CloudNine News

Blue Hill Research Notes CloudNine in Modern eDiscovery Platform Report

Extract from article by Jim Duffy, Esq.

In order to assist organizations with their own eDiscovery solution selection and evaluation of eDiscovery vendor support for eDiscovery challenges, Blue Hill Research assembled a select Solution Landscape describing eDiscovery vendors that demonstrate strong adoption of modern eDiscovery solution components that include: (1) cloud-based deployment, (2) focus on expanded data collection, (3) robust predictive coding and analytics capabilities, and (4) improved user interface and user experience.

CloudNine received mention in the report Reinvesting in the eDiscovery Cycles: Modern eDiscovery Platforms and was noted as one of the vendors in the eDiscovery ecosystem that demonstrated attention to the challenges identified by Jim Duffy, Esq. of Blue Hill Research.

Source: Blue Hill Research

For access to the complete report, click here.
