
eDiscovery Trends: Interview with Laura Zubulake of Zubulake’s e-Discovery, Part 2


Last week, we discussed the new book by Laura A. Zubulake, the plaintiff in probably most famous eDiscovery case ever (Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg), entitled Zubulake's e-Discovery: The Untold Story of my Quest for Justice.  I also conducted an interview with Laura last week to get her perspective on the book, including her reasons for writing the book seven years after the case ended and what she expects readers to learn from her story.

The book is the story of the Zubulake case – which resulted in one of the largest jury awards in the US for a single plaintiff in an employment discrimination case – as told by the author, in her words.  As Zubulake notes in the Preface, the book “is written from the plaintiff’s perspective – my perspective. I am a businessperson, not an attorney. The version of events and opinions expressed are portrayed by me from facts and circumstances as I perceived them.”  It’s a “classic David versus Goliath story” describing her multi-year struggle against her former employer – a multi-national financial giant.  The book is available at Amazon and also at CreateSpace.

Our interview with Laura had so much good information in it, we couldn’t fit it all into a single post.  Yesterday was part 1.  Here is the second and final part!

What advice would have for plaintiffs who face a similar situation to the one you faced?

I don’t give advice, and I’ll tell you why.  It’s because every case is different.  And, it’s not just the facts of the case but it’s also the personal lives of the plaintiffs.  So, it’s very difficult for me to do that.  Unless you’re in someone else’s shoes, you really can’t appreciate what they’re going through, so I don’t give advice.

What do you think about the state of eDiscovery today and where do you think that more attention could be paid to the discovery process?

While I don’t work in the industry day-to-day, I read a lot and keep up with the trends and it’s pretty incredible to me how it has changed over the past eight to nine years.  The first opinions in my case were in 2003 and 2004.  Back then, we had so little available with regard to technology and legal guidance.  When I attend a conference like LegalTech, I’m always amazed at the number of vendors and all the technology that’s now offered.  From that standpoint, how it has matured as an industry is a good thing.  However, I do believe that there are still important issues with regard to eDiscovery to be addressed.  When you read surveys and you see how many corporations still have yet to adopt certain aspects of the eDiscovery process, the fact that’s the case raises concern.  Some firms have not implemented litigation holds or document retention policies or an information governance structure to manage their information and you would think by now that a majority of corporations would have adopted something along those lines. 

I guess organizations still think discovery issues and sanctions won’t happen to them.  And, while I recognize the difficulty in a large organization with lots of employees to control everything and everybody, I’m surprised at the number of cases where sanctions occur.  I do read some of the case law and I do “scratch my head” from time to time.  So, I think there are still issues.

Obviously, the hot topic now is predictive coding.  My concern is that people perceive that as the “end all” and the ultimate answer to questions.  I think that processes like predictive coding will certainly help, but I think there’s still something to be said for the “human touch” when it comes to reviewing documents. I think that we’re making progress, but I think there is still more yet to go.

I read in an article that you were considering opening up an eDiscovery consulting practice.  Is that the case and, if so, what will be unique about your practice?

It’s something that I’m considering.  I’ve been working on the book, but I’d like to get back into more of a routine and perhaps focus on education for employees.  When people address eDiscovery issues, they look to implement technology and look to establish retention policies and procedures to implement holds, and that’s all good.  But, at the same time, I think there should be more efforts to educate the employees because they’re the ones who create the electronic documents.  Educate them as to the risks involved and procedures to follow to minimize those risks, such as litigation holds.  I think if you have an educated workforce and they understand that “less is more” when writing electronic documents, that they don’t always have to copy someone or forward something, that they can be more selective in their writing to reduce costs.

I think because of my background and my personal experiences and because I’m not an attorney, I can relate more to the typical worker.  I was on the trading desk and I know the day-to-day stresses of trying to manage email, trying to do the right thing, but also trying to be productive.  I think I can also relate to senior management and advise them that, although they may not recognize the risk, the risk is there.  And, that’s because I’ve been a worker, I’ve been on the trading desk, I’ve been through litigation, I’ve actually reviewed documents and I’ve gone to trial.  So, if you think that not implementing information governance or other eDiscovery policies is a good idea, that’s not the case.  Corporations should see this as an opportunity to manage information and use those management structures for the benefit of their company.

