
eDiscovery Trends: Our 2012 Predictions


Yesterday, we evaluated what others are saying and noted popular eDiscovery prediction trends for the coming year.  It’s interesting to identify common trends among the prognosticators and also the unique predictions as well.

But we promised our own predictions for today, so here they are.  One of the nice things about writing and editing a daily eDiscovery blog is that it forces you to stay abreast of what’s going on in the industry.  Based on the numerous stories we’ve read (many of which we’ve also written about), and in David Letterman “Top 10” fashion, here are our eDiscovery predictions for 2012:

  • Still More ESI in the Cloud: Frankly, this is like predicting “the Sun will be hot in 2012”.  Given the predictions in cloud growth by Forrester and Gartner, it seems inevitable that organizations will continue to migrate more data and applications to “the cloud”.  Even if some organizations continue to resist the cloud movement, those organizations still have to address the continued growth in usage of social media sites in business (which, last I checked, are based in the cloud).  It’s inevitable.
  • More eDiscovery Technology in the Cloud As Well: We will continue to see more cloud offerings for eDiscovery technology, ranging from information governance to preservation and collection to review and production.  With the need for corporations to share potentially responsive ESI with one or more outside counsel firms, experts and even opposing counsel, cloud based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are a logical choice for sharing that information effortlessly without having to buy software, hardware and provide infrastructure to do so.  Every year at LegalTech, there seems to be a few more eDiscovery cloud providers and this year should be no different.
  • Self-Service in the Cloud: So, organizations are seeing the benefits of the cloud not only for storing ESI, but also managing it during Discovery.  It’s the cost effective alternative.  But, organizations are demanding the control of a desktop application within their eDiscovery applications.  The ability to load your own data, add your own users and maintain their rights, create your own data fields are just a few of the capabilities that organizations expect to be able to do themselves.  And, more providers are responding to those needs.  That trend will continue this year.
  • Technology Assisted Review: This was the most popular prediction among the pundits we reviewed.  The amount of data in the world continues to explode, as there were 988 exabytes in the whole world as of 2010 and Cisco predicts that IP traffic over data networks will reach 4.8 zettabytes (each zettabyte is 1,000 exabytes) by 2015.  More than five times the data in five years.  Even in the smaller cases, there’s simply too much data to not use technology to get through it all.  Whether it’s predictive coding, conceptual clustering or some other technology, it’s required to enable attorneys manage the review more effectively and efficiently.
  • Greater Adoption of eDiscovery Technology for Smaller Cases: As each gigabyte of data is between 50,000 and 100,000 pages, a “small” case of 4 GB (or two max size PST files in Outlook® 2003) can still be 300,000 pages or more.  As “small” cases are no longer that small, attorneys are forced to embrace eDiscovery technology for the smaller cases as well.  And, eDiscovery providers are taking note.
  • Continued Focus on International eDiscovery:  So, cases are larger and there’s more data in the cloud, which leads to more cases where Discovery of ESI internationally becomes an issue.  The Sedona Conference® just issued in December the Public Comment Version of The Sedona Conference® International Principles on Discovery, Disclosure & Data Protection: Best Practices, Recommendations & Principles for Addressing the Preservation & Discovery of Protected Data in U.S. Litigation, illustrating how important an issue this is becoming for eDiscovery.
  • Prevailing Parties Awarded eDiscovery Costs: Shifting to the courtroom, we have started to see more cases where the prevailing party is awarded their eDiscovery costs as part of their award.  As organizations have pushed for more proportionality in the Discovery process, courts have taken it upon themselves to impose that proportionality through taxing the “losers” for reimbursement of costs, causing prevailing defendants to say: “Sue me and lose?  Pay my costs!”.
  • Continued Efforts and Progress on Rules Changes: Speaking of proportionality, there will be continued efforts and progress on changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as organizations push for clarity on preservation and other obligations to attempt to bring spiraling eDiscovery costs under control.  It will take time, but progress will be made toward that goal this year.
  • Greater Price/Cost Control Pressure on eDiscovery Services: In the meantime, while waiting for legislative relief, organizations will expect the cost for eDiscovery services to be more affordable and predictable.  In order to accommodate larger amounts of data, eDiscovery providers will need to offer simplified and attractive pricing alternatives.
  • Big Player Consolidation Continues, But Plenty of Smaller Players Available: In 2011, we saw HP acquire Autonomy and Symantec acquire Clearwell, continuing a trend of acquisitions of the “big players” in the industry.  This trend will continue, but there is still plenty of room for the “little guy” as smaller providers have been pooling resources to compete, creating an interesting dichotomy in the industry of few big and many small providers in eDiscovery.

So, what do you think?  Care to offer your own predictions?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: 2012 Predictions – By The Numbers

With a nod to Nick Bakay, “It’s all so simple when you break things down scientifically.”

The late December/early January time frame is always when various people in eDiscovery make their annual predictions as to what trends to expect in the coming year.  I know what you’re thinking – “oh no, not another set of eDiscovery predictions!”  However, at eDiscovery Daily, we do things a little bit differently.  We like to take a look at other predictions and see if we can spot some common trends among those before offering some of our own (consider it the ultimate “cheat sheet”).  So, as I did last year, I went “googling” for 2012 eDiscovery predictions, and organized the predictions into common themes.  I found eDiscovery predictions here, here, here, here, here, here and Applied Discovery.  Oh, and also here, here and here.  Ten sets of predictions in all!  Whew!

