
eDiscovery Best Practices: Preparing Your 30(b)(6) Witnesses


When it comes to questions and potential issues that the receiving party may have about the discovery process of the producing party, one of the most common and direct methods for conducting “discovery about the discovery” is a deposition under Federal Rule 30(b)(6). This rule enables a party to serve a deposition notice on the entity involved in the litigation rather than an individual. The notice identifies the topics to be covered in the deposition, and the entity being deposed must designate one or more people qualified to answer questions on the identified topics.

While those designated to testify may not necessarily have day-to-day responsibility related to the identified topics, they must be educated enough in those issues to sufficiently address them during the testimony. Serving a deposition notice on the entity under Federal Rule 30(b)(6) saves the deposing party from having to identify specific individual(s) to depose while still enabling the topics to be fully explored in a single deposition.

Topics to be covered in a 30(b)(6) deposition can vary widely, depending on the facts and circumstances of the case. However, there are some typical topics that the deponent(s) should be prepared to address.

Legal Hold Process: Perhaps the most common area of focus in a 30(b)(6) deposition is the legal hold process as spoliation of data can occur when the legal hold process is unsound and data spoliation is the most common cause of sanctions resulting from the eDiscovery process.  Issues to address include:

  • General description of the legal hold process including all details of that policy and specific steps that were taken in this case to effectuate a hold.
  • Timing of issuing the legal hold and to whom it was issued.
  • Substance of the legal hold communication (if the communication is not considered privileged).
  • Process for selecting sources for legal hold, identification of sources that were eliminated from legal hold, and a description of the rationale behind those decisions.
  • Tracking and follow-up with the legal hold sources to ensure understanding and compliance with the hold process.
  • Whether there are any processes in place in the company to automatically delete data and, if so, what steps were taken to disable them and when were those steps taken?

Collection Process: Logically, the next eDiscovery step discussed in the 30(b)(6) deposition is the process for collecting preserved data:

  • Method of collecting ESI for review, including whether the method preserved all relevant metadata intact.
  • Chain of custody tracking from origination to destination.

Searching and Culling: Once the ESI is collected, the methods for conducting searches and culling the collection down for review must be discussed:

  • Method used to cull the ESI prior to review, including the tools used, the search criteria for inclusion in review and how the search criteria was developed (including potential use of subject matter experts to flush out search terms).
  • Process for testing and refining search terms used.

Review Process: The 30(b)(6) witness(es) should be prepared to fully describe the review process, including:

  • Methods to conduct review of the ESI including review application(s) used and workflow associated with the review process.
  • Use of technology to assist with the review, such as clustering, predictive coding, duplicate and near-duplicate identification.
  • To the extent the process can be described, methodology for identifying and documenting privileged ESI on the privilege log (this methodology may be important if the producing party may request to “claw back” any inadvertently produced privileged ESI).
  • Personnel employed to conduct ESI review, including their qualifications, experience, and training.

Production Process: Information regarding the production process, including:

  • Methodology for organizing and verifying the production, including confirmation of file counts and spot QC checks of produced files for content.
  • The total volume of ESI collected, reviewed, and produced.

Depending on the specifics of the case and discovery efforts, there may be further topics to be addressed to ensure that the producing party has met its preservation and discovery obligations.

So, what do you think?  Have you had to prepare 30(b)(6) witnesses for deposition?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Case Law: KPMG Loses Another Round to Pippins


As discussed previously in eDiscovery Daily, KPMG sought a protective order in Pippins v. KPMG LLP, No. 11 Civ. 0377 (CM)(JLC), 2011 WL 4701849 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 7, 2011) to require the preservation of only a random sample of 100 hard drives from among those it had already preserved for this and other litigation or shift the cost of any preservation beyond that requested scope.  Lawyers for Pippins won a ruling last November by Magistrate Judge James Cott to use all available drives and Judge Cott encouraged the parties to continue to meet and confer to reach agreement on sampling.  However, the parties were unable to agree and KPMG appealed to the District Court.

Last Friday, District Court Judge Colleen McMahon upheld the lower court ruling, noting:

"It smacks of chutzpah (no definition required) to argue that the Magistrate failed to balance the costs and benefits of preservation when KPMG refused to cooperate with that analysis by providing the very item that would, if examined, demonstrate whether there was any benefit at all to preservation.”

“KPMG could have established [that producing all the drives was unnecessary] by producing several hard drives to Plaintiffs and Magistrate Judge Cott. … But KPMG has established nothing of the sort,” McMahon added.

“Even assuming that KPMG’s preservation costs are both accurate and wholly attributable to this litigation — which I cannot verify — I cannot possibly balance the costs and benefits of preservations when I’m missing one side of the scale (the benefits).”

“I gather that KPMG takes the position that the only Audit Associates who are presently ‘parties’ are the named plaintiffs, and so only the named plaintiffs’ hard drives really need to be preserved. But that is nonsense,” she continued. “Under Zubulake IV, the duty to preserve all relevant information for ‘key players’ is triggered when a party ‘reasonably anticipates litigation.’ … At the present moment, KPMG should ‘reasonably anticipate’ that every Audit Associate who will be receiving opt-in notice is a potential plaintiff in this action,” McMahon concluded.

Outten & Golden partner Justin Swartz, representing Pippins, commented after the ruling: "All we're asking for is the chance to look at a few hard drives, find out what's on them, and negotiate a resolution."  Steven Catlett, representing Sidley Austin for KPMG, did not provide a comment.

So, what do you think?  Was this a ruling against proportionality in eDiscovery or is KPMG’s refusal to provide any hard drives defeating their proportionality argument?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: Deadly Sins of Document Review

With all of the attention on Technology Assisted Review (TAR) during the LegalTech New York (LTNY) show, you would think that no one is conducting manual review anymore.  However, even the staunchest advocates of TAR that I spoke to last week indicated that manual review is still a key part of an effective review process where technology is used to identify potentially responsive and privileged ESI before the manual review process enables the final determinations to be made.