Thanks, Laura, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Trends: Interview with Laura Zubulake of Zubulake’s e-Discovery


Last week, we discussed the new book by Laura A. Zubulake, the plaintiff in probably most famous eDiscovery case ever (Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg), entitled Zubulake's e-Discovery: The Untold Story of my Quest for Justice.  I also conducted an interview with Laura last week to get her perspective on the book, including her reasons for writing the book seven years after the case ended and what she expects readers to learn from her story.

The book is the story of the Zubulake case – which resulted in one of the largest jury awards in the US for a single plaintiff in an employment discrimination case – as told by the author, in her words.  As Zubulake notes in the Preface, the book “is written from the plaintiff’s perspective – my perspective. I am a businessperson, not an attorney. The version of events and opinions expressed are portrayed by me from facts and circumstances as I perceived them.”  It’s a “classic David versus Goliath story” describing her multi-year struggle against her former employer – a multi-national financial giant.  The book is available at Amazon and also at CreateSpace.

Our interview with Laura had so much good information in it, we couldn’t fit it all into a single post.  So, today is part 1.  Part 2 will be published in the blog tomorrow!

Why did you decide to write the book at this time, seven years after the case was decided?

Actually, I’ve been working on the book for several years and I think it got to the point where I decided either I publish or I don’t publish.  It’s been a work-in-progress for some time and took me longer than I would have expected or liked, but it finally came together.  I probably started it a couple of years after everything was finalized, so it has taken from that point until now to complete it and get it to the point where it is now that I was happy with the results.

What do you expect that those who are familiar with the Zubulake opinions to get out of the book?

Number one, I think it’s really important to note that it’s from the plaintiff’s perspective.  What I find is that most of what you read about in the industry and hear at eDiscovery and legal conferences discuss topics from a defense standpoint.  Most are either a consultant to a defendant or an attorney representing a defendant and I find that the plaintiff’s voice is rarely heard.  And, I felt that I saw things differently from not only the defendant but also my attorneys from time to time because it was my case, I was taking the risks and I had a lot at stake.  So, I think hearing from the plaintiff not just about going through the motions filed and oral arguments and all that but also about life at home and what it’s like dealing with the day-to-day stresses as a plaintiff in a case that lasts three years.  I wanted people to appreciate the difficulty of it. I’m sure most people would assume it’s difficult, but I’m not sure how much people understand about the isolation and how going through litigation can be a lonely place. I write about that in the book.

Number two, a lot has been written about the Zubulake opinions.  Most of it is accurate, but not all of it.  I thought some of the things that were not accurate should be clarified because they were important.  Like, for instance, the role that the adverse inference instruction apparently played to the jury.  I only learned about its role in the verdict during post trial discussions.  Whenever I mention that observation to people, they find that interesting.  I think there are events throughout the litigation that people might learn that what they read in the press is not necessarily 100% accurate.

Also, I think that eDiscovery is still an issue for a lot of medium sized corporations (and probably large corporations, as well).  I think hearing from someone who went through the process would be valuable to them, especially when you consider that I did so without the aid of legal guidelines because there were very few guidelines at the time as I mentioned and also very little technology available.  I had to do it from a very basic standpoint.  So, when you learn anything, it’s really good to learn it from the foundation, from the basics.  From that, you can apply technology and strategies that have been developed over the years.  So, I’m hoping that everybody who reads it will learn something from my experience.

What do you expect that those who are unfamiliar with, or don’t understand the significance of, the Zubulake opinions to get out of the book?

Well, it’s difficult to write a book. When I wrote my first book several years ago about convertible securities, that was what I did for a living and I knew them very well.  I lived this case, so, clearly, I knew it very well.  The problem you have as a writer is not assuming that the reader knows what you know.  So, I tried to write it as clearly as possible and some who are experts in eDiscovery may not find the book to be technical enough, but that was intentional as my goal was to try to appeal to as broad an audience as possible.  That’s always difficult, but that was my goal.  I hope readers learn about the significance of the opinions, learn about the changes in law, and appreciate the plaintiff's viewpoint.

To the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery History: Zubulake’s e-Discovery


In the 22 months since this blog began, we have published 133 posts related to eDiscovery case law.  When discussing the various case opinions that involve decisions regarding to eDiscovery, it’s easy to forget that there are real people impacted by these cases and that the story of each case goes beyond just whether they preserved, collected, reviewed and produced electronically stored information (ESI) correctly.  A new book, by the plaintiff in the most famous eDiscovery case ever, provides the “backstory” that goes beyond the precedent-setting opinions of the case, detailing her experiences through the events leading up to the case, as well as over three years of litigation.