A couple of quick comments: 1) Not all of these are from the original sources, but the links above attribute the original sources when they are re-prints.  If I have failed to accurately attribute the original source for a set of predictions, please feel free to comment.  2) This is probably not an exhaustive list of predictions (I have other duties in my “day job”, so I couldn’t search forever), so I apologize if I’ve left anybody’s published predictions out.  Again, feel free to comment if you’re aware of other predictions.

Here are some of the common themes:

  • Technology Assisted Review: Nine out of ten “prognosticators” (up from 2 out of 7 last year) predicted a greater emphasis/adoption of technological approaches.  While some equate technology assisted review with predictive coding, other technology approaches such as conceptual clustering are also increasing in popularity.  Clearly, as the amount of data associated with the typical litigation rises dramatically, technology is playing a greater role to enable attorneys manage the review more effectively and efficiently.
  • eDiscovery Best Practices Combining People and Technology: Seven out of ten “augurs” also had predictions related to various themes associated with eDiscovery best practices, especially processes that combine people and technology.  Some have categorized it as a “maturation” of the eDiscovery process, with corporations becoming smarter about eDiscovery and integrating it into core business practices.  We’ve had numerous posts regarding to eDiscovery best practices in the past year, click here for a selection of them.
  • Social Media Discovery: Six “pundits” forecasted a continued growth in sources and issues related to social media discovery.  Bet you didn’t see that one coming!  For a look back at cases from 2011 dealing with social media issues, click here.
  • Information Governance: Five “soothsayers” presaged various themes related to the promotion of information governance practices and programs, ranging from a simple “no more data hoarding” to an “emergence of Information Management platforms”.  For our posts related to Information Governance and management issues, click here.
  • Cloud Computing: Five “mediums” (but are they happy mediums?) predict that ESI and eDiscovery will continue to move to the cloud.  Frankly, given the predictions in cloud growth by Forrester and Gartner, I’m surprised that there were only five predictions.  Perhaps predicting growth of the cloud has become “old hat”.
  • Focus on eDiscovery Rules / Court Guidance: Four “prophets” (yes, I still have my thesaurus!) expect courts to provide greater guidance on eDiscovery best practices in the coming year via a combination of case law and pilot programs/model orders to establish expectations up front.
  • Complex Data Collection: Four “psychics” also predicted that data collection will continue to become more complex as data sources abound, the custodian-based collection model comes under stress and self-collection gives way to more automated techniques.

The “others receiving votes” category (three predicting each of these) included cost shifting and increased awards of eDiscovery costs to the prevailing party in litigation, flexible eDiscovery pricing and predictable or reduced costs, continued focus on international discovery and continued debate on potential new eDiscovery rules.  Two each predicted continued consolidation of eDiscovery providers, de-emphasis on use of backup tapes, de-emphasis on use of eMail, multi-matter eDiscovery management (to leverage knowledge gained in previous cases), risk assessment /statistical analysis and more single platform solutions.  And, one predicted more action on eDiscovery certifications.

Some interesting predictions.  Tune in tomorrow for ours!

So, what do you think?  Care to offer your own “hunches” from your crystal ball?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Year in Review: eDiscovery Case Law, Part 4


As we noted the past three days, eDiscovery Daily has published 65 posts related to eDiscovery case decisions and activities over the past year, covering 50 unique cases!  Yesterday, we looked back at cases related to discovery of social media.  One final set of cases to review.

We grouped those cases into common subject themes and have been reviewing them over the next few posts.  Perhaps you missed some of these?  Now is your chance to catch up!


Behold the king!  I’ll bet that you won’t be surprised that the topic with the largest number of case law decisions (by far!) related to eDiscovery are those related to sanctions and spoliation issues.  Late in 2010, eDiscovery Daily reported on a Duke Law Journal article that indicated back then that sanctions were at an all-time high and the number of cases with sanction awards remains high.

Of the 50 cases we covered this past year, over a third of them (17 total cases) related to sanctions and spoliation issues.  Here they are.  And, as you’ll see by the first case (and a few others), sanctions requested are not always granted.  Then again, sometimes both sides get sanctioned!

No Sanctions for Scrubbing Computers Assumed to be Imaged.  In this case, data relevant to the case was lost when computers were scrubbed and sold by the defendants with the permission of the court-appointed Receiver, based on the Receiver’s mistaken belief that all relevant computers had been imaged and instruction to the defendants to scrub all computers before selling.  Because of the loss of this data, defendants filed a motion for spoliation sanctions for what they described as “the FTC’s bad-faith destruction of Defendants’ computer systems.”  Was the motion granted?

Spoliate Evidence, Don’t Go to Jail, but Pay a Million Dollars.  Defendant Mark Pappas, President of Creative Pipe, Inc., was ordered by Magistrate Judge Paul W. Grimm to "be imprisoned for a period not to exceed two years, unless and until he pays to Plaintiff the attorney's fees and costs". However, ruling on the defendants’ appeal, District Court Judge Marvin J. Garbis declined to adopt the order regarding incarceration, stating it was not "appropriate to Order Defendant Pappas incarcerated for future possible failure to comply with his obligation to make payment…". So, how much was he ordered to pay?  Now we know.  That decision was affirmed here.

