eDiscovery Daily Blog
eDiscovery Project Management: Train the Team — Agenda

Training for a task should be thorough and aimed at teaching the team what they need to know to do the work correctly and efficiently. It should cover project overview information, procedures for doing the work, and sample work. Here’s a sample training agenda for a document review project that you can use as a guide:
Case Background Information
- A description of the parties
- A description of the events that led to the case
- A description of the allegations and defenses
- An overview of the expected case schedule
Project Overview
- A description of the goals of the document review project
- A description of the process
- An overview of the expected project schedule
Responsive Criteria
- Go through the criteria – point by point – to ensure the group understands what is responsive and what is privileged
- Provide samples of documents that are responsive and documents that are not responsive
- Describe the roles of individuals on the team (reviewers, quality control staff, supervisors, project managers, etc.)
- Review the procedures for the review
- Train the team how to use the online review tool
- Have the team do some sample work and turn it in
- Review the sample work and go over it as a group
The first items on the agenda — case background and project overview information — are very important. While they don’t directly cover the mechanics of the work the team will be doing, these topics are significant for motivating the team. The team will “invest” more in the project if they understand the big picture and how the work they are doing fits in. In fact, it’s always a good idea to have a senior litigation team member participate in the overview portion of the training. This further emphasizes the importance of the work the team will be doing.
What do you think? Have you seen the difference good training can make on a project? Do you have useful training tips to offer? Please share your comments or let us know if you’d like more information on a topic.