There are “dos” and “don’ts” for conducting an effective manual review.  There was an interesting article in Texas Lawyer (via Law Technology News) entitled The 7 Deadly Sins of Document Review by Dalton Young that focuses on the “don’ts”.  As review is the most expensive phase of the eDiscovery process and legal budgets are stretched to the limit, it’s important to get the most out of your spend on manual review.  With that in mind, here are the seven deadly sins of document review (along with a few of my observations):

  1. Hiring overqualified reviewers: Although there are many qualified lawyers available due to the recent recession, those lawyers often don’t have as much experience as seasoned review paralegals, who are also less expensive and less likely to leave for another offer.
  2. Failing to establish a firm time commitment: If lead counsel doesn’t clearly establish the expected review timeline up front and expect reviewers to commit to that time frame, turnover of reviewers can drive up costs and delay project completion.
  3. Failing to provide reviewers with thorough training on the review tools: Train beyond just the basics so that reviewers can take advantage of advanced software features and training starts with lead counsel.  I would adjust this point a bit: Lead counsel needs to become fully proficient on the review tools, then develop a workflow that manages the efficiency of the reviewers and train the reviewers according to that workflow.  While it may be nice for reviewers to know all of the advanced search features, full understanding of searching best practices isn’t something that can be accomplished in a single training session and should be managed by someone with considerable experience using advanced searching capabilities in an efficient and defensible manner.
  4. Failing to empower reviewers with sufficient background on the case: Providing reviewers with not just a list of expected key words, but also an understanding of the issues of the case enables them to recognize important documents that might not fit within the key words identified.  I would also add that it’s important to have regular “huddles” so that learned knowledge by selected reviewers can be shared with the entire team to maximize review effectiveness.
  5. Failing to foster bonds within the review team: Just like any other team member, reviewers like to know that they’re an important part of the cause and that their work is appreciated, so treating them to lunch or an occasional happy hour can foster a more enjoyable work environment and increase reviewer retention.
  6. Failing to predetermine tags and codes before the project begins: A lead member of the law firm should complete an overview of the discovery to identify the process and establish tags up front instead of “on the fly” as review progresses (even though that tag list will often need to be supplemented regardless how well the upfront overview is conducted).  I would add inclusion of one or more subject matter experts in that upfront process to help identify those tags.
  7. Providing reviewers with a too-structured work environment: The author indicates that counsel should “consider providing a relaxed, somewhat self-directed work environment”.  The key here is “somewhat”, but flexibility in start and stop work times and break/lunch times can enable you to keep good reviewers who may need some flexibility.  Regular monitoring of reviewer metrics will enable the review manager to confirm that reviewer performance is not adversely affected by increased flexibility, or adjust accordingly if the review environment becomes too lax.

So, what do you think?  Are there other “deadly sins” that the author doesn’t mention?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Case Law: Burn Your Computer and the Court Will Burn You


In Evans v. Mobile Cnty. Health Dept., No. CA 10-0600-WS-C, (S.D. Ala. Jan. 24, 2012), Alabama Magistrate Judge William Cassady granted a motion for sanctions, including an adverse inference instruction, where the plaintiff had burned and destroyed her computer that she used during the time she claimed she was harassed.

Evans sued the Mobile County Health Department alleging reverse discrimination. The court entered a scheduling order that instructed Evans to preserve all relevant information. In discovery, the health department asked Evans for all documents, including electronically stored information (ESI), related to her claims.

Initially, Evans did not produce any documents in response to the defendant's request, but at her deposition, she produced a small number of documents and admitted that she had others, including e-mails. After her deposition, the defendant renewed its request for Evans to produce all ESI in her possession and asked to inspect her personal computer. When the plaintiff did not comply, the defendant filed a motion to compel.

After the motion was filed, Evans' counsel told the defendant that Evans had destroyed her computer. Evans explained that her computer crashed about eight months after her complaint was filed. When she sought help from computer experts, who told her to buy another computer, she burned her computer to destroy the personal information it contained due to the "threat of identity theft." She then bought a new computer. The defendant filed a motion for sanctions and sought dismissal of the case.

Judge Cassady granted the defendant's motion to compel, finding that the plaintiff's claims that she had produced all relevant ESI difficult to believe in light of her deposition testimony and her other discovery violations. Accordingly, Judge Cassady required Evans to produce e-mails from her gmail account and a notebook she referenced in her deposition that contained relevant evidence. The plaintiff also had to produce her new computer for inspection and pay for the defendant's fees and costs in bringing the motion.

Judge Cassady also granted defendant's request for sanctions. In determining the appropriate punishment, he looked first to Eleventh Circuit law, but the court had not set forth specific guidelines for the imposition of sanctions. Therefore, Judge Cassady applied Alabama state law, since it was consistent with general federal spoliation standards. Alabama law requires courts to consider five factors in analyzing a request for sanctions: "(1) the importance of the evidence destroyed; (2) the culpability of the offending party; (3) fundamental fairness; (4) alternative sources of the information obtainable from the evidence destroyed; and (5) the possible effectiveness of other sanctions less severe than dismissal."

Judge Cassady found that Evans had destroyed the evidence in bad faith: her culpability was "excessively high." However, the judge stopped short of dismissing the case. Since the defendant could still defend itself against Evans' allegations, the magistrate judge decided that the court would give the jury an adverse inference instruction at trial. It also awarded defendant its attorneys' fees and costs for the motion.

So, what do you think?  Should the case have been dismissed or were the sanctions sufficient?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case Summary Source: Applied Discovery (free subscription required).

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: Wednesday LTNY Sessions


As noted Monday and yesterday, LegalTech New York 2012 (LTNY) is happening this week and eDiscoveryDaily is here to report about the latest eDiscovery trends being discussed at the show.  Last chance to check out the show if you’re in the New York area!  The weather is great and there are still several sessions (both paid and free) available and over 225 exhibitors providing information on their products and services.