Deliberately Produce Wrong Cell Phone, Get Sanctioned.  In this case, the plaintiff originally resisted production of a laptop and a cell phone for examination, but ultimately produced a laptop and cell phone. The problem with that production? After examination, it was determined that neither device was in use during the relevant time period and the actual devices used during that time frame were no longer in plaintiff’s possession. When requested to explain as to why this was not disclosed initially, the plaintiff’s attorney explained that he was torn between his “competing duties” of protecting his client and candor to the court.  Really?

Destroy Data, Pay $1 Million, Lose Case.  A federal judge in Chicago has levied sanctions against Rosenthal Collins Group LLC and granted a default judgment to the defendant for misconduct in a patent infringement case, also ordering the Chicago-based futures broker's counsel to pay "the costs and attorneys fees incurred in litigating this motion" where plaintiff’s agent modified metadata related to relevant source code and wiped several relevant disks and devices prior to their production and where the court found counsel participated in "presenting misleading, false information, materially altered evidence and willful non-compliance with the Court’s orders."

Conclusion of Case Does Not Preclude Later Sanctions.  In this products liability case that had been settled a year earlier, the plaintiff sought to re-open the case and requested sanctions alleging the defendant systematically destroyed evidence, failed to produce relevant documents and committed other discovery violations in bad faith. As Yogi Berra would say, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over”.

Written Litigation Hold Notice Not Required.  The Pension Committee case was one of the most important cases of 2010 (or any year, for that matter). So, perhaps it’s not surprising that it is starting to become frequently cited by those looking for sanction for failure to issue a written litigation hold. In this case, the defendant cited Pension Committee, arguing that plaintiff’s failure to issue a written litigation hold and subsequent failure to produce three allegedly relevant emails allowed for a presumption that relevant evidence was lost, thereby warranting spoliation sanctions.  Was the court’s ruling consistent with Pension Committee?

No Sanctions Ordered for Failure to Preserve Backups.  A sanctions motion has been dismissed by the U.S. District Court of Texas in a recent case involving electronic backups and email records, on the grounds that there was no duty to preserve backup tapes and no bad faith in overwriting records.

Discovery Violations Result in Sanctions Against Plaintiff and Counsel.  Both the plaintiff and plaintiff's counsel have been ordered to pay sanctions for discovery abuses in a lawsuit in Washington court that was dismissed with prejudice on June 8, 2011.

Meet and Confer is Too Late for Preservation Hold.  A US District court in Indiana ruled on June 28 in favor of a motion for an Order to Secure Evidence in an employment discrimination lawsuit. The defendant had given the plaintiff reason to believe that emails and other relevant documents might be destroyed prior to Rule 26(f) meeting between the parties or Rule 16(b) discovery conference with the court. As a result, the plaintiff formally requested a litigation hold on all potentially relevant documents, which was approved by US Magistrate Judge Andrew Rodovich.

Court Orders Sanctions in Response to "Callous and Careless Attitude" of Defendant in Discovery.  A Special Master determined that multiple discovery failures on the part of the defendant in an indemnity action were due to discovery procedures "wholly devoid of competence, yet only once motivated by guile". Accordingly, the court ordered sanctions against the defendant and also ordered the defendant to pay all costs associated with its discovery failures, including plaintiff's attorney fees and costs.

Court Upholds Sanctions for Intentional Spoliation of Unallocated Space Data.  The Supreme Court of Delaware recently upheld the sanctions against the defendant for wiping the unallocated space on his company’s computer system, despite a court order prohibiting such destruction. In this case, Arie Genger, CEO of Trans-Resources, Inc., argued that sanctions against him were unreasonable and made a motion for the court to overturn its previous decision regarding spoliation of discovery materials. Instead, after due process, the court upheld its earlier decision.

Sanctions for Spoliation, Even When Much of the Data Was Restored.  A Virginia court recently ordered sanctions against the defendant in a case of deliberate spoliation of electronic discovery documents. In this case, the defendant was found to have committed spoliation "in bad faith" in a manner that constituted a "violation of duty… to the Court and the judicial process."

"Untimely" Motion for Sanctions for Spoliation Denied.  A recent ruling by the US District Court of Tennessee has denied a motion for sanctions for spoliation on the grounds that the motion was "untimely." In this case, the plaintiff argued that the defendants' admitted failure to preserve evidence "warrants a harsh penalty," but the court found in favor of the defense that the motion was untimely.

Defendant Sanctioned for Abandonment and Sale of Server; Defendants' Counsel Unaware of Spoliation.  An Illinois District Court ordered heavy sanctions against the defense for spoliation "willfully and in bad faith" of documents stored on a server, in a case revolving around damages sought for breach of loan agreements.

Facebook Spoliation Significantly Mitigates Plaintiff’s Win.  In this case with both social media and spoliation issues, monetary sanctions were ordered against the plaintiff and his counsel for significant discovery violations. Those violations included intentional deletion of pictures on the plaintiff’s Facebook page as instructed by his Counsel as well as subsequent efforts to cover those instructions up, among others.

Lilly Fails to Meet its eDiscovery Burden, Sanctions Ordered.  In this case, a Tennessee District court found that “Lilly failed to take reasonable steps to preserve, search for, and collect potentially relevant information, particularly electronic data, after its duty to preserve evidence was triggered by being served with the complaint.” As a result, the court ordered sanctions against Lilly. How far did the court go with those sanctions?

Court Grants Adverse Inference Sanctions Against BOTH Sides.  Have you ever seen the video where two boxers knock each other out at the same time? That’s similar to what happened in this case. In this case, the court addressed the parties’ cross motions for sanctions, ordering an adverse inference for the defendants’ failure to preserve relevant video surveillance footage, as well as an adverse inference for the plaintiff’s failure to preserve relevant witness statements. The court also awarded defendants attorneys’ fees and costs and ordered re-deposition of several witnesses at the plaintiff’s expense due to other plaintiff spoliation findings.