Laura A. Zubulake, the plaintiff in the Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg case, has written a new book: Zubulake's e-Discovery: The Untold Story of my Quest for Justice.  It is the story of the Zubulake case – which resulted in one of the largest jury awards in the US for a single plaintiff in an employment discrimination case – as told by the author, in her words.  As Zubulake notes in the Preface, the book “is written from the plaintiff’s perspective – my perspective. I am a businessperson, not an attorney. The version of events and opinions expressed are portrayed by me from facts and circumstances as I perceived them.”  It’s a “classic David versus Goliath story” describing her multi-year struggle against her former employer – a multi-national financial giant.

Zubulake begins the story by developing an understanding of the Wall Street setting of her employer within which she worked for over twenty years and the growing importance of email in communications within that work environment.  It continues through a timeline of the allegations and the evidence that supported those allegations leading up to her filing of a discrimination claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and her subsequent dismissal from the firm.  This Allegations & Evidence chapter is particularly enlightening to those who may be familiar with the landmark opinions but not the underlying evidence and how that evidence to prove her case came together through the various productions (including the court-ordered productions from backup tapes).  The story continues through the filing of the case and the beginning of the discovery process and proceeds through the events leading up to each of the landmark opinions (with a separate chapter devoted each to Zubulake I, III, IV and V), then subsequently through trial, the jury verdict and the final resolution of the case.

Throughout the book, Zubulake relays her experiences, successes, mistakes, thought processes and feelings during the events and the difficulties and isolation of being an individual plaintiff in a three-year litigation process.  She also weighs in on the significance of each of the opinions, including one ruling by Judge Shira Scheindlin that may not have had as much impact on the outcome as you might think.  For those familiar with the opinions, the book provides the “backstory” that puts the opinions into perspective; for those not familiar with them, it’s a comprehensive account of an individual who fought for her rights against a large corporation and won.  Everybody loves a good “David versus Goliath story”, right?

The book is available at Amazon and also at CreateSpace.  Look for my interview with Laura regarding the book in this blog next week.

So, what do you think?  Are you familiar with the Zubulake opinions?  Have you read the book?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Case Law: On the Eve of Trial with Apple, Samsung is Dealt Adverse Inference Sanction


In Apple Inc. v. Samsung Elecs. Co., Case No.: C 11-1846 LHK (PSG) (N.D. Cal.), California Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal stated last week that jurors can presume “adverse inference” from Samsung’s automatically deletion of emails that Apple requested in pre-trial discovery.

Two of the world’s dominant smartphone makers are locked into lawsuits against each other all over the globe as they fiercely compete in the exploding mobile handset market. Both multinationals have brought their best weapons available to the game, with Apple asserting a number of technical and design patents along with trade dress rights. Samsung is, in return, asserting their “FRAND” (“Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) patents against Apple. The debate rages online about whether a rectangular slab of glass should be able to be patented and whether Samsung is abusing their FRAND patents.

As for this case, Samsung’s proprietary “mySingle” email system is at the center of this discussion. In this web-based system, which Samsung has argued is in line with Korean law, every two weeks any emails not manually saved will automatically be deleted.  Unfortunately, failure to turn “off” the auto-delete function resulted in spoliation of evidence as potentially responsive emails were deleted after the duty to preserve began.

Judge Grewal had harsh words in his order, noting the trouble Samsung has faced in the past:

“Samsung’s auto-delete email function is no stranger to the federal courts. Over seven years ago, in Mosaid v. Samsung, the District of New Jersey addressed the “rolling basis” by which Samsung email was deleted or otherwise rendered inaccessible. Mosaid also addressed Samsung’s decision not to flip an “off-switch” even after litigation began. After concluding that Samsung’s practices resulted in the destruction of relevant emails, and that “common sense dictates that [Samsung] was more likely to have been threatened by that evidence,” Mosaid affirmed the imposition of both an adverse inference and monetary sanctions.

Rather than building itself an off-switch—and using it—in future litigation such as this one, Samsung appears to have adopted the alternative approach of “mend it don’t end it.” As explained below, however, Samsung’s mend, especially during the critical seven months after a reasonable party in the same circumstances would have reasonably foreseen this suit, fell short of what it needed to do”.

