eDiscovery Daily Blog

Marketing a Litigation Support / eDiscovery Department within a Law Firm: Getting New Customers, Part 1


Your marketing efforts should be aimed at two goals: getting new customers and keeping existing customers.  We’ll start with marketing techniques for getting new customers.  We’ll cover ‘big-picture’ marketing activities – that is, marketing activities aimed at spreading the word about how your department can help litigators in the firm.  And, we’ll talk about one-on-one marketing to individual attorneys and litigation teams. 

‘Big-picture’ Marketing Mechanisms

Here are some marketing techniques and mechanisms that work well in a law firm environment, assuming they are done professionally and with your clients’ needs in mind:

  • Create descriptions of your services.  Describe what you do in writing.  Create simple, professional brochures that you can distribute to litigation department members.  Here are a few tips for creating effective service descriptions:
    • Identify the Problem.  Make sure that each description starts out by identifying the client’s problem or need that the service addresses.
    • Don’t include too much detail.  Attorneys are not likely to read a long document, and — more importantly – if your descriptions raise a few questions, that gives the reader a reason to contact you.
    • Categorize related services together.  This puts your services in a context that will be easier to understand.
  • Offer educational presentations.  There are three keys to making a presentation an effective marketing tool.  They are:
    • You need to get people to come!  Make sure you pick topics that are of interest to your audience and that you do good promotion of it.  One of the best ways to promote an educational presentation is to get buy-in from a senior attorney in the litigation department and have him/her promote it for you.
    • You need to give a good presentation.  Provide useful information.  Use terminology that your audience will know and examples that are relevant to them.  Make sure that the content is well organized.  Stay on topic and on schedule.  Use visuals and provide handouts.  And, make sure that the facility is comfortable (if your audience is not comfortable, they may have a hard time staying focused).
    • You need to do good follow-up.  Your work isn’t done when the presentation is over.  You need to follow-up with attendees.  Solicit feedback after the presentation and find out what other topics are of interest.  Send emails to thank individuals for attending.  Make phone calls to anyone who seemed particularly interested and find out what they are working on and how you might help.

Tomorrow, we’ll cover a few more techniques and mechanisms for getting new customers.  In the meantime, we’d really like your input on how you’ve approached marketing in your firm.  How much marketing do you do, and what’s worked well for you?  Please share any comments you might have or let us know if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.