Next week, we will begin looking ahead at 2012 and expected eDiscovery trends for the coming year.

So, what do you think?  Of all of the cases that we have recapped over the past four days, which case do you think was the most significant?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Year in Review: eDiscovery Case Law, Part 3


As we noted the past two days, eDiscovery Daily has published 65 posts related to eDiscovery case decisions and activities over the past year, covering 50 unique cases!  Yesterday, we looked back at cases related to privilege & inadvertent disclosures, proportionality and eDiscovery service disputes, including the notable McDermott Will & Emery eDiscovery malpractice case.  But, we still have more cases to review.  So, let’s keep going!

We grouped those cases into common subject themes and will review them over the next few posts.  Perhaps you missed some of these?  Now is your chance to catch up!


Social media affects all aspects of litigation from the discovery of data from social media web sites to social media communication during trial.  You even have jurors trying to “friend” participants in the case!

Organizations now have to not only plan for preserving, collecting, reviewing and producing conventional data, but also posts, tweets, IMs and more.  You know that already.  What you may not know is that in nearly every case discussed in eDiscovery Daily this past year where social media data was requested, that request was granted.  Oh, and if you have text messages as evidence, you may have to provide corroborating evidence to verify authorship of those text messages for them to be admissible – at least in Pennsylvania.  Here are eight cases related to social media issues:

Jurors and Social Media Don’t Mix.  Discovery of social media is continuing to increase as a significant issue for organizations to address, with more and more cases addressing the topic. However, when it comes to social media, courts agree on one thing: jurors and social media don’t mix. Courts have consistently rejected attempts by jurors to use social technology to research or to communicate about a case, and have increasingly provided pre-trial and post-closing jury instructions to jurors to dissuade them from engaging in this practice.

Cut and Paste Makes the Cut as Evidence.  In this case, the defendant in a criminal case appealed his conviction and raised the issue of whether the prosecution properly authenticated instant messages cut-and-pasted into a Microsoft Word document.

Defendant Can’t Be Plaintiff’s Friend on Facebook.  In this case, Bucks County, Pa., Common Pleas Court Judge Albert J. Cepparulo denied the motion from the defendant requesting access to the photos of plaintiff Sara Piccolo posted in her Facebook account, rejecting McMillen v. Hummingbird Speedway, Inc., in which the court ordered the plaintiff to provide his username and password to the defendant’s attorney, as a precedent.

Social Media Posts Deemed Discoverable in Personal Injury Case.  A Pennsylvania court recently ordered the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit to disclose social media passwords and usernames to the defendant for eDiscovery. Discoverability of social media continues to be a hot topic in eDiscovery, as eDiscovery Daily has noted in summaries of prior cases that reflect varied outcomes for requests to access social media data.

A Pennsylvania Court Conducts Its Own Social Media Relevancy Review.  Pennsylvania seems to be taking the lead in setting social media discovery precedents. In this case, a Pennsylvania court agreed to review a plaintiff's Facebook account in order to determine which information is subject to discovery in a case relating to the plaintiff's claim of injury in a motor vehicle accident.

Defendant Ordered to Re-Post Infringing Photograph to Facebook Profile.  In this case, a New Jersey court ordered the defendant to re-post a photograph displaying infringing trade dress to his Facebook profile for a brief period of time to allow the plaintiff to print copies, in a case involving trademark infringement.

Court Rules 'Circumstantial Evidence' Must Support Authorship of Text Messages for Admissibility.  When are text messages admissible in court? Which text messages qualify as evidence, and what does it take to prove authorship of a text message? A recent opinion from the Pennsylvania Superior Court addresses these very issues in an old yet new way, perhaps setting the precedent for future cases and opening what seems to be a potential Pandora's Box of obstacles to the use of text messages as legal evidence.

Facebook Content Discoverable Yet Again.  It seems most, if not all, of the cases these days where discoverability of social media is at issue are being decided by courts in favor of the parties seeking to discover this information. Here’s another example.

Tune in tomorrow for more key cases of 2011 and see the topic that continues to generate more case law related to eDiscovery than any other!  Yes, I know I said that yesterday, but I forgot that topic was planned for the big finish tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

So, what do you think?  Did you miss any of these?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Case Law: Court Grants Adverse Inference Sanctions Against BOTH Sides


Have you ever seen the video where two boxers knock each other out at the same time?  That’s similar to what happened in this case.

In Patel v. Havana Bar, Restaurant & Catering, No. 10-1383, (E.D. Pa. Dec. 5, 2011), a case of dueling claims of spoliation, the court imposed sanctions against both parties for failing uphold their duty to preserve relevant evidence.

The plaintiff was attending an engagement party when he fell from a second floor loft overlooking the dance floor. Whether the plaintiff fell due to intoxication or whether he intentionally jumped was a matter in dispute. During discovery, the parties filed cross-motions seeking sanctions for discovery violations.

The bar's video system recorded the evening's events, but the bar owner failed to preserve the recording. He attempted to copy the video before the system's automatic overwriting erased it, but he did not have the right equipment to make a copy. In addition, the system allowed him to print images from the recording, but he failed to take advantage of this feature. Thus, the court found that spoliation had occurred: even though the defendant took some steps to preserve evidence, his steps were inadequate. Thus, the court imposed an adverse inference sanction against the bar.

