eDiscovery Daily Blog

eDiscovery Trends: Wednesday LTWC Sessions


As noted yesterday, LegalTech West Coast 2011 (LTWC) is happening this week and eDiscoveryDaily is here to report about the latest eDiscovery trends being discussed at the show.  There’s still time to check out the show if you’re in the Los Angeles area with a number of sessions (both paid and free) available and over 70 exhibitors providing information on their products and services, including (shameless plug warning!) my company, Trial Solutions, which is previewing a redesigned version 10 release of our linear review application, OnDemand®, prior to release this Saturday.

Perform a “find” on today’s LTNY conference schedule for “discovery” and you’ll get 27 hits.  More eDiscovery sessions happening!  Here are some of the sessions in the main conference tracks:

10:30 – 11:45 AM:

E-Discovery and the Cloud

Tom O'Connor, Director, Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center (and previous interviewee on this blog!) will discuss the following:

  • We've all heard of the cloud but are you sure you know what it means? A brief overview
  • New challenges created by the cloud
  • Impact of cloud storage on searchable documents: availability and costs
  • Reasonable discovery practices
  • The basic technical challenges for collecting, reviewing and producing relevant data from the cloud
  • Recent case law
  • Best practices for managing the cloud

Risk & Responsibility vs. Cost Control: Managing E-discovery's Great Balancing Act

Bill Speros, Attorney Consulting in Evidence Management, Speros & Associates LLC will discuss the following:

  • Framing the legal issues–identifying risks and responsibilities for companies and their counsel
  • Negotiations with opposing counsel
  • Custodian selection
  • Data selection
  • Culling options
  • Screen and produce
  • Automated review

2:00 – 3:15 PM:

Social Media and E-Discovery

Joshua A. Engel, Vice President and General Counsel, Lycurgus Group will discuss the following:

  • New challenges created by social media
  • New challenges created by the cloud
  • Impact of cloud storage on searchable documents: availability and costs
  • Reasonable discovery practices
  • Privacy concerns
  • Best practices for social media

Top 5 Ethical Concerns for Lawyers in E-discovery

Brett Burney, Burney Consultants LLC will discuss the following:

  • Appropriately supervise clients' discovery efforts (including potential conflicts around self collection)
  • Avoid conflicts of interest – attorney's and vendor's
  • Appropriately supervise document reviewers
  • Avoid serving as discovery process 30(b)(6) witness
  • Accurately represent clients' data storage paradigm and retrieval/restoration/review expenses

3:45 – 5:00 PM:

Share Point and E-Discovery

Beau Mersereau, Director of Applications, Development and Support, Fish & Richardson, P.C. will discuss the following:

  • An overview of share point and what it means to the legal industry
  • Impact on corporate record keeping
  • More data = more searchable material = higher costs
  • New challenges posed by share point
  • Best practices

The 5 Most Important Things you Need to Consider when Bringing e-Discovery In-house

You have made the decision to in-source certain aspects of the e-Discovery process, or you're considering the potential benefits, but the next step is a challenge. In this session, we will address the five most important things to consider as you take on the responsibilities and risks of e-Discovery internally. We will look through the lenses of both legal and IT, and discuss how best to support the technology and business processes. We also evaluate sourcing models to address the risks. This is an ideal panel for corporate legal departments to attend along with their IT department leaders.

Panelists are: Karen LaFleur, Director of Information Technology and Practice Support, BuchalterNemer, A Professional Corporation; Brett Burney, Burney Consultants LLC; and Lisa K. Clements, Litigation Support Manager, DLA Piper LLP (US).

In addition to these, there are other eDiscovery-related sessions today.  For a complete description for all sessions today, click here.

So, what do you think?  Are you planning to attend LTWC this year?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.