eDiscovery Daily Blog
Free Your Mind, the Matrix Has You – eDiscovery Trends

OK, maybe it’s not The Matrix with Neo and Morpheus, but if you perform a role in eDiscovery, the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) Talent Task Matrix probably describes the responsibilities associated with your role in the process.
Back in February, we introduced the Talent Task Matrix as a tool collaboratively developed by EDRM’s Jobs Project Team to help hiring managers better understand the responsibilities associated with common eDiscovery roles. The Matrix maps responsibilities to the EDRM framework, so eDiscovery duties associated can be assigned to the appropriate parties.
The EDRM Talent Task Matrix Spreadsheet is available in XLSX or PDF format. It shows the EDRM Stage and Stage Area, the Responsibility within each stage, followed by the various positions that have responsibilities within the eDiscovery life cycle. It shows a “Yes” for each responsibility that each position participates in the responsibility. There are 130 responsibilities listed in the Matrix, covering the entire EDRM life cycle.
Since the release of the Matrix in January 2013, it has been downloaded more than 1,000 times! Chances are, at least some of you reading this have downloaded it.
Now, as indicated in this press release, the EDRM Jobs Team is interested in learning how the Matrix is used by people responsible for hiring and professional development in their organizations. They specifically want to know how the Matrix was used and what results were achieved. They plan to use success stories regarding use of the Matrix to develop case studies to be posted on EDRM.net.
If you have downloaded the Matrix or know of someone who has downloaded the Matrix, EDRM would like to hear from you! Contact Tom Gelbmann or George Socha (at mail@edrm.net) to share your experiences and results (all responses will be held in confidence).
If your organization has not yet used the Matrix, but intends to do so, you can still contact them and provide a brief summary of your plans to use the Matrix and any comments or recommendations you may have to improve on the Matrix to meet your needs. It may not have those gun racks that appear out of nowhere, but it’s still pretty cool.
So, what do you think? Have you used the Talent Task Matrix? Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.
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