eDiscovery Daily Blog

Transparency Reports for Other Companies – Social Tech eDiscovery

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a fresh look at Twitter’s Law Enforcement Policies and their latest Transparency Report to show government requests for data, looked at (for the first time) LinkedIn’s Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines and Transparency Report and, yesterday, looked at Facebook’s policies and Government Request Reports.  Today, we will look at Transparency Reports for other companies.

Many other high profile companies also provide reports showing government requests for data, not just social media companies.  Some, like Google, provide a highly interactive report to navigate to various types of requests, ranging from government requests to remove data to requests for information about their users.  Others, like Apple, provide a simple one page letter with broad ranges of information requests and accounts affected (Apple’s latest letter is over a year old).  Some are current (through the end of 2013 at least), others have not been updated to reflect data since the end of 2012.  Evidently, some companies take transparency more seriously than others!  With that in mind, here are links to reports for various high profile technology companies where you might have data:

I tried to pull up the Transparency Report for Pinterest, but the link immediately redirects to their help page, so it’s only transparent if you can read really fast!

Obviously, in these modern times, our data (both personal and professional) is stored by a number of companies and law enforcement entities will request data from those companies for investigative purposes.  It’s a good idea to know how those companies respond to those requests and what rights you have as a customer.

So, what do you think?  Have you needed to request user information from any high profile technology companies for litigation purposes?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

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