The trial starts today and while no one yet knows how the jury will rule, Judge Grewal’s instructions to the jury regarding the adverse inference certainly won’t help Samsung’s case:

“Samsung has failed to prevent the destruction of relevant evidence for Apple’s use in this litigation. This is known as the “spoliation of evidence.

I instruct you, as a matter of law, that Samsung failed to preserve evidence after its duty to preserve arose. This failure resulted from its failure to perform its discovery obligations.

You also may presume that Apple has met its burden of proving the following two elements by a preponderance of the evidence: first, that relevant evidence was destroyed after the duty to preserve arose. Evidence is relevant if it would have clarified a fact at issue in the trial and otherwise would naturally have been introduced into evidence; and second, the lost evidence was favorable to Apple.

Whether this finding is important to you in reaching a verdict in this case is for you to decide. You may choose to find it determinative, somewhat determinative, or not at all determinative in reaching your verdict.”

Here are some other cases with adverse inference sanctions previously covered by the blog, including this one, this one, this one and this one

So, what do you think?  Will the “adverse inference” order decide this case?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Best Practices: Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control and Why Both Are Important in eDiscovery


People tend to use the terms Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) interchangeably and it’s a pet peeve of mine.  It’s like using the word “irregardless” – which isn’t really a word.  The fact is that QA and QC are different mechanisms for ensuring quality in…anything.  Products, processes and projects (as well as things that don’t begin with “pro”) are all examples of items that can benefit from quality ensuring mechanisms and those that are related to electronic discovery can particularly benefit.

First, let’s define terms

Quality Assurance (QA) can be defined as planned and systematic activities and mechanisms implemented so that quality requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled.

Quality Control, (QC) can be defined as one or more processes to review the quality of all factors involved in that product or service.

Now, let’s apply the terms to an example in eDiscovery

CloudNine Discovery’s flagship product is OnDemand®, which is an online eDiscovery review application.  It’s easy to use and the leader in self-service, online eDiscovery review (sorry, I’m the marketing director, I can’t help myself).

OnDemand has a team of developers, who use a variety of Quality Assurance mechanisms to ensure the quality of the application.  They include (but are not limited to):

  • Requirements meetings with stakeholders to ensure that all required functionality for each component is clearly defined;
  • Development team “huddles” to discuss progress and to learn from each other’s good development ideas;
  • Back end database and search engine that establish rules for data and searching that data (so, for example, the valid values for whether or not a document is responsive are “True” and “False” and not “Purple”) and;
  • Code management software to keep versions of development code to ensure the developers don’t overwrite each other’s work.

Quality Control mechanisms for OnDemand include:

  • Test plan creation to identify all functional areas of the application that need to be tested;
  • Rigorous testing of all functionality within each software release by a team of software testers;
  • Issue tracking software to track all problems found in testing that allows for assignment to responsible developers and tracking through to completion to address the issue and re-testing to confirm the issue has been adequately addressed;
  • Beta testing by selected clients interested in using the latest new features and willing to provide feedback as to how well those features work and how well they meet their needs.

These QA and QC mechanisms help ensure that OnDemand works correctly and that it provides the functionality required by our clients.  And, we continue to work to make those mechanisms even more effective.

QA & QC mechanisms aren’t just limited to eDiscovery software.  Take the process of conducting attorney review to determine responsiveness and privilege.  QA mechanisms include instructions and background information provided to reviewers up front to get them up to speed on the review process, periodic “huddles” for additional instructions and discussion amongst reviewers to share best practices, assignment of “batches” so that each document is reviewed by one, and only one, reviewer and validation rules to ensure that entries are recorded correctly.  QC mechanisms include a second review (usually by a review supervisor or senior attorney) to ensure that documents are being categorized correctly and metrics reports to ensure that the review team can meet deadlines while still conducting a thorough review.  QA & QC mechanisms can also be applied to preservation, collection, searching and production (among other eDiscovery activities) and they are critical to enabling discovery obligations to be met.

So, what do you think?  What QA & QC mechanisms do you use in your eDiscovery processes?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Best Practices: You May Need to Collect from Custodians Who Aren’t There


A little over a week ago, we talked about how critical the first seven to ten days are in the case once litigation hits.  Key activities to get a jump on the case include creating a list of key employees most likely to have documents relevant to the litigation and interviewing those key employees, as well as key department representatives, such as IT for information about retention and destruction policies.  These steps are especially important as they may shed light on custodians you might not think about – the ones who aren’t there.