As noted the past two days, we have been interviewing several industry thought leaders to see what they think are the significant trends for 2012 and, which of those are evident at LTNY.  We have conducted several exciting interviews and will announce the series of thought leader interviews after the show and identify when each will be published.  Mark your calendars!

Perform a “find” on today’s LTNY conference schedule for “discovery” and you’ll get 35 hits (short day).  Here are some of today’s sessions in the main conference tracks:

10:30 – 11:45 AM:

Technology Assisted Review (TAR): When to Use It and How to Defend It

How do you know whether the case you have before you is an appropriate one for TAR? What do you need to know in order to ensure that your implementation of TAR is defensible?

Judge Andrew Peck has written that computer-assisted coding should be used in those cases where it will help further the goals of FRCP 1 to "secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive" resolution of cases. We will examine this question through the lens of the legal discovery framework that guides parties and courts alike in all federal litigation: the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In addition, since the best defense for any search methodology is always agreement between the parties, we will also discuss the Sedona Cooperation Proclamation.

Audience members will leave this session with an understanding of what questions need to be asked and answered to determine when TAR should be a part of the overall litigation strategy and how that decision can be defended.

Panelists are: Maura R. Grossman, Counsel,  Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; The Honorable Frank Maas, United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York.  Moderator: Ann Marie Gibbs, Esq., National Director of Consulting, Daegis.

Moving from a Reactive to a Proactive Approach in International eDiscovery

The majority of companies in the US are still reacting to eDiscovery requests. However, given the increasing awareness of proactive eDiscovery benefits, more and more are adapting a more aggressive proactive strategy. Companies that operate globally as well as those headquartered outside the US are catching up quick as well, but complexities associated with global litigation readiness make this task infinitely more challenging due to vast differences in local laws in regards to document retention and information management regulations. This session will focus on developing proactive global document retention policies, assuring multi-jurisdictional compliance as well as best practices of global data preservation as well as other proactive techniques assuring success of any global eDiscovery project.

Speaker is: Owen O'Connor, Managing Director, Cernam Online Evidence.  Moderator: George Rudoy, Founder & CEO, Integrated Legal Technology, LLC.

The GARP® Principles and eDiscovery

Attendees will hear from experts on the GARP Principles and eDiscovery as well as:

  • Understand the importance of proactive records management through the eight GARP® Principles
  • Revisit the GARP® Principles and learn how their role is magnified by recent case law
  • Learn what to do before eDiscovery: how GARP® precedes and complements the EDRM

Panelists are: Julie J. Colgan, CRM, Director, Information Governance, Client Advisory Services, Merrill Corporation; Fred Pulzello, CRM, Board of Directors, ARMA International and George J. Socha, Jr., Esq., President, Socha Consulting.  Moderator: Howard Sklar, Senior Corporate Counsel, Recommind.

11:45 AM – 12:45 PM:

Litigation Preparedness Through Effective Data Governance

Be prepared. This panel will go through the benefits of data governance in your litigation preparedness and discuss benefits such as:

  • Auto-classification of legacy and newly created content
  • What is email management and is it ready for prime-time?
  • Review the court's findings on the complexities of ESI, including metadata, native formats, back-up tapes, mobile devices, and legacy technology
  • Key questions to ask before outsourcing ESI to the cloud

Panelists are: Michael Mills, CEO, Neota Logic; Alice McNeil, Chief Information Officer, Littler Mendelson; Fred Pulzello, CRM, Board of Directors, ARMA International; Derek Schueren, GM Information Access & Governance, Recommind and George J. Socha, Jr., Esq., President, Socha Consulting.  Moderator: Nick Patience, Director, Product Marketing & Strategy, Recommind.

1:45 – 3:00 PM:

Technology Assisted Review (TAR): Opening, Exploring and Bringing Transparency to the Black Box

It's time to set the record straight on technology assisted review (TAR). Some people object to what they mistakenly believe is the "black box" nature of the technology, while others are hesitant to adopt an approach that they perceive as novel. This panel will dispel the myths, clarify the definitions, and shed light on the so-called "black box" of technology assisted review.

Some audience members may be surprised to learn that technology assisted review is nothing new. Search and clustering technology, for example, have been commonplace for many years. The phrase "technology assisted review" simply refers to a more efficient use of people, process, and technology that is the next evolutionary step in electronic discovery. As with other legal technologies, human expertise and a proven workflow are the keys to success. This panel will clearly explain what technology assisted review is all about so that you can make an informed decision about adopting it in your organization.

Panelists are: David Horrigan, Analyst, eDiscovery and Information Governance, The 451 Group; David Leone, Esq., Director of Litigation Support Services, Saul Ewing LLP; Douglas W. Oard, Ph.D., University of Maryland College of Information Studies; Doug Stewart, Director of Technology, Daegis and Mike Stringer, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Datascope Analytics.

Practical Handbook of Conducting eDiscovery – Tips and Tricks

An educational panel shares their knowledge on conducting a global eDiscovery initiative. Unique solutions to challenges in selected countries and regions as well as cross jurisdictional data movement will be discussed. Navigating unique cultural and procedural obstacles, handling multi-lingual data sets as well as strategic positioning of hosting data centers are just a few topics to be covered during this informative and interactive session.

Speaker is: Owen O'Connor, Managing Director, Cernam Online Evidence.  Moderator: George Rudoy, Founder & CEO, Integrated Legal Technology, LLC.

eDiscovery Circa 2015: Will Aggressive Preservation/Collection and Predictive Coding be Commonplace?

Who's holding back on Predictive Coding, clients or outside counsel? This session will discuss if aggressive preservation/collection of predictive coding will become commonplace as well as:

  • How aggressive should clients be with preservation/collection?
  • How to use effective searching, sampling, and targeting tools and techniques to not over-collect

Panelists are: Stephanie "Tess" Blair, Partner, Morgan Lewis; Julie J. Colgan, CRM, Director, Information Governance, Client Advisory Services, Merrill Corporation; David Kessler, Partner, Fulbright & Jaworski; Ralph C. Losey, Partner and National e-Discovery Counsel, Jackson Lewis, LLP and Robert Trenchard, Partner, WilmerHale.  Moderator: Craig Carpenter, VP of Marketing, Recommind.