Additionally, the defendant sought spoliation sanctions against the plaintiff for failing to preserve statements of witnesses who attended the party. In 2008, the plaintiff's sister-in-law sent a message over Facebook asking attendees to write statements supporting the plaintiff's case that he was not intoxicated and that he was merely jovial. However, in 2010, the sister-in-law again asked attendees for statements via Facebook, this time requesting confirmation that the bar recklessly served the plaintiff alcohol and explaining that she would not use statements that the plaintiff jumped from the second floor. The plaintiff did not share any of the statements with the defendant until defense counsel discovered their existence during a deposition. Then, the plaintiff's counsel turned the 2010 statements over one by one as depositions occurred. The plaintiff never produced any of the 2008 statements, and family members offered conflicting stories as to their whereabouts.

The court imposed a number of sanctions on the plaintiff, finding that his behavior "ran completely afoul of the goals of discovery." The sanctions included an adverse inference sanction for failing to provide the statements. The court also ordered the plaintiff to pay for the costs of redeposing several witnesses. Finally, the court awarded the defendants fees and costs "for the time and effort they expended in attempting to obtain discovery that they were entitled to receive."

So, what do you think?  Did they both deserve what they got?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case Summary Source: Applied Discovery (free subscription required).

eDiscovery Daily will take a break for the New Years holiday and will return next Tuesday, January 3.  Happy New Year from all of us at Cloudnine Discovery and eDiscovery Daily!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: Joseph Collins


This is the fifth of our Holiday Thought Leader Interview series, originally scheduled to be published on Tuesday, but rescheduled to today.  I interviewed several thought leaders to get their perspectives on various eDiscovery topics.

Today’s thought leader is Joseph Collins.  Joseph is the co-founder and president of VaporStream, which provides recordless communications. Joseph previously worked in the energy marketplace, but has become an advocate for private communication in business, even within the legal community.

Your product is designed to provide email-like communications that leave no record after being read. How did you get interested in communications that do not leave records? Why is this a legitimate business need?

We got into recordless communications because of the basic lack of privacy and confidentially online.  When I got my first email account back in the day I was told to be very careful what I write because you have no control over that message; I had to write like what I was writing was going to be on the front page of the newspaper.  The problem is people just don’t communicate that way, people need privacy and email and text just do not allow for it.

There is a legitimate business need because businesses need privacy and confidentiality for their internal communications.  Many times employees need to have confidential discussions and VaporStream facilitates that.  Have frank and honest communications are paramount in any company, and it is very hard to have that when think that that email and conversation might be end up in the wrong place.

Businesses do not need to “keep everything,” in fact they need to be able to decide what is considered to be material business information and what is not.  VaporStream facilities this decision making process because the data creator is going to be much better at knowing what need to be retained then a record management person on the back end.

How do you address the concerns of the legal community about VaporStream communications? Lawyers have been trained to keep records of everything- why should they consider using a service like yours?

Most lawyers keep everything because they already get private communications via attorney privilege, but also because they bill by the hour and want the email to prove it.  So lawyers are not our target market, but their clients are, and lawyers understand the risk and liability in communications.  There is one set of lawyers that can and do use VaporStream: IP lawyers. Their email is discoverable as part of the patent process, so we find IP lawyers like to use it to have those private and confidential communications that they need to effectively do their job.

Does VaporStream enable law breaking? If the executives at Enron had used a product like this, would they have gotten away with conspiring to manipulate financial data?

VaporStream is a technology and any technology can be misused, just like a knife or a car, there are benefits and possible misuse. From a corporate prospective you can use our VaporStream Enterprise Server, which will allow you to use filters just like corporate email and give companies protection from misuse.

In no way would VaporStream have helped Enron. The guys at Enron got caught because they commit fraud, not because of some smoking gun in email discovery. It was the fraud that bankrupted Enron, not the communications around it.  

Do you think that organizations over-preserve electronic evidence? Is there an argument to be made for more data destruction and less retention?

Absolutely, but the question is how do you accomplish this task. Best practices for data preservation and destruction have been around for a while now, but are companies better off today? Looking at the headlines for newspapers and the mountains of eDiscovery, it is clear the answer is no.

VaporStream allows companies to keep the valuable business information in email and then automatically get rid of the non-material information that is created by the company. By keeping information you do not need, not only are you are wasting lots of money each year, but it is a tremendous legal liability. Again, most companies are not obligated to “keep everything,” so it’s crazy to do so.  

What does this mean for eDiscovery? Could parties get in trouble for a failure to preserve evidence if it's discovered they use a service like VaporStream to communicate information relevant to a case?

Well, the key to using VaporStream is to have sound user policy. Then users will know when to use VaporStream and when not to use it. If there is a situation where there is say, a legal hold, then it probably would not a good choice to use VaporStream at that situation. By having the proper user policy, the company is protected, and VaporStream is an extension of that policy.

What is the future of this kind of communication? How does recordless communication fit into a world of social media and mobile computing where people leave digital communications all over the place?

When we look at the communications landscape, there are lots of places to share, which is great, but there is no place to have a private conversation. It’s hard to have honest and frank discussions without having trust in the communications channel.  If you think about the online world as an extension of the real world there still needs to be a place to have a private chat.

