Electronic Discovery

“We Don’t Need No Stinking Badges” – On Facebook: eDiscovery Case Law

If you’re near my age and love movies, you probably love the classic Mel Brooks comedy Blazing Saddles.  My favorite quote from that movie is when the bandido says “Badges?  We don’t need no stinking badges!”*  Apparently, there’s a new trend where people post pictures of their employee badges on social media.  Guess what that leads to?  Hacker access into their employer’s facilities.

According to an article on Forbes.com (Here’s Why Your Employer Gets Nervous When You Post Pictures On Facebook), there’s a new trend on social media where people are posting photos of their new employee ID badges called “badge bragging”.  Not surprisingly, according to Brian Varner, Cyber Security Services at Symantec, this trend can give a cyber criminal enough information to compromise personal or company security systems.

One example he cited involved a person who just started a new job at a prestigious hospital. He posted a photo of his new employee ID badge on social media. With just that photo, a hacker could copy the security bar code and make a fake badge to gain access to various systems. Also, the hacker would know the employee’s full name, department he worked in, his education, and the date he started.

Varner identified a few best practices that included developing a policy for employees that addresses posting images or details about work activities online, making security training a part of new employee onboarding and regular reinforcement of good security “hygiene” with constant communication to reinforce best practice behavior.

It’s amazing the ways that hackers can get personal information these days – avoiding security breaches is more challenging than ever.

*By the way, here’s a little trivia: this is not the first time that quote appeared on film or TV.  Most people think the Blazing Saddles quote is taken directly from the classic (not comedy) movie The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.  But, that quote is a little bit different (“Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges!  I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”).

The exact quote actually appeared first in an episode of the sixties TV comedy show The Monkees (the first episode of Season 2 in 1967, 6 1/2 years before it was used in Blazing Saddles).  Maybe Mel Brooks was a fan of The Monkees?  Stump your friends with that little piece of trivia!

So, what do you think?  Does your organization have policies in place regarding information shared by employees on social media?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Image Copyright © Warner Bros. Inc.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Defendant Ordered to Produce Unredacted Versions of Agreements and Shipment Data: eDiscovery Case Law

In Mervyn v. Atlas Van Lines, Inc. et. al., No. 13-3587 (N.D. Ill., Oct. 23, 2015), Illinois Magistrate Judge Susan E. Cox granted the plaintiff’s motion to compel the defendants to produce unredacted owner-operator agreements and shipment data, rejecting the defendants’ argument that producing both would be an undue burden.

Case Background

In this dispute between a shipping company and an independent owner-operator over compensation calculations, the plaintiff requested certain owner-operator lease agreements (known as “PVOs”) from the defendants to support its class claims.  After the court entered an order directing the parties to hold an ESI liaison meeting to resolve the discovery issues, the defendants produced 18 PVOs with the names of the owner-operators redacted, stating that the sample of PVOs demonstrated that the contracts all differ greatly and showed insufficient commonality or typicality among the owner-operators to adequately define a workable class.  The defendants refused to produce unredacted versions of the PVOs, expressing concern that the plaintiff was likely to misuse the information it gained through discovery to bring additional claims or lawsuits against the defendant.

The plaintiff also requested specific shipping data related to a certain time period in “usable electronic format”, to which the defendants objected, indicating that database searching to provide that information would require the defendants to spend two weeks writing a “script” and that the request was beyond the scope of discovery as envisioned by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure because it required them to create a new document.  In response, the plaintiff filed a Motion to Compel both the unredacted PVOs and the shipping data in the requested format.

Judge’s Ruling

Finding that the defendants claims regarding misuse of the owner-operators’ names to be “[b]aseless”, that the owner-operator names were relevant to the case and that producing additional PVOs necessary to determine issues related to class certification would not create an undue burden on the defendants, Judge Cox found that “Atlas has failed to show any threat of misuse and is incorrect that the names are irrelevant, thereby mooting its argument that redaction would be unduly burdensome”.

As for the request for shipping data in a particular format, Judge Cox cited Apple v Samsung to illustrate that requiring a party to query an existing database to produce reports for opposing parties is not the same as requiring the creation of a new document.  Finding that the argument that the plaintiff’s request is outside the scope of Rule 34 was unfounded and that the plaintiff “needs this data for Plaintiff’s expert to determine whether, and to what extent, the owner-operators’ in the putative class were damaged by the terms in the PVOs”, Judge Cox granted the plaintiff’s motion to compel the defendants to produce unredacted owner-operator agreements and the shipment data in the format requested.

