eDiscovery Daily Blog

The Challenges of Modern Discovery – CloudNine Webinar

In the past, attorneys relied on printed pages and forensic imaging to produce and review traditional documents. Neither method is capable of telling the whole story. By treating data as documents, legal teams are unable to draw context from metadata, families, and threads. Static documents also don’t permit the deduplication or isolation of messages at the individual level. These shortcomings lead to slowed review speeds, excessive redactions, and the loss of relevant information.

Since then, the eDiscovery landscape has broadened to encompass modern data types such as text, geolocation, and social media data. When exported by other eDiscovery providers, the data is displayed in unwieldy spreadsheets and JSON files. Lawyers who opt to export modern data face many of the same challenges as they would with traditional discovery measures. As an alternative, a lawyer may try to produce modern ESI in the form of screenshots. Screenshots are mistakenly viewed as an easier production form because they offer clear images of conversations and provide details such as contact names and messaging times. However, several judges have rejected their admission in court due to authenticity concerns. Nowadays, it’s very easy to fabricate text conversations.

As the amount of modern ESI grows, developing an efficient and defensible discovery process becomes paramount. Rob Lekowski and Rick Clark from the CloudNine team joined Kevin Thompson from the Chicago Bar Association to discuss how CloudNine ESI Analyst uniquely tackles the pitfalls of modern discovery. Rob and Rick also provided insight into common questions such as:

  • How should legal teams deal with deleted documents?
  • What are the estimated costs and duration times for small, medium, and big cases?
  • Can you still collect evidence with CloudNine ESI Analyst if you don’t have access to the physical device?
  • How should an attorney negotiate keyword searches with opposing counsel?

To learn how to process and review modern data types in a single platform, watch the webinar here.