eDiscovery Daily Blog

Data Breaches are Up, But Records Breached are Down: Cybersecurity Trends

One of the most discussed topics at last week’s LegalTech® New York 2015 (LTNY) was cybersecurity. And, with good reason, as it seems as though every other day, there is another report of a data breach (last week, it was health insurance company Anthem with an estimated 80 million people affected). Now, 27001 Academy has prepared an informative infographic with stats regarding 2014 data breaches and an offer of a free eBook with cybersecurity best practices.

Here are some key statistics:

  • Data Breach Incidents in 2014: The number of reported incidents rose from 614 in 2013 to 783 in 2014 – a 27.5% increase.
  • Records Exposed in 2014: However, the reported number of records exposed in breaches dropped from 91,982,172 in 2013 to 85,611,528 in 2014 – a 7.1% decrease.
  • Breaches by Month: Last year, January had the highest number of breaches with 113, 40 more than the next highest month (August with 73). February had the lowest number of breaches with 44.
  • Breaches by Industry: Breaches in each measured industry rose last year, with government/military breaches showing the biggest percentage rise – over 53% from 60 in 2013 to 92 in 2014. The healthcare industry had the greatest number of breaches – 333 in 2014, up from 271 in 2013 (a 22.9% increase). The potential cost for breaches in the healthcare industry is estimated to be as much as $5.6 billion annually.
  • Breaches by State: California organizations were more than twice as likely as any other state to experience a breach – 120 total breaches affecting 112 organizations. Texas and New York were second and third with 57 and 50 breaches respectively. It appears that Rhode Island was the only state without a reported data breach in 2014.

For the full infographic, click here. Thanks to Sharon Nelson and her always excellent Ride the Lightning blog for the tip – her post regarding the infographic is here.

On the page with the infographic, 27001 Academy also provides a link to download a free eBook, 9 Steps to Cybersecurity, written by Dejan Kosutic. It’s designed to be a primer on cybersecurity basics, written in an easy-to-understand format. It’s 80 pages, so it’s pretty comprehensive, covering topics ranging from types of security incidents to cybersecurity myths and basics to steps and standards for implementing. I downloaded it, looks promising.

So, what do you think? Has your organization, or have you personally, suffered a data breach? Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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