In addition to these, there are other eDiscovery-related sessions today.  For a complete description for all sessions today, click here.

So, what do you think?  What did you think of the show this year?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Trends: Tuesday LTNY Sessions


As noted yesterday, LegalTech New York 2012 (LTNY) is happening this week and eDiscoveryDaily is here to report about the latest eDiscovery trends being discussed at the show.  There’s still time to check out the show if you’re in the New York area with a number of sessions (both paid and free) available and over 225 exhibitors providing information on their products and services.

While at the show, we will also be interviewing several industry thought leaders to see what they think are the significant trends for 2012 and, which of those are evident at LTNY.  After the show, we will announce the series of thought leader interviews and identify when each will be published.  Mark your calendars!

Perform a “find” on today’s LTNY conference schedule for “discovery” and you’ll get more than 100 hits.  Yikes!  More eDiscovery sessions happening!  Here are some of the sessions in the main conference tracks:

10:30 – 11:45 AM:

Advice from Counsel: Top Legal Minds in the Country Share their eDiscovery Tips

For the third consecutive year, Ari Kaplan of Ari Kaplan Advisors surveyed corporate counsel of Fortune 1000 companies, asking their advice for implementing cost-effective and defensible eDiscovery programs. From tips for companies just beginning to develop their eDiscovery programs to outlining their process dealing with multinational litigation or investigations, the feedback was varied and covered a wide range of topics. Although it's clear that each corporate environment requires a customized approach, legal leaders can evaluate the advice given in relation to their own eDiscovery requirements which may ultimately lead to cost savings and efficiency gains.

Attendees of this session will learn about:

  • Top advice from peers for creating effective eDiscovery programs
  • Strategies for measuring savings and predicting matter costs
  • Perspectives on utilizing in-house eDiscovery teams vs. outsourcing vendors
  • Best practices for multinational discovery and additional resources

 Panelists are: Vincent M. Catanzaro, Senior Counsel, Global Discovery Manager, DuPont Legal; Ari Kaplan, Principal, Ari Kaplan Advisors; Lynn S. Looby, Managing Counsel, Director of The Discovery Expertise Committee, The Dow Chemical Company; and Renee Meisel, Legal Director, Dell Inc.  Moderator: Joe Looby, Senior Managing Director, FTI Technology.

Ways to Manage eDiscovery Costs

Preparation is everything. This educational session will highlight first practical steps into Litigation Readiness as well as:

  • How to best filter down data – new technology solutions 2011/2012
  • Legal Process Outsourcing – onshore/offshore or near shore – developments in 2011

Panelists are: Bob Rowe, Huron Legal; Gail Foster, Special Counsel, Baker Botts; The Honorable Ronald J. Hedges (ret.), Adjunct Professor of Law; Former United States Magistrate Judge; Elizabeth Jaworski,  Director, Legal Operations, Motorola Mobility, Inc.; Tania Mabrey, Practice Technology Project Manager, Crowell and Moring LLP; Jeffrey W. McKenna, CIPP, E-Discovery and Privacy Attorney, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP; Carol Southerland, J.D., Managing Director, Huron Legal.

A "Stormy" Subject…Exploring Cloud-Based eDiscovery

Can your organization better manage costs and increase control over discovery by bringing eDiscovery tools in-house or in-firm? Which components of the EDRM are best insourced or outsourced? What are the advantages and drawbacks of using the cloud for eDiscovery?

In this session, the panel will:

  • Explore "hot-off-the-presses" survey statistics on insourcing v. outsourcing market trends
  • Discuss the pros and cons inherent in the cloud/SaaS v. behind-the-firewall software debate

Panelists are: Ann Marie Riberdy, Technology and Litigation Support Manager, Wilmer Hale; Lisa Markay, US Head of Information Risk Management, Barclays; Michele Lange, Director of Thought Leadership & Industry Relations, Kroll Ontrack.  Moderator: Jonathan Sachs, Northeast Regional Manager – Business Development, Kroll Ontrack.

12:30 – 1:30 PM:

Plenary General Session: Technology Assisted Discovery – OPEN TO ALL

The volume and complexity of information today presents a significant challenge to those involved in eDiscovery. With ESI arising in many different channels, and communicated across an ever more mobile society, the legal community is looking toward technology to assist more broadly in the discovery process. According to Judge Andrew Peck, "computer-assisted coding should be used in those cases where it will help 'secure the just, speedy and inexpensive' (Fed. R. Civ. P. 1) determination of cases in our e-discovery world." During this plenary session, we will explore the use of technology assisted review to make coding recommendations that dramatically accelerate review and radically reduce costs and risk.

Panelists are: Tom Lidbury, Litigation Partner, E-Discovery Group Leader, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; The Honorable Frank Maas, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York; Browning Marean, Senior Counsel & Co-Chair, Electronic Discovery Readiness and Response Group, DLA Piper; The Honorable Andrew J. Peck, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York; Michael Sullivan, CEO Protect Enterprise Markets, Autonomy and Jessica L. Watts, Discovery Counsel, Office of General Counsel, HP.  Moderator: Deborah Baron, VP, eDiscovery, Autonomy.

2:00 – 3:15 PM:

Budgeting for eDiscovery: Exploring your Approach to Cost Control and Transparency

The ability to predict costs more accurately will be of increasing focus as corporations, law firms and government agencies aim to streamline eDiscovery into standard business process. The commonly used line-item approach has a number of benefits, yet new budgeting models are emerging that may give some corporate clients greater control and transparency. The success of either approach may depend on the company's litigation profile and types of matters faced, as well as the number of in-house resources, personnel and technology. Which model is best for you?