Thanks, Joseph, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Editor's Note: eDiscovery Daily will take a break for a couple of days to celebrate the holidays and will resume posts on Tuesday, December 27.  Happy Holidays from all of us at Cloudnine Discovery and eDiscovery Daily!

eDiscovery Trends: Sharon Nelson


This is the sixth and final installment of our Holiday Thought Leader Interview series. I interviewed several thought leaders to get their perspectives on various eDiscovery topics.

Today’s thought leader is Sharon Nelson.  Sharon is the President of Sensei Enterprises, where she has worked on the front lines of computer forensics and eDiscovery topics that are also discusses on her blog Ride the Lightning. She is a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center and is the president elect of the Virginia Bar Association.

Last week, I interviewed Sharon’s husband, John Simek, who is vice president of Sensei. John is a technical computer forensics expert, while Sharon provides the legal perspective on eDiscovery issues. Together, they are frequent speakers and authors on computer forensic issues.

As a lawyer, how did you get into the world of computer forensics? What is the role of an attorney within a computer forensics firm?

I stumbled into computer forensics along with my partner John Simek. Peter Greenspun, one of the leading criminal attorneys in Virginia, had a case in 1999 involving electronic evidence and he asked if we could help as experts. That case is still taught by the FBI. It got me thinking that Sensei should expand from information technology to computer forensics – and I knew it was a field that only a true scientist could excel in, so the wannabes of the world would not be able to truly compete. The role of an attorney is to stay up with the law and the cases and render expert advice to both clients and employees – and act as corporate counsel of course.

How has your blogging at Ride the Lightning influenced your legal career?

Within the context of Sensei, I operate as an expert, not as a lawyer, although I retain a separate law office. Certainly Ride the Lightning has helped Sensei’s marketing enormously, which ultimately helps to attract clients. I was honored when RTL was named to the American Bar Association’s Blawg 100 for the second year in a row and also when the Library of Congress asked my permission to archive it and to make it available to scholars and researchers. And it is just plain fun writing it!

Have lawyers begun to grapple with social media issues or are many still in denial?

There are still some lawyers in denial but their numbers are declining. In fact, I organize a lot of CLEs and many of the social media sessions are standing room only. Many lawyers want to learn how to use social media and how to avoid the ethical pitfalls. Things simply go viral in this new e-world. It is amazing how far social media (which includes blogs) extends your reach. Blogs, in particular, tend to attract reporters, which can be really helpful to marketing a law practice.

I believe you are involved in a lot of family law cases and disputes involving individuals. How has social media changed these cases?

It’s a veritable gold mine. People are unbelievably foolish in what they put online. We had a case where the husband was discussing his latest hookup with his lover on his Facebook page. He knew his wife was not his “friend”, but he had forgotten that a mutual acquaintance was his friend and she simply printed out all his postings. It’s not just family law though – social media is particularly helpful in personal injury cases where the Plaintiff who is “wholly disabled” is using a chain saw and dancing a jig (and yes, that’s from a real case). I almost can’t think of an area of law where social media isn’t a treasure trove – law enforcement has wholly embraced it as evidence against criminals who post astonishing admissions online.

As people increasingly live their lives online, do digital records ever really go away? Are we going to be followed around by our digital selves forever?

Some digital records will certainly go away – the problem is that you’ll never know which ones. People forward your communications or preserve them for their own reasons. Your business competitor may be archiving your website and anything that is open on your social media sites. Social media sites let you deactivate your account or delete posts, but that doesn’t help if someone else already has the information. And, indeed, it does not appear that social media sites truly delete your information since law enforcement has been known to get data that was supposedly no longer online. Trusting social media sites to respect your privacy is foolhardy. The only privacy we have is in the sheer volume of data out there – but once someone lasers in on you, your privacy is gone.

On Ride the Lightning, you discuss sanctions and electronic evidence blunders. Is there a common reason why lawyers make mistakes with digital evidence? What are the keys to making the profession smarter about handling computer records?

Education is the key, and we’re slowly getting there, but it is very slow. Most lawyers are technophobic and find it difficult to understand electronic evidence. They really need to call in well-qualified experts early on – that saves the most money because good experts won’t let you spend your money foolishly. As an example, an order to “preserve everything” is nonsensical, but we hear it all the time. If the attorneys on both sides are reasonable and they have good experts, it’s amazing how fast they can come to a strategy that saves everyone time and money. And for heaven’s sake, why not go after the low-hanging fruit first? That might cause the case to settle early before vast sums of money have been expended. You can always go back and do more digging if necessary.

How have you and husband John Simek managed to make a career out of computer forensics and eDiscovery? You seem to be busy with speaking and professional engagements- how do you make it work?

That’s the new world – our offices are in our laptops, so we carry our offices with us as we travel. There is very little that we cannot do remotely. We have fine-tuned the art of entering a hotel room and bringing up the laptops while unpacking our suitcases. People ask us all the time how a husband and wife can run a business and not make each other crazy. We really have a bright line – John makes the technical decisions and I make the legal, business and marketing decisions. We talk across that line, but we respect the line. It works for us – that and being in love of course. We always say that we get paid to play – we don’t know anyone who enjoys coming to work as much as we do. The word retirement is anathema to both of us!

Thanks, Sharon, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

eDiscovery Case Law: Lilly Fails to Meet its eDiscovery Burden, Sanctions Ordered

In Nacco Materials Handling Group, Inc. v. Lilly Co., No. 11-2415 AV, (W.D. Tenn. Nov. 16, 2011), the court required the defendant to bear the costs of discovery where its preservation and collection efforts were “woefully inadequate.” Parties must cooperate and voluntarily preserve, search for, and collect ESI to avoid the imposition of sanctions.