No, I’m not talking about the Coen brothers’ movie The Man Who Wasn’t There, starring Billy Bob Thornton, I’m talking about custodians who are no longer with the organization.

Let’s face it, when key employees depart an organization, many of those organizations have a policy in place to preserve their data for a period of time to ensure that any data in their possession that might be critical to company operations is still available if needed.  Preserving that data may occur in a number of ways, including:

  • Saving the employee’s hard drive, either by keeping the drive itself or by backing it up to some other media before wiping it for re-use;
  • Keeping any data in their network store (i.e., folder on the network dedicated to the employee’s files) by backing up that folder or even (in some cases) simply leaving it there for access if needed;
  • Storage and/or archival of eMail from the eMail system;
  • Retention of any portable media in the employee’s possession (including DVDs, portable hard drives, PDAs, cell phones, etc.).

As part of the early fact finding, it’s essential to determine the organization’s retention policy (and practices, especially if there’s no formal policy) for retaining data (such as the examples listed above) of departed employees.  You need to find out if the organization keeps that data, where they keep it, in what format, and for how long.

When interviewing key employees, one of the typical questions to ask is “Do you know of any other employees that may have responsive data to this litigation?”  The first several interviews with employees often identify other employees that need to be interviewed, so the interview list will often grow to locate potentially responsive electronically stored information (ESI).  It’s important to broaden that question to include employees that are no longer with the organization to identify any that also may have had responsive data and try to gather as much information about each departed employee as possible, including the department in which they worked, who their immediate supervisor was and how long they worked at the company.  Often, this information may need to be gathered from Human Resources.

Once you’ve determined which departed employees might have had responsive data and whether the organization may still be retaining any of that data, you can work with IT or whoever has possession of that data to preserve and collect it for litigation purposes.  Just because they aren’t there doesn’t mean they’re not important.

So, what do you think?  Does your approach for identifying and collecting from custodians include those who aren’t there?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Best Practices: When Litigation Hits, The First 7 to 10 Days is Critical

When a case is filed, several activities must be completed within a short period of time (often as soon as the first seven to ten days after filing) to enable you to assess the scope of the case, where the key electronically stored information (ESI) is located and whether to proceed with the case or attempt to settle with opposing counsel.  Here are several of the key early activities that can assist in deciding whether to litigate or settle the case.


  • Create List of Key Employees Most Likely to have Documents Relevant to the Litigation: To estimate the scope of the case, it’s important to begin to prepare the list of key employees that may have potentially responsive data.  Information such as name, title, eMail address, phone number, office location and where information for each is stored on the network is important to be able to proceed quickly when issuing hold notices and collecting their data.
  • Issue Litigation Hold Notice and Track Results: The duty to preserve begins when you anticipate litigation; however, if litigation could not be anticipated prior to the filing of the case, it is certainly clear once the case if filed that the duty to preserve has begun.  Hold notices must be issued ASAP to all parties that may have potentially responsive data.  Once the hold is issued, you need to track and follow up to ensure compliance.  Here are a couple of recent posts regarding issuing hold notices and tracking responses.
  • Interview Key Employees: As quickly as possible, interview key employees to identify potential locations of responsive data in their possession as well as other individuals they can identify that may also have responsive data so that those individuals can receive the hold notice and be interviewed.
  • Interview Key Department Representatives: Certain departments, such as IT, Records or Human Resources, may have specific data responsive to the case.  They may also have certain processes in place for regular destruction of “expired” data, so it’s important to interview them to identify potentially responsive sources of data and stop routine destruction of data subject to litigation hold.
  • Inventory Sources and Volume of Potentially Relevant Documents: Potentially responsive data can be located in a variety of sources, including: shared servers, eMail servers, employee workstations, employee home computers, employee mobile devices, portable storage media (including CDs, DVDs and portable hard drives), active paper files, archived paper files and third-party sources (consultants and contractors, including cloud storage providers).  Hopefully, the organization already has created a data map before litigation to identify the location of sources of information to facilitate that process.  It’s important to get a high level sense of the total population to begin to estimate the effort required for discovery.
  • Plan Data Collection Methodology: Determining how each source of data is to be collected also affects the cost of the litigation.  Are you using internal resources, outside counsel or a litigation support vendor?  Will the data be collected via an automated collection system or manually?  Will employees “self-collect” any of their own data?  Answers to these questions will impact the scope and cost of not only the collection effort, but the entire discovery effort.