Session attendees will learn:

  • The key attributes of two common eDiscovery models that are explicitly focused on cost control
  • How these attributes can increase or reduce eDiscovery costs and assist in litigation readiness
  • Important questions related to pricing, process and technology that better determine eDiscovery program costs
  • How to conduct a self-assessment test to help rate the current level of eDiscovery budgeting transparency in your organization

Panelists are: David Horrigan, Analyst, eDiscovery and Information Governance, The 451 Group; Mike Knight, Partner, Jones Day; Lisa Markey, Vice President, Information Risk Management, Barclays Capital.  Moderator: Sophie Ross, Senior Managing Director, FTI Technology.

Part One – A GC's Nightmare: A US eDiscovery Request into Europe

This session will cover recent case scenarios of eDiscovery into Europe as well as:

  • Cross border issues from the GC's perspective
  • Costs implications, weighing out the options

Panelists are: Craig Cannon, Assistant General Counsel & Discovery Counsel, Bank of America; Rich Chandler, EVP, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel, CB&I; Chris Dale, The eDisclosure Information Project; The Honorable Frank Maas, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York; Browning Marean, Senior Counsel & Co-Chair, Electronic Discovery Readiness and Response Group, DLA Piper; Vince Neicho, Litigation Support Manager, Allen & Overy LLP; Farrah Pepper, Executive Discovery Counsel, Litigation & Legal Policy, GE; Master Steven Whitaker, Senior Master of the Senior Courts of England and Wales in the Queen's Bench Division; The Queen's Remembrancer.  Moderator: Nigel Murray, Managing Director, Huron Legal.

Under Fire: Defending and Challenging a Motion Against Technology-Assisted Review

Intelligent Review? Predictive Coding? Smart review? Whatever you call it, amidst growing data volumes and dwindling resources, traditional linear document review is quickly going the way of the dinosaur.

In this session, the panel will:

  • Explore the "what", "why", and "how" behind technology-assisted review
  • Defend and challenge a hypothetical motion attacking the defensibility of this innovative technology
  • Provide you with tips to help overcome your organization's objections to using intelligent review technology

Panelists are: Emily A. Cobb, Associate and Senior Discovery Attorney, Ropes & Gray; Edward Rippey, Partner and Chair of E-Discovery Practice Group, Covington & Burling LLP; Katie Winseck, Solutions Architect, Kroll Ontrack.  Moderator: Gilbert Greenman, Senior Consultant for Discovery and Professional Training, Williams & Connolly.

3:45 – 5:00 PM:

The Future of Legal Review: Increasing Productivity and Reducing Costs

From predictive coding to analytics and ECA, ediscovery practitioners have a number of technology options available today to speed legal review. But can technology alone help solve ediscovery cost and scale issues? This interactive session will focus on the tools and processes that will shape legal review in the years to come, and include discussion on case law, productivity benchmarks and cost containment.

Session attendees will learn:

  • How to determine which matters are best suited for predictive coding or predictive analytics and why the role of the human reviewer is growing (not lessening) when these workflows are utilized
  • Why sophisticated software designed to decrease the burden of review depends on statistical sampling and quality-control processes
  • What case law is most relevant to support the use of predictive workflows and how this should best inform case strategy
  • What corporate counsel requested most of their outside counsel in 2011 to reduce costs and what they plan to request in 2012

Panelists are: The Honorable Ronald J. Hedges (ret.), Adjunct Professor of Law; Former United States Magistrate Judge; Michelle Mahoney, Director Legal Logistics, Mallesons Stephen Jaques; Katey Wood, Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group.  Moderator: Manfred Gabriel, Managing Director, FTI Technology.

Part Two – A GC's Nightmare: A US eDiscovery Request Into Europe

This session is a continuation of the previous and as it continues to address eDiscovery in Europe, it will also cover:

  • News from Sedona
  • A view from the desk of a German data commissioner

Panelists are: Craig Cannon, Assistant General Counsel & Discovery Counsel, Bank of America; Rich Chandler, EVP, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel, CB&I; Chris Dale, The eDisclosure Information Project; The Honorable Frank Maas, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York; Browning Marean, Senior Counsel & Co-Chair, Electronic Discovery Readiness and Response Group, DLA Piper; Vince Neicho, Litigation Support Manager, Allen & Overy LLP; Farrah Pepper, Executive Discovery Counsel, Litigation & Legal Policy, GE; Master Steven Whitaker, Senior Master of the Senior Courts of England and Wales in the Queen's Bench Division; The Queen's Remembrancer.  Moderator: Nigel Murray, Managing Director, Huron Legal.

Corporate Legal eDiscovery: Six Topics in 60 Minutes

Join our discussion of eDiscovery from the corporate perspective. We'll cover a variety of topics, as selected by ILTA members, that range from the infrastructure needed to support in-house eDiscovery, pitfalls to avoid, practical strategies for managing the process, to vendor management, case closure and more.

Panelists are: Alexander Arato, VP, Associate General Counsel, CA Technologies; Glenn O'Brien, E-Discovery Manager, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company.  Moderator: Joanne Lane, Director – eDiscovery Strategy and Litigation Support, MetLife.

News Flash! Exploring Hot eDiscovery Trends

E-Discovery evolves at the speed of light. If your organization is standing still, you are losing ground.

In this session, the panel will:

  • Explore how e-discovery evolved in 2011, with a look into how it will continue to change in 2012
  • Analyze whether potential amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are even possible, and what the amendments might entail
  • Discuss "hot" trends impacting e-discovery such as social media

Panelists are: Meghan Podolny, Associate, Hunton & Williams; Alitia Faccone, Partner, McCarter & English; Honorable David J. Waxse, US District Court, District of Kansas.  Moderator: Andrea Gibson, Director – Product Development, Kroll Ontrack.

In addition to these, there are other eDiscovery-related sessions today.  For a complete description for all sessions today, click here.

So, what do you think?  Are you planning to attend LTNY this year?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Trends: Welcome to LegalTech New York 2012!


