one more overnight family vacation before school starts next week. So, here’s an opportunity to to catch up on cases we’ve covered recently with a case law pop quiz.

If you’re reading the blog each day, these questions should be easy! If not, we’ve provided a link to the post with the answer. We’re that nice. Test your knowledge! Tomorrow, we’ll post the answers for those who don’t know and didn’t look them up.

1. In which case was the defendant ordered to produce metadata?

A. Malone v. Kantner Ingredients

B. Gladue v. Saint Francis Medical Center

C. Crews v. Avco Corp.

D. Younes, et al. v. 7-Eleven, Inc.

2. In which case did the court of appeals uphold a “death penalty order” against the defendant for discovery violations

A. Malone v. Kantner Ingredients

B. Gladue v. Saint Francis Medical Center

C. Crews v. Avco Corp.

D. Younes, et al. v. 7-Eleven, Inc.

3. In which case(s) was a request for sanctions denied by the court?

A. Malone v. Kantner Ingredients

B. Gladue v. Saint Francis Medical Center

C. Sanctions were denied in both cases

D. Sanctions were denied in neither case

4. In which case did the court deny the request for “limitless” access to the plaintiff’s Facebook account?

A. In re Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats Consolidated Cases

B. Clear-View Technologies, Inc., v. Rasnick et al

C. Wilson v. Conair Corp.

D. EEOC v. DolgenCorp LLC d/b/a Dollar General

5. In which case was the defendant ordered to produce further ESI in native format or TIFF format with the associated metadata?

A. In re Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats Consolidated Cases

B. Clear-View Technologies, Inc., v. Rasnick et al

C. Wilson v. Conair Corp.

D. EEOC v. DolgenCorp LLC d/b/a Dollar General

6. In which case was the defendant ordered to produce employees’ personal data in an EEOC dispute?

A. In re Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats Consolidated Cases

B. Clear-View Technologies, Inc., v. Rasnick et al

C. Wilson v. Conair Corp.

D. EEOC v. DolgenCorp LLC d/b/a Dollar General

7. In which case was the defendants sanctioned over $200,000 for using “Crap Cleaner” software, among other violations?

A. In re Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats Consolidated Cases

B. Clear-View Technologies, Inc., v. Rasnick et al

C. Wilson v. Conair Corp.

D. EEOC v. DolgenCorp LLC d/b/a Dollar General

8. In which case was the plaintiff taxed over $63,000 to be paid to the prevailing defendant in the case?

A. Procaps S.A. v. Patheon Inc.

B. Compass Bank v. Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

C. Willett, et al. v. Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc.

D. Fitbug Ltd. v. Fitbit, Inc.

9. In which case was the plaintiff sanctioned for failing to preserve an audio recording, as part of “wilfully” engaging in spoliation of relevant evidence?

A. Procaps S.A. v. Patheon Inc.

B. Compass Bank v. Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

C. Willett, et al. v. Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc.

D. Fitbug Ltd. v. Fitbit, Inc.

10. In which case did the court order the deposition of an expert to evaluate issues resulting from plaintiff’s deletion of ESI?

A. Procaps S.A. v. Patheon Inc.

B. Compass Bank v. Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

C. Willett, et al. v. Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc.

D. Fitbug Ltd. v. Fitbit, Inc.

As always, please let us know if you have questions or comments, or if there are specific topics you’d like to see covered.

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