So, what do you think?  Is querying a database to produce information creation of a new document or does it fall within the scope of Rule 34?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

The New Federal Rules Changes Are Official Today!: eDiscovery Trends

As we discussed yesterday, today is “E-Discovery Day”.  Click here to check out and register for the webinar sessions being conducted today.  Oh, and by the way, the December 2015 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) are official today!

Several Rules have been amended as part of the changes effective today, with the changes ranging from promotion of cooperation (Rule 1) and proportionality (Rule 26(b)(1)) to failure to preserve electronically stored information (Rule 37(e)) .  Here is a list of key Rules changed:

  • Rule 1. Scope and Purpose
  • Rule 4. Summons
  • Rule 16. Pretrial Conferences; Scheduling; Management
  • Rule 26. Duty to Disclose; General Provisions Governing Discovery
  • Rule 30. Depositions by Oral Examination
  • Rule 31. Depositions by Written Questions
  • Rule 33. Interrogatories to Parties
  • Rule 34. Producing Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Tangible Things, or Entering onto Land, for Inspection and Other Purposes
  • Rule 37. Failure to Make Disclosures or to Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions

The specific changes are too voluminous to list here; however, if you want to check out the specific changes, EDRM has created an FRCP Reference Collection page with the entire FRCP with the changed Rules highlighted and links to those changed Rules, as well as articles and other resources.  You have to be an EDRM member to access the sections; if you’re not, click here for more information on how to join EDRM.

We’ve been covering the process and debate leading up to the Rules changes for over two and a half years now.  From introducing the initial proposed changes back in April 2013 to covering debate regarding the proposed Rules in the Senate (here and here) and covering over 2,300 public comments regarding the Rules that led to additional changes to Rule 37(e) (later changed again and covered here) to final approval of the Rules (here and here).  Not to mention discussion of the Rules by industry thought leaders last year and again this year!

So, what do you think?  Do you think the new FRCP changes will have a significant effect on how organizations handle eDiscovery?  If so, how?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

“E-Discovery Day” is Tomorrow!: eDiscovery Trends

We have days to celebrate all sorts of things, especially in this holiday season.  As we mentioned a couple of months ago, eDiscovery enthusiasts now have their own day – “E-Discovery Day”, which is tomorrow!

Brought to you by EDRM, Exterro, Actiance and Today’s General Counsel, E-Discovery Day (as stated in their website) is “an industry wide initiative aimed at promoting e-discovery awareness and education. E-Discovery Day will bring together a diverse set of professionals to share experiences, discuss key trends and offer best practices over a variety of mediums with the goal of facilitating and promoting e-discovery education to the entire legal and business community.”

George Socha, founder of EDRM, states that “E-discovery is going to be with us for the long haul, which means that all of us working to resolve disputes need to improve our e-discovery IQ. With its webinars, content and other events, E-Discovery Day offers each of us a great opportunity to do just that.”

The webinar sessions have all been scheduled, the speakers have been identified and the sessions will run from 8:30am to 3:30pm PT tomorrow.  Here they are (speakers in parentheses):

  • 2015 E-Discovery Case Law: Sanction Cases You Need to Know: ( Joy Conti, Chief District Judge, Western District of Pennsylvania; Gareth Evans, Esq., Co-Chair E-Discovery Practice Group, Gibson Dunn; Bob Rohlf, Esq., General Counsel, Exterro);
  • A Closer Look at Social Media Discovery: (Jim Shook, Esq., Director of eDiscovery and Compliance Practice, EMC; Bill Tolson, Director of Product Marketing, Actiance);
  • Taking Advantage of the New FRCP E-Discovery Amendments: (George Socha, Esq., Co-Founder, EDRM; Craig Ball, Esq., Attorney / E-Discovery Blogger, Ball in Your Court Blog; Xavier Rodriguez, District Judge, Western District of Texas);
  • FRCP Changes: What, Exactly, are Reasonable Steps to Preserve ESI?: (Robert A. Cruz, Senior Director of Information Governance, Actiance, Inc., Bill Tolson, Director of Product Marketing, Actiance);
  • Predictive Coding 3.0: (Ralph Losey, Esq., E-Discovery Blogger / Attorney, e-Discovery Team Blog);
  • Amendments to Federal E-Discovery Rules Take Effect December 1: Are You Ready?: (Tom Shaw, Assistant General Counsel; Legal Department, CCA Facility Support Center, Nashville, Russell Taber, III, Attorney; Riley Warnock & Jacobson PLC, in Nashville);
  • Make Your Job Easier with E-Discovery Technology: (David Yerich, Esq., Director of E-Discovery, UnitedHealth Group, Tom Mullane, E-Discovery Specialist, United Technology Corporation, Tara Jones, Lead Paralegal – E-Discovery and Consumer Litigation, AOL, Inc.);
  • 3 E-Discovery Trends You Need to Prepare for in 2016: (Bill Tolson, Director of Product Marketing, Actiance, Catherine Casey, Popular E-Discovery Blogger; VP, Exigent Group Limited, Patrick Fuller, Director of Legal Analytics, ELM Solutions, David Houlihan, Esq., Principal Analyst, Blue Hill Research).