Today is the start of LegalTech New York 2012 (LTNY) and, once again, eDiscoveryDaily is here to report about the latest eDiscovery trends being discussed at the show.  Over the next three days, we will provide a description each day of some of the sessions related to eDiscovery to give you a sense of the topics being covered.  If you’re in the New York area, I encourage you to check out the show – there are a number of sessions (both paid and free) available and over 225 exhibitors providing information on their products and services.

While at the show, we will also be interviewing several industry thought leaders to see what they think are the significant trends for 2012 and, which of those are evident at LTNY.  After the show, we will announce the series of thought leader interviews and identify when each will be published.  Mark your calendars!

Perform a “find” on today’s LTNY conference schedule for “discovery” and you’ll get 96 hits.  So, there is plenty to talk about!  Sessions in the main conference tracks include:

10:30 – 11:45 AM:

Standardizing Processes for Discovery Management and Cost Management – An ROI Your GC Can Appreciate

Given the significant potential expense of eDiscovery, in-house and outside counsel must understand the eDiscovery process in the context of not only legal compliance and the current matter, but also in the context of financial impact/cost. In short, eDiscovery must be approached and understood operationally and financially. This panel will address the standards of eDiscovery accountability, efficiency and effectiveness and explain how a repeatable business process applied in the context of eDiscovery can ensure that your future eDiscovery processes are treated just like any other critical business process.

Panelists are: Kim-An Hernandez, Senior Counsel, International Paper; Anthony Knaapen, Manager, Litigation Discovery, Chevron Corporation; Meagan Thwaites, Counsel—CRM Legal Department, Boston Scientific Corporation; and Kelli Brooks, National Partner-in-Charge, Evidence and Discovery Management, KPMG LLP.

Top Five Ethical Concerns for Lawyers in eDiscovery

This panel will address how lawyers can recognize and comply with their ethical obligations while:

  • Carrying out and supervising the duty to preserve relevant ESI
  • Meeting and conferring on eDiscovery issues with the appropriate level of transparency and cooperation
  • Managing the processing, review, and production of large volumes of documents and information
  • Employing sophisticated eDiscovery software tools and processes
  • Accessing and using information from social media sites in discovery

Panelists are: Ruth Hauswirth, Director of Litigation and eDiscovery, Cooley LLP; Courtney Barton, Assistant General Counsel, AOL; M. James Daley, Partner, Daley & Fey LLP; Nicholas Jafarieh, Managing Director & Associate General Counsel, Sallie Mae.  Moderator: Maureen O'Neill, Vice President of Discovery Strategy, DiscoverReady LLC.

12:30 – 1:30 PM:

Plenary General Session: Man vs. Machine: The Promise/Challenge of Predictive Coding and Other Disruptive Technologies – OPEN TO ALL

In 2012, emerging, disruptive technologies are showing great promise for the legal field, specifically in the areas of classification, retention, and review. As technology begins to understand the context of information and apply it to the nuances of legal decisions in a way once exclusively reserved for the human practitioner, one must examine how technology will change the legal practices of today. This session will examine predictive coding as a case study of how disruptive technologies have both great promise and legitimate challenges in the Legal industry.

In one corner is the human document review process. While well-established it's also now clear that the eyes-on methodology can have significant drawbacks both in cost and accuracy. In the other corner, a range of artificial intelligence technologies have shown promise in enabling enhanced precision and recall through a range of Technology Assisted Review (TAR) features such as email threading, clustering, concept search and predictive coding. And yet, despite the buzz they haven't gained widespread adoption.

In this general session, vocal Jurist and U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York, Andrew Peck, leads a panel of industry experts that will discuss a range of hot topics including:

  • How defensible are these TAR techniques and do they merely need to be more accurate than an average human document review?
  • Are certain use cases (like internal investigations and governmental inquiries) better suited for the use of TAR tools?
  • How does the role of attorneys change in a TAR workflow?

Panelists are: Maura R. Grossman, Counsel, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; Ralph C. Losey, Partner and National eDiscovery Counsel, Jackson Lewis, LLP; The Honorable Andrew J. Peck, Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Moderator: Dean Gonsowski, eDiscovery Counsel, Symantec.

2:00 – 3:15 PM:

eDiscovery Process Validation Sampling – How Confident Can You be in the Results of Your Software Assisted/Predictive Coding Process?

The increasing volume and complexity of electronically stored information and the cost of its review continues to drive the need for development of sophisticated, high-speed processing, indexing and categorization or "predictive coding" software in response to litigation and regulatory proceedings. Since the majority of these tools rely on sophisticated, proprietary algorithms that are frequently referred to as "black box" technologies, there has been a reluctance to exploit their expected productivity gains for fear that the results they produce may be challenged and rejected as not meeting the required standard of "reasonableness." Effective use of sampling can overcome this concern by demonstrating with a stated level of confidence that the system has produced results at least as consistent and reliable as those obtained by having attorneys review the documents without sophisticated technology support. This panel will cover testing, based on statistical sampling, the quality improvements and cost savings promised by "predictive coding" technology.

Panelists are: Marla Bergman, Director of eDiscovery, Goldman Sachs; Wayne Matus, Partner, National Leader – Information Law and Electronic Discovery Practice, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP; George J. Socha, Jr., Esq., President, Socha Consulting; Chris Paskach, Forensic Technology Services – Americas Network Leader, KPMG LLP.

Understanding Automated Review— Utilizing Predictive Coding as Part of Your Comprehensive Discovery Process

For more than two years, there has been an avalanche of commentary predicting how automated review and predictive coding tools can and will be used to supplement or replace current eDiscovery processes. Despite all of the buzz, relatively few corporations and law firms have taken the plunge into automated review. This reluctance may be based on the wide variety of service offerings and technologies that are being marketed as "automated" review tools, as well as a lack of transparency into how automated tools operate as part of a larger eDiscovery strategy.