These activities can result in creating a data map of potentially responsive information and a “probable cost of discovery” spreadsheet (based on initial estimated scope compared to past cases at the same stage) that will help in determining whether to proceed to litigate the case or attempt to settle with the other side.

So, what do you think?  How quickly do you decide whether to litigate or settle?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Case Law: “Naked” Assertions of Spoliation Are Not Enough to Grant Spoliation Claims


In Grabenstein v. Arrow Electronics, Inc., No. 10-cv-02348-MSK-KLM, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 56204 (D. Colo. Apr.23, 2012), Colorado Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix denied the plaintiff’s motion for sanctions, finding that their claims of spoliation were based on “naked” assertions that relevant eMails must exist even though the plaintiff could not demonstrate that such other eMails do or did exist.  The motion was also denied because the plaintiff could not establish when the defendant had deleted certain eMail messages, thereby failing to prove claims that the defendant violated its duty to preserve electronic evidence. Judge Mix noted that sanctions are not justified when documents are destroyed in good faith pursuant to a reasonable records-retention policy, if that’s prior to the duty to preserve such documents.

In this employment discrimination case, the plaintiff filed a motion for sanctions, claiming that the defendant failed to retain all eMail messages exchanged internally as well as between the defendant and the plaintiff’s insurer, MetLife, regarding the plaintiff’s short-term disability leave.

Defining the requirement for a finding of spoliation, Judge Mix stated, “A spoliation sanction is proper where (1) a party has a duty to preserve evidence because it knew, or should have known, that litigation was imminent, and (2) the adverse party was prejudiced by the destruction of the evidence.”

Here, Judge Mix found the plaintiff’s contentions that relevant eMails were missing to be “fatally unclear” since neither the plaintiff nor the defendant knew whether other such eMails existed. The plaintiff was also unable to provide any verification that MetLife’s log of relevant eMails exchanged with the defendant was incomplete or had been altered. As a result, Judge Mix was “unable to find that the e-mails produced by MetLife are incomplete and that Defendant destroyed the only complete versions of those e-mails”.

There were some eMails which the defendant admittedly did not preserve.  As to whether those eMails had been deleted after the duty to preserve them had arisen, Judge Mix discussed the standard under the spoliation doctrine: “‘[I]n most cases, the duty to preserve evidence is triggered by the filing of a lawsuit. However, the obligation to preserve evidence may arise even earlier if a party has notice that future litigation is likely.’” Here, Judge Mix found that the plaintiff had not produced any evidence that the defendant should have anticipated litigation prior to receiving actual notice of the filing of the lawsuit. The plaintiff was also unable to show any evidence at all when the defendant had destroyed the eMails that would rebut the defendant’s attorney’s statement that the eMails were deleted prior to the start of litigation. As a result, the plaintiff did not meet its burden of establishing that the defendant had violated its duty to preserve.

While finding that the defendants had violated a records retention policy regulation applicable to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when it deleted the eMails, Judge Mix found that it had not done so in bad faith, and it had been simply following its own eMail retention policy in the normal course of business. Accordingly, the plaintiff’s motion for sanctions was denied.

So, what do you think?  Was the ruling fair or should the defendants have been sanctioned for the deleted eMails?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Best Practices: Documentation is Key to a Successful Discovery Effort


We like to point out good articles about eDiscovery on this blog to keep our readers aware of trends and best practices.  I recently read an article on InsideCounsel titled E-discovery: Memorializing the e-discovery process, written by Alvin Lindsay, which had some good specific examples of where good documentation is important to prevent sanctions and save litigation costs.

Litigation Holds

The author notes that, since the Zubulake opinions issued by Judge Shira Scheindlin in 2003 and 2004, 1) most jurisdictions have come to expect that parties must issue a litigation hold “as soon as litigation becomes reasonably foreseeable”, and 2) “oral” litigation holds are unlikely to be sufficient since the same Judge Scheindlin noted in Pension Committee that failure to issue a “written” litigation hold constitutes “gross negligence”.  His advice: “make sure the litigation hold is in writing, and includes at minimum the date of issue, the recipients and the scope of preservation”.  IT personnel responsible for deleting “expired” data (outside of retention policies) also need to receive litigation hold documentation; in fact, “it can be a good idea to provide a separate written notice order just for them”.  Re-issuing the hold notices periodically is important because, well, people forget if they’re not reminded.  For previous posts on the subject of litigation holds, click here and here.