Looks like a great curriculum!  You can register for any of the sessions on the site here.

BTW, tomorrow is an important day from an eDiscovery standpoint in another way.  More about that tomorrow!  :o)

So, what do you think?  Do you plan to attend any of the “E-Discovery Day” sessions tomorrow?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Thanksgiving Case Law Pop Quiz Answers!: eDiscovery Case Law

It’s Thanksgiving week! Personally, I have a lot to be thankful for, including a successful year so far at my company CloudNine and (most of all) my family, including my wife Paige and my kids Kiley and Carter (and our dog Brooke too).  Yesterday, we gave you a pop quiz for the eDiscovery case law that we’ve covered recently. If you’re reading the blog each day, these questions should be easy! Let’s see how you did. Here are the answers.

1. In which case was the plaintiff sanctioned twice with adverse inference instructions for tampering with ESI in discovery, without having the case dismissed on either occasion?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

2. In which case was the plaintiff ordered to pay for the cost to produce files in native format after the plaintiff originally produced unsearchable PDF images without metadata?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

3. In which case was the plaintiff ordered to image its sources of ESI and compelled to produce ESI responsive to twenty disputed discovery requests?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

4. In which case were the two attorney defendants sanctioned with “the strongest possible adverse inference” for egregious spoliation of ESI?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

5. Which of the following cases resulted in sanctions being recommended against the defendant?

A. Malibu Media, LLC v. Tashiro

B. Malibu Media, LLC v. Michael Harrison

C. Sanctions Were Recommended in Both Cases

D. Sanctions Were Recommended in Neither Case

6. In which case did the judge grant the plaintiff’s motion for a deposition of a Rule 30(b)(6) witness on the defendant’s self-collection methodology?

A. Giuliani v. Springfield Township, et al.

B. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

C. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

D. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

7. In which case did the court deny the plaintiff’s request for spoliation sanctions, citing a lack of motive or intent?

A. Giuliani v. Springfield Township, et al.

B. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

C. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

D. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

8. In which case was a special master assigned to the case to assist with issues concerning Technology-Assisted Review (TAR)?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

9. In which case did the court deny the plaintiff’s request for spoliation sanctions against the defendant for routine deletion of files of departed employees?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

10. In which case did the judge grant the defendant’s motion to file under seal specific line items from third-party eDiscovery vendor invoices?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

As always, please let us know if you have questions or comments, or if there are specific topics you’d like to see covered.

eDiscovery Daily will resume with new posts next Monday.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Thanksgiving Case Law Pop Quiz!: eDiscovery Case Law

It’s Thanksgiving week! Personally, I have a lot to be thankful for, including a successful year so far at my company CloudNine and (most of all) my family, including my wife Paige and my kids Kiley and Carter (and our dog Brooke too). With it being a short holiday week, it seems like a perfect opportunity to catch up on cases we’ve covered recently with a case law pop quiz.

If you’re reading the blog each day, these questions should be easy! If not, we’ve provided a link to the post with the answer. We’re that nice. Test your knowledge! Tomorrow, we’ll post the answers for those who don’t know and didn’t look them up.