During this session, leading practitioners and in-house counsel will demystify automated review. Key discussion points will include:

  • An overview of the automated review and predictive coding landscape
  • How to blend traditional manual document review with automated review options
  • Practical approaches to automating the review process
  • Snapshots into how leading companies are using automated review as part of their existing discovery processes

Panelists are: Craig Cannon, Assistant General Counsel & Discovery Counsel, Bank of America; Jessica Watts, AGC & Discovery Counsel, HP; Michele Spak, Senior Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Duke Energy; Matt Miller, SVP & IP Practice Group Leader, DiscoverReady LLC.

3:45 – 5:00 PM:

More Predictive than Ever – Predictive Coding, Predictive Costs and Predictive Outcomes – New Techniques to Manage and Control Electronic Discovery

Judge Andrew Peck cast 2011 as the year of predictive coding. A year on, where do we stand? Predictive coding is part of a paradigm shift in electronic discovery, as practitioners leverage technology and new business practices to regain control of the eDiscovery business process. Using case studies, the panelists will review some of the dramatic changes that are emerging in the conduct of eDiscovery. Sound predictive coding is fundamental to these changes. Other key changes include process transparency, early learning, rebalancing the outsourcing-insourcing mix, stratified review and statistically-driven quality assurance. Following Judge Peck, the panel will explore how predictive coding and emerging related business practices can be used to "`secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive` (Fed. R. Civ. P. 1) determination of cases in our eDiscovery world."

Panelists are: Daniel Garrie, Partner, Law & Forensics LLC (formerly FSRDG LLC) and General Counsel, Pulse; Kathryn Goetz, Vice President of Litigation Discovery, Qualcomm; Maura R. Grossman, Counsel,  Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz; Joel Mitnick, Partner and Co-Chair of eDiscovery Task Force, Sidley Austin LLP. Moderator: Warwick Sharp, Vice President, Equivio.

Evolution of eDiscovery Decisions in Financial Services

In the past, financial services eDiscovery cases and regulatory settlements focused on failure to retain records pursuant to the SEC, or the inability to access those records and produce them in a reasonable amount of time. Adverse inferences in Zubulake and Coleman v. Morgan Stanley come to mind, as well as widely publicized settlements between financial services companies and regulators. Join us for a lively discussion of the following topics:

  • What should you anticipate in terms of future challenges with eDiscovery?
  • Are you prepared for discovery related to audio files and social media?
  • What can we anticipate, if anything, from Dodd-Frank rulemaking and its impact on the demands on your eDiscovery process?
  • Will budget constraints on regulators impact the ability to negotiate terms of investigation, or even settlements?
  • Will automated review reduce the burden on you or your clients, or will financial services litigants and regulators reject efforts to incorporate automated solutions into the eDiscovery process?

Panelists are: Tom Shpetner, Director of Equities Compliance – Americas, RBC Capital Markets; Glenn MacFarlane, Executive Director, eDiscovery, JPMorgan Chase; Amy Hinzmann, SVP & Financial Services Practice Group Leader, DiscoverReady LLC.

In addition to these, there are other eDiscovery-related sessions today.  For a complete description for all sessions today, click here.

I always promise this, but always seem to get too busy to deliver, but I’m bound and determined to make good on my promise this year: eDiscoveryDaily will also be “tweeting” periodically throughout LTNY, so feel free to check out our updates at twitter.com/Cloud9Discovery.

So, what do you think?  Are you planning to attend LTNY this year?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Case Law: Fifth Amendment Doesn’t Extend to Encrypted Hard Drives – Or Does It?


In the case U.S. v. Fricosu, Colorado district judge Robert Blackburn has ruled that a woman must produce an unencrypted version of her Toshiba laptop's hard drive to prosecutors in a mortgage fraud case for police inspection.  The woman, Ramona Fricosu, had argued that the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination protected her from having to disclose the password to her hard drive, which was encrypted using PGP Desktop and seized when investigators served a search warrant on her home.

The day the search warrant was carried, Fricosu spoke with her imprisoned ex-husband Scott (indicted with Fricosu in the case) by phone. The conversation was recorded, and Fricosu implied that relevant information could be found on the encrypted laptop:

Scott: (SC [simultaneous conversation]) oh yeah that’s right it was on your laptop wasn’t it

Ramona: I think so but I’m not sure

Scott: OK

Ramona: yeah cause they kept asking me for passwords and I said, ya know no I just didn’t answer them

Scott: right (SC). Because when you went there you took your laptop

Ramona: yeah I think so I think I did

Scott: and so (SC) it would been on there

Ramona: yeah

Scott: OK

Ramona: and my lawyer said I’m not obligated by law to give them any passwords or anything they need to figure things out for themselves

Based on this conversation, the government sought a warrant under the “All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1651, requiring Ms. Fricosu to produce the unencrypted contents of the computer.”  Fricosu declined, “asserting her privilege against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment”.

In providing his ruling, Judge Blackburn referenced In re Grand Jury Subpoena to Boucher in which child pornography was identified on the defendant's laptop during a border search in Vermont. When the laptop was later seized, it was determined to be password protected. A magistrate judge initially sided with the defendant finding that he could not be compelled to reveal the contents of his mind, which is what the act of producing the password would be.  Revising the grand jury’s request to require the defendant to produce, not the password itself, but rather an unencrypted version of the drive, a Vermont District judge granted that request.

With that case as precedent, Judge Blackburn ruled that Fricosu was required to provide the government in this case with an unencrypted copy of the Toshiba laptop computer’s hard drive.  However, Judge Blackburn also ruled that the government would be “precluded from using Ms. Fricosu’s act of production of the unencrypted contents of the computer’s hard drive against her in any prosecution”.

Fricosu’s attorney has indicated he plans to appeal the ruling and noted that his client may not even be able to decrypt the hard drive, stating “If that's the case, then we'll report that fact to the court, and the law is fairly clear that people cannot be punished for failure to do things they are unable to do”.

So, what do you think?  Should production of the hard drive have been compelled?  Does the preclusion from using evidence from the hard drive against her in prosecution address any Fifth Amendment concerns?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: Small Cases Need Love Too!