Retention Policies and Data Maps

Among the considerations for documentation here are the actual retention and destruction policies, system-wide backup procedures and “actual (as opposed to theoretical) implementation of the firm’s recycle policy”, as well as documentation of discussions with any personnel regarding same.  A data map provides a guide for legal and IT to the location of data throughout the company and important information about that data, such as the business units, processes and technology responsible for maintaining the data, as well as retention periods for that data.  The author notes that many organizations “don’t keep data maps in the ordinary course of business, so outside counsel may have to create one to truly understand their client’s data retention architecture.”  Creating a data map is impossible for outside counsel without involvement and assistance at several levels within the organization, so it’s truly a group effort and best done before litigation strikes.  For previous posts on the subject of data maps, click here and here.

Conferences with Opposing Counsel

The author discusses the importance of documenting the nature and scope of preservation and production and sums up the importance quite effectively by stating: “If opposing parties who are made aware of limitations early on do not object in a timely fashion to what a producing party says it will do, courts will be more likely to invoke the doctrines of waiver and estoppel when those same parties come to complain of supposed production infirmities on the eve of trial.”  So, the benefits of documenting those limitations early on are clear.

Collecting, Culling and Sampling

Chain of custody documentation (as well as a through written explanation of the collection process) is important to demonstrating integrity of the data being collected.  If you collect at a broad level (as many do), then you need to cull through effective searching to identify potentially responsive ESI.  Documenting the approach for searching as well as the searches themselves is key to a defensible searching and culling process (it helps when you use an application, like FirstPass®, powered by Venio FPR™, that keeps a history of all searches performed).  As we’ve noted before, sampling enables effective testing and refinement of searches and aids in the defense of the overall search approach.

Quality Control

And, of course, documenting all materials and mechanisms used to provide quality assurance and control (such as “materials provided to and used to train the document reviewers, as well as the results of QC checks for each reviewer”) make it easier to defend your approach and even “clawback” privileged documents if you can show that your approach was sound.  Mistakes happen, even with the best of approaches.

So, what do you think?  These are some examples of important documentation of the eDiscovery process – can you think of others?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Case Law: Plaintiff Compelled to Produce Mirror Image of Drives Despite Defendant’s Initial Failure to Request Metadata


In Commercial Law Corp., P.C. v. FDIC, No. 10-13275, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 51437 (E.D. Mich. Apr. 12, 2012), Michigan District Judge Sean F. Cox ruled that a party can be compelled to produce a mirror image of its computer drives using a neutral third-party expert where metadata is relevant and the circumstances dictate it, even though the requesting party initially failed to request that metadata and specify the format of documents in its first discovery request.

The plaintiff was an attorney who sought to recover fees from the FDIC for services in its capacity as receiver for a bank. The plaintiff claimed that it held valid liens on properties of the bank, and provided an eMail to the bank as evidence. The FDIC disputed the plaintiff’s claim, contended that she was lying and sought to compel her to produce a mirror image of her computer drives to examine relevant data pertaining to the lien documents. Magistrate Judge R. Steven Whalen ordered the plaintiff to compel, and the plaintiff objected.

Judge Cox ruled that there was a proper basis for ordering an exact copy of her drives to be created and also agreed that it was appropriate to be performed by a neutral third-party expert, finding:

  • That such an examination would reveal relevant information pursuant to Rule 26 because “[t]he date Plaintiff executed the security lien is clearly relevant to a defense against Plaintiff’s attorney lien claim”;
  • That there were a number of factors that gave the defendant “sufficient cause for concern” as to the authenticity of the lien documents, shooting down the plaintiff’s claim that the court was simply following a “hunch”;
  • That a third-party expert is an appropriate way to execute the examination.

Despite the fact that the defendant did not request metadata nor specify the format of the documents in its initial discovery request, Judge Cox permitted an expert to obtain relevant metadata. Judge Cox noted:

“It is clear from the parties’ pleadings that Defendant’s concern regarding the legitimacy of the lien documents intensified during the course of discovery. Specifically, Defendant did not obtain the January 18, 2010 email [claiming the lien documents were attached] until it deposed Karl Haiser in August of 2011, well after it submitted its first discovery requests to Plaintiff. “

As a result, the plaintiff’s objections to the Magistrate Judge Whalen’s order were overruled.

So, what do you think?  Should the defendant have been granted another opportunity at the metadata or should the plaintiff’s objections have been granted?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.