Managing discovery is more complicated and expensive than ever, with more data and documents to manage, new sources and types of data to consider, and changing Federal and State rules. As an attorney, what do you need to know today to stay on top of it all? This CLE-approved* webcast session hosted by ACEDS will cover key terms, rules, duties, and case law to give you the tools and resources necessary to efficiently and effectively meet the challenging discovery obligations that attorneys will face in 2017.
Webinar Coordination
+ Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017
+ Time: 12:00PM CST
+ Host: ACEDS
+ Registration: Click here.
Webinar Highlights
+ Key Terms
+ Phases of the EDRM
+ Rules Regarding Electronically Stored Information (ESI)
+ Competency Ethical Duties of Attorneys Regarding eDiscovery
+ Top Ten Important Cases in the Evolution of eDiscovery Best Practices
+ Useful Resources for eDiscovery Continued Education
Webinar Presenters
Doug Austin: Doug is the VP of Operations and Professional Services for CloudNine. At CloudNine, Doug manages professional services consulting projects for CloudNine clients. Doug has over 25 years of experience providing legal technology consulting, technical project management and software development services to numerous commercial and government clients.
Doug is also the editor of the CloudNine sponsored eDiscovery Daily blog, which has become a trusted resource for eDiscovery news and analysis.
Karen DeSouza: Karen is the Director of Review Services, In-House Counsel, and a Professional Services Consultant for CloudNine. Also, Karen helps attorneys with CloudNine’s software and Pre-Litigation Consulting Services. Karen is a licensed attorney in Texas and has over 15 years of legal experience. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies – American Jurisprudence. Before CloudNine, Karen worked as an E-Discovery Director, Project Manager, and as an Associate at various law firms in Houston area where her primary focus was litigation.
*Approved for MCLE in TX and FL (and selected states based on approval at time of webcast delivery).