In this case, Nacco, a manufacturer and seller of lift trucks and aftermarket parts, accused Lilly, a former Nacco dealer, of illegally accessing its proprietary, password-secured website on over 40,000 occasions. Nacco asserted a host of claims, including violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, computer trespass, misappropriation of trade secrets, tortious interference with contract and business relations, and tortious interference with prospective economic advantage.

Nacco filed a motion seeking expedited discovery so that its forensic expert could search Lilly’s computers and determine which computers accessed Nacco’s proprietary information. The expert turned up evidence of inappropriate access on 17 of the 35 computers he examined.

As discovery continued, Nacco also requested the deposition of a 30(b)(6) witness. However, the witness Lilly offered was unprepared to answer questions on the topics outlined in the deposition notice. Based on the witness’s statements in the deposition and evidence found during the forensic examination, Nacco filed a motion to prevent the further spoliation of evidence and sought sanctions.

The court decided that Lilly’s attempts to preserve evidence were “woefully inadequate.” The company “failed to take reasonable steps to preserve, search for, and collect potentially relevant information, particularly electronic data, after its duty to preserve evidence was triggered by being served with the complaint.” Specifically, U.S. Magistrate Judge Diane Vescovo found that the company “failed to timely issue an effective written litigation hold, to take appropriate steps to preserve any existing electronic records, to suspend or alter automatic delete features and routine overwriting features, and to timely and effectively collect ESI.”

The court explained that Lilly sent the litigation hold to seven of its 160 employees without adequate instructions—and the seven did not include the “key players” to the litigation. The company made no further efforts to prevent the deletion of e-mail, data, or backup tapes. Finally, the company apparently “left collection efforts to its employees to search their own computers with no supervision or oversight from management. Lilly did not follow up with its employees to determine what efforts were taken to preserve and collect relevant evidence, and Lilly failed to document any of its search and collection efforts.” Therefore, the court found that Lilly breached its duty to preserve relevant evidence.

After finding the company negligent, the court imposed sanctions against Lilly that included the expense of additional discovery, including the cost of a second 30(b)(6) deposition, the forensic examinations and imaging already complete, the costs of additional analysis of computers of the nine employees who accessed Nacco’s website, and the costs of imaging the computers in its service department. In addition, the court ordered Lilly to pay monetary sanctions equal to plaintiff’s reasonable costs, including attorney’s fees, in bringing the motion.

Finally, the court ordered Lilly to provide an affidavit describing its preservation and collection efforts and certifying that it had suspended its automatic delete functions and preserved backup tapes.

So, what do you think?  Were the sanctions justified? If so, did the court go far enough?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case Summary Source: Applied Discovery (free subscription required).

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: John Simek


This is the third of our Holiday Thought Leader Interview series.  I interviewed several thought leaders to get their perspectives on various eDiscovery topics.

Today’s thought leader is John Simek. John is the Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, a computer forensics firm in Fairfax, Va, where he has worked since 1997. He is an EnCase Certified Examiner and is a nationally known testifying expert in computer forensic issues. Together with his wife, Sharon Nelson, John has become a frequent speaker on eDiscovery topics and digital forensic issues. We have also interviewed Sharon, who serves as Sensei’s President, for this series, and her interview will appear this coming Wednesday.

You have been a forensic examiner for a long time. How has the business changed over that time? How much does the rate of change in computer technology make your job difficult? Has social media and mobile technology changed the nature of your work and the evidence in play?

Certainly the technology changes present a challenge for any forensic examiner. We are constantly investing in training and tools to deal with the changing landscape. Social media investigations and mobile devices are explosive forms of evidence for many of our cases. The constant changes in smartphones means we must have dozens of tools to extract data from iPads, Androids, BlackBerrys, iPhones, tablets and other mobile devices. Access to social media data varies as well. Some is readily available in the public areas, some may reside on the actual computer used to access the social media sites and some data may be held by the providers themselves, where the user has no clue it is being collected.

There have been several cases of law firms and EDD providers suing each other of late. Why is there this seeming rise in conflict and how does it affect relationships in the industry?

I’ve only seen two such cases and they get ugly really quick. I think the primary reason is lack of transparency and adequate communication. The client should always know what the anticipated costs and effort will be. Should scope change then a new estimate needs to be communicated. I think all too often the EDD providers launch out of the gate and the costs spiral out of control. Obviously, if you are one of those providers that ended up in court over fees or even inadequate or improper processing of ESI, your reputation will be forever spoiled.

There are a lot of certifications a forensic examiner can obtain. What is the value of certification? How should buyers of EDD services evaluate their forensic examiners?

Certifications are a good starting point, although I think they have lost their value over the last several years. Perhaps the tests are getting easier, but I’m seeing folks with forensic certifications that shouldn’t be trusted with a mouse in their hand. Don’t just look to forensic certifications either. Other technology (network, operating system, database, etc.) certifications are also valuable. Check CVs. Do they speak, write and have previous experiences testifying? One of the best methods of evaluation is referrals. Did they do a quality job? Were they on time? Did the costs fall within budget?

You’ve done a lot of work in family law cases. In cases where emotions are running high, how do you counsel clients? Is there a way to talk to people about proportionality when they are angry?