There was an interesting article in Law Technology News from Tom O’Connor, a previous thought leader interviewee on this blog, regarding the dilemma associated with affordability of eDiscovery technology for small cases (entitled Pricing: The Small Case E-Discovery Dilemma).  Even though small cases make up the overwhelming majority of cases filed and there is ESI to manage in those cases just like there is in the big cases, eDiscovery technology has historically been cost prohibitive for the cases when compared to the amount at dispute.

To make technology work for the smaller cases, Tom makes some assumptions, including:

  • Typical ESI File Formats: The types of files you’re working with in the smaller cases are typical file formats for email and office functions.  If you get into the less common file formats, you’re more likely to need more expensive technology to handle those.
  • Host the Data Yourself: Tom assumes “that you want to host the data yourself, and that you have the equipment and skills to do so” and that small cases “demand applications that can be installed on one computer for processing and review”.  It’s an interesting assumption, the question is do many of the firms managing these small cases have both the equipment and the skills to do so? (I’m not sure that they do).
  • Smaller Volumes of ESI: Of course, it makes perfect sense that the small case would be dealing with less ESI.  As Tom notes, “[w]e're also assuming you are not dealing with terabytes of information.”  Of course not.  However, with each GB representing 50,000 pages of data (or more), it doesn’t take much volume to require technology to effectively manage the data.
  • Cooperative Relationship: Tom also states the assumption that “you have a cooperative relationship with the other side, at least in terms of dealing with EDD”.  When that’s the case, it’s a lot easier to keep eDiscovery at a proportional level.

The article goes on to look at a case starting with 800 GB that ultimately yields 200 GB of reviewable material and the potentially exorbitant costs (as much as $1 million) associated with managing a 200 GB case.  Yet, as Tom notes, “[b]ig EDD companies don't want this business — we've been told that directly by sales managers at two separate top-tier companies.”

Last year at LegalTech, several of the thought leaders that I interviewed indicated that they were seeing more technology alternatives suitable for the smaller cases and Tom mentions some of those toward the end of the article.  One of our 2012 predictions was a greater adoption of eDiscovery technology for smaller cases (as even those cases are no longer that small), attorneys are forced to embrace eDiscovery technology for these cases and, eDiscovery providers are taking note.

In addition to the trends and technology alternatives that Tom writes about, I wrote an article that was published in LJN’s Legal Tech Newsletter in September entitled e-Discovery Technology for the $100,000 (Or Less) Case that discusses some of the trends that are starting to make technology more affordable for the smaller case.  These include SaaS applications in the cloud, pricing models that promote simplified and pay-as-you-go technology pricing, advanced data culling techniques and self-service functionality that enables the firm to “do it yourself” instead of paying the vendor for those services.  This article also identifies some technology alternatives that promote those concepts to make eDiscovery technology affordable even when the amount in dispute is no more than $100,000.

If you’re a subscriber to Legal Tech Newsletter, you can get that entire issue here.  If you’re not a subscriber, but would be interested in a reprint of that article, send me an email to daustin@ediscoverydaily.com and I’ll send you a copy.

So, what do you think?  Are you able to effectively use eDiscovery technology for smaller cases?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Social Tech eDiscovery: Facebook Law Enforcement Policies Revisited

One of the very first posts we published on this blog, over 16 months ago, was a post regarding Facebook’s Subpoena Policy, describing and providing a link to Facebook’s Law Enforcement page to request information from Facebook.  With numerous cases involving discovery of information on Facebook, (including this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and this one – all just in the past year), it seems appropriate to revisit this page to see if anything has changed.

The first thing that has changed is the link itself.  The old link we published 16 months ago no longer takes you to that page – it defaults to the general Facebook help page.  So, I had to “go hunting” for the new location for the law enforcement page.  It took a few tries, but I did finally find it here.  If you prefer your Facebook Law Enforcement information in downloadable document form, the link to the PDF is here.

The page has a lot more information than the old page.  Sections include:

  • US Legal Process Requirements: Notes that Facebook discloses account records solely in accordance with their terms of service and applicable law, including the federal Stored Communications Act (“SCA”), 18 U.S.C. Sections 2701-2712, which requires a valid subpoena, court order or search warrant to compel disclosure of Facebook content.
  • International Legal Process Requirements: A Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty request or letter rogatory may be required to compel the disclosure of the contents of an account.  More information found here.
  • Account Preservation: Link to form to request preservation of account records for up to 90 days pending receipt of formal legal requests.
  • Emergency Requests: Email address for a law enforcement official to obtain an emergency request form in cases “involving imminent harm”.
  • Child Safety Matters: What to do when requests relate to child exploitation or safety concerns.
  • Data Retention and Availability: Reiteration that Facebook does “not retain data for law enforcement purposes unless we receive a valid preservation request before a user has deleted that content from our service”, with links to 1) how a Facebook user can request their account to be permanently deleted (with no recovery), 2) Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and 3) Facebook’s Data Use Policy.
  • Form of Requests: Information required with requests for information, including 1) name of the issuing authority, badge/ID number of responsible agent, email address from a law-enforcement domain, and direct contact phone number; 2) email address, user ID number or username of the Facebook profile.
  • User Consent: Instructions for users who have consented to provide their own information to law enforcement officials using Facebook’s Download Your Information feature (previously featured on this blog here).
  • Notification: What to do if officials believe that notification would jeopardize an investigation.
  • Testimony: Facebook’s declaration that they do not provide expert testimony support, but if “a special form of certification is required”, the requestor should attach it to the records request.
  • Cost Reimbursement: Facebook’s statement that they “may seek reimbursement for costs in responding to requests for information as provided by law”, without specifying what those costs might be (which is different than the specific costs stated in the previous page).
  • Contact Information: To submit records requests via email, snail mail or fax – but only if you’re a law enforcement officer.

So, what do you think?  Have you needed to request information from Facebook for litigation purposes?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.