1. In which case was the plaintiff sanctioned twice with adverse inference instructions for tampering with ESI in discovery, without having the case dismissed on either occasion?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

2. In which case was the plaintiff ordered to pay for the cost to produce files in native format after the plaintiff originally produced unsearchable PDF images without metadata?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

3. In which case was the plaintiff ordered to image its sources of ESI and compelled to produce ESI responsive to twenty disputed discovery requests?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

4. In which case were the two attorney defendants sanctioned with “the strongest possible adverse inference” for egregious spoliation of ESI?

A. HMS Holdings Corp. v. Arendt, et al.

B. Electrified Discounters, Inc. v. MI Technologies, Inc. et al.

C. Themis Bar Review, LLC v. Kaplan, Inc.

D. Lynn M. Johnson v. BAE Systems, Inc. et. al.

5. Which of the following cases resulted in sanctions being recommended against the defendant?

A. Malibu Media, LLC v. Tashiro

B. Malibu Media, LLC v. Michael Harrison

C. Sanctions Were Recommended in Both Cases

D. Sanctions Were Recommended in Neither Case

6. In which case did the judge grant the plaintiff’s motion for a deposition of a Rule 30(b)(6) witness on the defendant’s self-collection methodology?

A. Giuliani v. Springfield Township, et al.

B. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

C. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

D. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

7. In which case did the court deny the plaintiff’s request for spoliation sanctions, citing a lack of motive or intent?

A. Giuliani v. Springfield Township, et al.

B. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

C. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

D. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

8. In which case was a special master assigned to the case to assist with issues concerning Technology-Assisted Review (TAR)?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

9. In which case did the court deny the plaintiff’s request for spoliation sanctions against the defendant for routine deletion of files of departed employees?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

10. In which case did the judge grant the defendant’s motion to file under seal specific line items from third-party eDiscovery vendor invoices?

A. Burd v. Ford Motor Co.

B. Rio Tinto Plc v. Vale S.A.

C. GPNE Corp. v. Apple, Inc.

D. Charvat et. al. v. Valente et. al.

As always, please let us know if you have questions or comments, or if there are specific topics you’d like to see covered.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Appellate Court Upholds Ruling to Require Production in Native Format: eDiscovery Case Law

On Monday, we covered a case where the requesting party objected to receiving a native format production by the opposing party instead of TIFF files (go figure).  In today’s case, it was the producing party that objected to providing a native format production.  Here’s the case.

In the case In re State Farm Lloyds, No. 13-14-00616 (Tx. App. Ct., Oct. 28, 2015), the Texas Court of Appeals, finding that the relator failed to meet its burden to support its objection that it could not produce the discovery through reasonable efforts, denied the petition for writ of mandamus filed by the relator in which it contended that the trial court abused its discretion by ordering the production of discovery in native or near-native formats rather than the “reasonably usable” formats it proposed.

Case Background

In this case which involved a homeowner’s insurance claim after hail storm damage, the parties met repeatedly and unsuccessfully to attempt to negotiate a protocol for the production of ESI, causing the real parties to file a motion to “Motion for the Entry of Production Protocol and Motion to Compel Testimony Regarding Technical Information”.  The relators objected, claiming that the real parties’ proposed ESI protocol language would “impose significant burdens” on it to develop (test and implement) unique and burdensome processes just for this case.  The relators also claimed the real parties’ approach was “unsupported under the law”, indicating that “[t]he Texas Legislature did not craft Rule 196.4 [the Texas rule that addresses the procedures that must be followed in seeking the discovery of data or information that exists in electronic or magnetic format] as a mandate for native production”.

The trial court held an evidentiary hearing on the discovery issues at which various witnesses testified (including Craig Ball, who testified on behalf of the real parties that production of the ESI in native and near-native format was both easier and cheaper for the relator than the production of information lacking metadata and that the “reasonably usable” format proposed by the relator was incomplete and lacked essential information.

After the testimony, the trial court granted the real parties’ motion to compel.  The relator filed a petition for writ of mandamus, contending: (1) Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 196.4 and 192.4 allow for the production of ESI in “reasonably usable forms”; and (2) the trial court clearly abused its discretion by entering an order requiring the production of all ESI in specific formats (e.g., “native”) as demanded by real parties and by refusing to allow State Farm to produce ESI in the “reasonably usable” forms it proffered.

