eDiscovery Daily Blog

The Forecast is for Way More Clouds by 2018: eDiscovery Trends

According to a new Gartner report released earlier this month, by 2018, at least 30% of the data reviewed in eDiscovery will be stored in the cloud, up from 5% this year.

The report, titled “Critical Capabilities for E-Discovery Software”, identifies six critical capabilities and three use cases to provide detailed ranking on software products from 20 eDiscovery vendors.  Other key findings include:

  • Not surprisingly, there is a disconnection between IT and legal and, as a result, “[e]ach e-discovery case is often an isolated event and handled as a project”. This project-based approach means that “organizations invest in multiple tools and providers for their e-discovery technology needs”.
  • The eDiscovery market is still “relatively mature”, but “still faces a new wave of first-time buyers as litigation and investigation impact more and more nonregulated industries”.
  • The current market “lacks effective and cohesive technologies” to address new data sources (such as social media and other Web data) in collection and preservation.

The report recommends creating an eDiscovery stakeholder group which consists of IT, inside counsel, risk and security leaders to oversee projects, seek to identify eDiscovery tools and/or manual processes now in use by both IT and legal and consolidate solutions where overlapping capabilities may exist.

The Critical Capabilities document uses the same criteria for vendor inclusion as the “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software” report released by Gartner earlier this year (and covered by us here).  The report ranks the vendors for each of the three use cases, provides a table showing the product score for each vendor for both the three use cases and six critical capabilities and also provides a written summary of each vendor’s capabilities.

To learn more about the report and purchase a copy, click here.

So, what do you think? Are you surprised by the trend toward cloud-based eDiscovery review?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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