eDiscovery Daily Blog

Marketing a Litigation Support / eDiscovery Department within a Law Firm: Getting New Customers, Part 3


Last week, we covered several ‘big-picture’ marketing mechanisms and techniques that work well in a law firm.  There are just a few more I want to mention: 

  • Get on the firm’s New Matter distribution list and reach out to attorneys with new cases. Find out about every new case that comes in the door and do research on every new client.  Reach out to the attorneys handling each new case and remind them about how you can help.  Establish a routine for this (for example, create an email template that you can reuse).  This serves two purposes:  it reminds attorneys that you’re available to help, and it may get you involved earlier in a case.
  • Keep on top of what’s going on in the industryYou need to be the expert in litigation support and eDiscovery trends, so attorneys turn to you for news and information.  If you become the “go-to” person, your level of business will almost certainly increase.  Here are some ways you can stay in-the-know:
    • Subscribe to trade publications, like eDiscovery Daily😉
    • Join litigation support and eDiscovery professional associations.
    • Attend trade shows
    • Join professional social networking groups
    • Attend webinars
    • Keep in touch with peers in the industry
    • Become part of the firm’s new-hire orientation program for new litigation associates and paralegals.  Educate new-hires about what you do and how you can help.
    • Network and schmooze!  Be everywhere.  Talk to everyone.  Make it a goal that everyone in the firm knows who you are, what you do, how you can help, and how to reach you.

So far, we’ve covered several mechanisms and techniques for big-picture marketing – that is, marketing that is aimed at spreading the word about what you so.  Tomorrow, we’ll start talking about techniques and mechanisms for doing one-on-one marketing to individual attorneys and litigation teams in the firm. 

In the meantime, we’d really like your input on how you’ve approached marketing in your firm.  How much marketing do you do, and what’s worked well for you?  Please share any comments you might have or let us know if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.