eDiscovery Daily Blog

ILTACON is One Month Away. And, I’m Speaking – Twice!: eDiscovery Trends

Hard to believe, but we’re just one month away from ILTACON 2019, being held this year at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando August 18-22.  CloudNine will be at the conference in a big way again this year.  And, so will I, as I will be speaking not just once, but twice at this year’s conference!

As always, the conference will be four days, preceded by some networking activities (including the annual golf tournament) on Sunday the 18th.  Educational sessions will begin on Monday the 19th and continue through Thursday the 22nd.  And, the Exhibit Hall will also be open for four days, starting with the annual opening reception: A Whole New World of Possibilities-A Journey through Classic TV.  Should be interesting to see what types of characters people dress up for that one!  Here’s a link to the summary agenda.

Speaking of the Exhibit Hall, CloudNine will be exhibiting again at this year’s show at booth #624.  We expect to have several exciting announcements regarding our products in the next couple of weeks and will announce what we plan to showcase before the conference begins.  If you are attending ILTACON this year and would like to schedule a meeting with us, you can go to this page to request a demo and indicate that you want to meet at ILTACON 2019!

When we get closer to the conference, we will have a preview post to identify some of the more interesting topics to be covered at this year’s educational sessions.  Here’s a link to the session grid – keep in mind that this is as of July 12 and still subject to change.

One thing that won’t change is that I’m speaking at ILTACON again this year.  This time, I’m speaking twice!  On Wednesday, I will be part of ILTACON’s brand new Litigation Support Day, which features a DAY of SPARK (Short, Provocative, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Knowledgeable) talks by leaders in the industry.  Organized by David Hasman of Bricker & Eckler, David Horrigan of Relativity, and Philip Weldon of Fried Frank, this program will be moderated by David, and the program will feature presentations on everything from cloud transformation to career development and job interview techniques.

I will be participating in Session One – Litigation Support State of the Union from 9:00-10:30am that day.

I will also be moderating the session Choosing a Predictive Coding Approach – “Predictive Coding For Dummies” on Thursday from 11:30am-12:30pm.  In that session, you can gain a full understanding of analytic jargon, acronyms [TAR, CAL, SPL, SAL?], learn the pros and cons of each approach, and collect a few tips for selling it to case teams, clients, and opposing counsel!  We’ll also conduct a fun exercise that illustrates how a supervised machine learning approach works.  Speakers for the session include: Doug Matthews, Partner at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP; Lia Majid, CEO and Founder of Acorn Legal Solutions; Julian Ackert, Managing Director at iDiscovery Solutions, Inc. and Trena Patton, Solutions Architect at Epiq.  Come check it out!

So, what do you think?  Do you plan to attend ILTACON this year?  As always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Sponsor: This blog is sponsored by CloudNine, which is a data and legal discovery technology company with proven expertise in simplifying and automating the discovery of data for audits, investigations, and litigation. Used by legal and business customers worldwide including more than 50 of the top 250 Am Law firms and many of the world’s leading corporations, CloudNine’s eDiscovery automation software and services help customers gain insight and intelligence on electronic data.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.