Appellate Court Ruling

The court noted that “Under the express terms of the Rule 196.4, the real parties are required to specify the form of production for requested ESI, and State Farm has the obligation to either produce the responsive ESI that is reasonably available to it in the ordinary course of business or to object if it cannot produce the ESI in the requested form through ‘reasonable efforts.’”  Finding that the “real parties have clearly specified the form for production of ESI as specified by our rules and consistent with federal practice”, the appellate court also found that the real parties had presented evidence that “ESI discovery in native and near-native formats is necessary”.  The appellate court also noted that “the record contains evidence that the discovery offered by State Farm as ‘reasonably usable’ lacked numerous categories of information regarding State Farm’s evaluation of the real parties’ claim such as emails, instant messages, captions next to photographs that incorporated the adjuster’s evaluations of the real parties’ damages, and ‘Xactanalysis’ reports on the claim.”

Noting that “State Farm did not provide the trial court with any evidence regarding the estimated cost or expense of producing the ESI data in the requested forms, any evidence regarding the time that it would take to produce the ESI data in the requested forms, or any other estimate of the ‘reasonable expenses of any extraordinary steps required to retrieve and produce the information’”, the Appellate Court determined that “the trial court acted within its discretion in determining that the discovery was not unduly burdensome or that the burden or expense of the discovery outweighed its likely benefit” and denied the petition for writ of mandamus filed by the relator.

So, what do you think?  Should requesting parties always be able to receive native and near-native formats of ESI if they request it?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Court Denies Defendant’s Motion to Require Plaintiff to Re-Produce Data in a More Usable Format: eDiscovery Case Law

In United States v. Meredith, 3:12-CR-00143-CRS (W.D. Ky. Sept. 22, 2015), Kentucky Senior District Judge Charles R. Simpson, III denied the defendant’s motion to compel production of electronically stored information (ESI) by the plaintiff in a usable format, agreeing that the plaintiff had fulfilled its discovery production obligation pertaining to the manner and format of the ESI.

Case Background

In this criminal matter, the government plaintiff began producing discovery in February 2013 and had produced over 300 GB of data plus additional data in four “imaged” computer hard drives, including:

  • Several DVDs containing emails and documents;
  • Copies of four “imaged” drives from the defendant’s and others’ computers;
  • Two hard drives, one containing extracted emails and documents from those imaged hard drives and another containing records obtained during a search warrant;
  • A thumb drive containing the Forensic Tool Kit Report of two of the imaged hard drives;
  • Audio files of relevant interviews; and
  • Paper documents.

The files were searchable using common applications, such as Microsoft Office.  The plaintiff also provided the defendant with written directions on finding specific documents, a Discovery Index and color-coded Media Review Index, and orally explained how it used search terms in reviewing the documents. Despite that assistance, the defendant brought a motion to compel the plaintiff to provide electronically stored information in a more usable format (requesting professional processing and review of the discovery with “industry standard tools” costing nearly $300,000 to be paid by the plaintiff) or to dismiss the case.

Judge’s Ruling

Noting that there is a “dearth of precedent… suggesting what constitutes sufficiently usable discovery” (especially in criminal cases), Judge Simpson acknowledged that the plaintiff’s production was extensive.  However, he noted that “the Government collected into a separate hard drive all document and email files from the imaged drives, two of which were from Defendant’s own desktop and laptop computers”, that the “United States has provided Defendant with discovery that is term searchable by common applications also used by the United States for its own search purposes” and that “[t]he Government also provided Defendant with written and oral assistance in regard to finding specific documents”.

Stating that “[t]his Court does not interpret the Government’s obligation to include providing only evidence that would be helpful to Defendant’s case or searchable using Defendant’s preferred search tools”, Judge Simpson determined that the plaintiff fulfilled its obligation “by providing evidence in a format searchable by multiple common applications, collecting document and email files from imaged hard drives on a separate hard drive, and providing oral and written assistance in searching for files, including a colorcoded and categorized Media Review Index” and denied the defendant’s motion.

So, what do you think?  Was that the correct ruling or should the Government have done more to make the production usable?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Date Searching for Emails and Loose Files Can Be Tricky: eDiscovery Best Practices

I recently had a client that was searching for emails and loose files based on a relevant date range.  However, because of the way the data was collected and the way the search was performed, identifying the correct set of responsive emails and loose files within the relevant date range proved to be challenging.  Let’s take a look at the challenges this client faced.


The files were collected by client personnel with the emails placed into PST files and loose files from local and network stores all put into folders based on custodian.  The data was then uploaded and processed using CloudNine’s Discovery Client software for automated data processing and placed into the CloudNine Review platform.