You’ve hit the nail on the head. There is very little logic in family law cases, especially when emotions are running high. I’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve told clients NOT to spend their money on continuing or even starting a forensic analysis. Some listen and some don’t. The exception is where there are issues pertaining to the welfare of any children. We had one case where dad was into BDSM and exhibiting similar behavior towards the children. Mom had no job and was extremely brutalized from the abuse over the years. We completed that case pro bono as it was the right thing to do. Dad lost custody and ordered supervised visitation only.

There has been a lot of hype about EDD services for small firms. In your experience, is this becoming a reality? Can small and solo firms compete with large firms for more EDD cases?

Electronic evidence plays a part in more and more cases. There is a crying need for better tools and methods to review ESI in the smaller cases. Thankfully, some vendors are listening. Products like Digital Warroom and Nextpoint’s products are very affordable for the smaller cases and don’t require a large investment by the solo or small firm attorney. These are hosted solutions, which means you are using the cloud. Large firms are also using hosted solutions, but may use other vendor products depending on the type of data (e.g. foreign language) and/or volume.

You testify in a lot of cases as an expert witness. What are the reasons your services might be needed in this area? What are common reasons that forensic evidence is being challenged, and how can legal teams avoid being challenged?

The good news is that less than 10% of our cases end up going to trial. As we say in the forensic world, “The truth is the truth.” Once we have had a chance to analyze the evidence and report the findings, there are rarely any challenges. That’s what a forensic exam is all about- being repeatable. The opposing party’s examiner better find the same results. The challenge may come from the interpretation of the results. This is where experience and knowledge of the expert comes into play. Many of the forensic examiners today have never used a computer without a graphical interface. Remember the Casey Anthony case? I cringed when I heard the prosecution testimony about the activity surrounding the Internet searches. It failed the smell test in my mind, which ended up being true since the expert later admitted there was a problem with the software that was used.

Would you recommend a similar career path to young technologists? What do you like about being a forensic examiner?

Some universities are now offering degrees in Digital Forensics or some similar name. I’m not sure I would go the route of computer forensics as a baseline. I’m seeing more activity in what I would call digital investigations. This includes network forensics and dealing with cases such as data breaches. We are doing more and more of these types of exams. It’s sort of like following the data trail. Probably the single best thing about being a forensic examiner is getting to the truth. Since we also do criminal defense work, there are many times that we’ve had to call the attorney and tell them that their client needs a new story.

Thanks, John, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

eDiscovery Best Practices: Production is the “Ringo” of the eDiscovery Phases


Since eDiscovery Daily debuted over 14 months ago, we’ve covered a lot of case law decisions related to eDiscovery.  65 posts related to case law to date, in fact.  We’ve covered cases associated with sanctions related to failure to preserve data, issues associated with incomplete collections, inadequate searching methodologies, and inadvertent disclosures of privileged documents, among other things.  We’ve noted that 80% of the costs associated with eDiscovery are in the Review phase and that volume of data and sources from which to retrieve it (including social media and “cloud” repositories) are growing exponentially.  Most of the “press” associated with eDiscovery ranges from the “left side of the EDRM model” (i.e., Information Management, Identification, Preservation, Collection) through the stages to prepare materials for production (i.e., Processing, Review and Analysis).

All of those phases lead to one inevitable stage in eDiscovery: Production.  Yet, few people talk about the actual production step.  If Preservation, Collection and Review are the “John”, “Paul” and “George” of the eDiscovery process, Production is “Ringo”.

It’s the final crucial step in the process, and if it’s not handled correctly, all of the due diligence spent in the earlier phases could mean nothing.  So, it’s important to plan for production up front and to apply a number of quality control (QC) checks to the actual production set to ensure that the production process goes as smooth as possible.

Planning for Production Up Front

When discussing the production requirements with opposing counsel, it’s important to ensure that those requirements make sense, not only from a legal standpoint, but a technical standpoint as well.  Involve support and IT personnel in the process of deciding those parameters as they will be the people who have to meet them.  Issues to be addressed include, but not limited to:

  • Format of production (e.g., paper, images or native files);
  • Organization of files (e.g., organized by custodian, legal issue, etc.);
  • Numbering scheme (e.g., Bates labels for images, sequential file names for native files);
  • Handling of confidential and privileged documents, including log requirements and stamps to be applied;
  • Handling of redactions;
  • Format and content of production log;
  • Production media (e.g., CD, DVD, portable hard drive, FTP, etc.).

I was involved in a case recently where opposing counsel was requesting an unusual production format where the names of the files would be the subject line of the emails being produced (for example, “Re: Completed Contract, dated 12/01/2011”).  Two issues with that approach: 1) The proposed format only addressed emails, and 2) Windows file names don’t support certain characters, such as colons (:) or slashes (/).  I provided that feedback to the attorneys so that they could address with opposing counsel and hopefully agree on a revised format that made more sense.  So, let the tech folks confirm the feasibility of the production parameters.

The workflow throughout the eDiscovery process should also keep in mind the end goal of meeting the agreed upon production requirements.  For example, if you’re producing native files with metadata, you may need to take appropriate steps to keep the metadata intact during the collection and review process so that the metadata is not inadvertently changed. For some file types, metadata is changed merely by opening the file, so it may be necessary to collect the files in a forensically sound manner and conduct review using copies of the files to keep the originals intact.

Tomorrow, we will talk about preparing the production set and performing QC checks to ensure that the ESI being produced to the requesting party is complete and accurate.

So, what do you think?  Have you had issues with production planning in your cases?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.