eDiscovery Daily Blog

Pro Football Players Aren’t the Only Ones with Talent – eDiscovery Trends

In football, each team member has responsibilities.  For example, the quarterback throws the football (and sometimes changes the plays at the line of scrimmage), the receivers catch the football, the offensive line blocks and the defense tackles the guy with the ball.  Each player has responsibilities that align with their talents.  Likewise, the members of a litigation team have responsibilities that align with their talents.  Now, the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) has created a new tool to align talents with their associated tasks.

Last week, EDRM announced the release of the EDRM Talent Task Matrix diagram and spreadsheet. As noted in their press release, the Matrix, collaboratively developed by EDRM’s Jobs Project Team, is a tool designed to help hiring managers better understand the responsibilities associated with common eDiscovery roles. The Matrix maps responsibilities to the EDRM framework, so eDiscovery duties associated can be assigned to the appropriate parties.

The EDRM Talent Task Matrix Spreadsheet is available in XLSX or PDF format.  It shows the EDRM Stage and Stage Area, the Responsibility within each stage, followed by the various positions that have responsibilities within the eDiscovery life cycle, as follows:

  • CXO
  • Senior Attorney
  • Attorney
  • Paralegal
  • Litigation Support
  • Discovery Analyst
  • Document / Data Analysis
  • Forensic
  • Records Management
  • Information Technology
  • Review Lead
  • Review Quality Control

The Matrix shows a “Yes” for each responsibility that each position participates in the responsibility.  There are 130 responsibilities listed in the Matrix, covering the entire EDRM life cycle.

EDRM’s Talent Task Matrix represents the joint efforts of the entire EDRM Jobs Project Team, spearheaded by co-leaders Maria Montoya of Bryan University and Keith Tom. Wade Peterson of Bowman & Brooke LLP led the development of the Talent Task Matrix diagram.

Comments on the EDRM Talent Task Matrix Diagram and the EDRM Talent Task Matrix are now being accepted and can be posted at the bottom of the page here. The comment period continues until February 28.  It’s quite in-depth, so they might have to consider extending it.

Of course, when it comes to football, only one team can apply their talent best to accomplish their task – winning the game!  Congrats to the Baltimore Ravens – winners of Super Bowl XLVII!  Not even a power outage could keep them from accomplishing their goal.

So, what do you think?  Could this Matrix be useful to managing the resources in your litigation project?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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