Issue #1

Before they retained us for this project, the client placed copies of loose files into the custodian folders via “drag and drop”.  If you have been reading our blog for a long time, you may recall that when you “drag and drop” files to copy them to a new location, the created date will reflect the date the file was copied, not the date the original file was created (click here for our earlier post on whether a file can be modified before it is created).

As a result, using created date to accurately reflect whether a file was created within the relevant date range was not possible, so, since it was too late to redo the collection, we had to turn to modified date to identify potentially responsive loose files based on date/time stamp within the relevant date range.

Issue #2

With the data processed and loaded, the client proceeded to perform a search to identify documents to be reviewed for responsiveness to the case that included the agreed-upon responsive terms for which either the sent date or the modified date was from 1/1/2014 to present.  Make sense?  In theory, yes.  However, the result set included numerous emails that were sent before 1/1/2014.  Why?

One of the first steps that Discovery Client (and most other eDiscovery processing applications) performs is “flattening” of the data, which includes extracting individual files out of archive files.  Archive files include ZIP and RAR compressed files, but another file type that is considered to be an archive file is Outlook PST.  Processing applications extract individual messages from the PST, usually as individual MSG (individual Outlook message) or HTML files.  So, if a PST contains 10,000 messages (not including attachments), the processing software creates 10,000 new individual MSG or HTML files.  And, each of those newly created files has a created date and modified date equal to the date that individual file was created.

See the problem?  All of the emails were included in the result set, regardless of when they were sent, because the modified date was within the relevant date range.  Our client assumed the modified date would be blank for the emails.


To resolve this issue, we helped the client restructure the search by grouping the terms within CloudNine so that the sent date range parameter was applied to emails only and the modified date range parameter was applied to loose files only.  This gave the client the proper result with only emails sent or loose files modified within the relevant date range.  The lesson learned here is to use the appropriate metadata fields for searching specific types of files as others can yield erroneous results.

So, what do you think?  Have you ever experienced search issues when searching across emails and loose files at once?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Not Surprisingly, The Big Data Market is Getting Really Big: eDiscovery Trends

A new forecast from International Data Corporation (IDC) announced last week predicts BIG growth for the big data technology and services market through 2019.  Are you surprised by that?  Didn’t think so.  Here is a closer look.

The IDC study, Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services Forecast, 2015–2019, provides a revenue forecast of the Big Data technology and services market for the 2015–2019 period, predicting the big data technology and services market to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.1% over the 2014-2019 forecast period with annual spending reaching $48.6 billion in 2019.  Additionally, a new IDC Special Study (Driven by Data, Fueled with Insights: Worldwide Big Data Forecast by Vertical Market, 2014-2019) examines spending on big data solutions in greater detail across 19 vertical industries and eight big data technologies.

“The ever-increasing appetite of businesses to embrace emerging big data-related software and infrastructure technologies while keeping the implementation costs low has led to the creation of a rich ecosystem of new and incumbent suppliers,” said Ashish Nadkarni , Program Director, Enterprise Servers and Storage and co-author of the report with Dan Vesset , Program Vice President, Business Analytics & Big Data. “At the same time, the market opportunity is spurring new investments and M&A activity as incumbent suppliers seek to maintain their relevance by developing comprehensive solutions and new go-to-market paths.”

All three major big data submarkets – infrastructure, software, and services – are expected to grow over the next five years. Infrastructure, which consists of computing, networking, storage infrastructure, and other datacenter infrastructure-like security – is predicted to grow at a 21.7% CAGR. Software, which consists of information management, discovery and analytics, and applications software – is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 26.2%. And services, which includes professional and support services for infrastructure and software, is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 22.7%. Infrastructure spending will account for roughly one half of all spending throughout the forecast period.

From a vertical industry perspective, the largest industries for big data spending include discrete manufacturing ($2.1 billion last year), banking ($1.8 billion last year), and process manufacturing ($1.5 billion last year). The industries with the fastest growth rates include securities and investment services (26% CAGR), banking (26% CAGR), and media (25% CAGR).  That’s not exactly doubling every 1.2 years, but it still reflects significant growth.

For more information or to purchase a copy of the study, click here.

So, what do you think?  How will the strong growth of the big data market affect how organizations manage eDiscovery?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.