Industry Trends

Judge Scheindlin Speaks!: eDiscovery Trends

Kudos to Jason Krause at ACEDS for getting the first “post-bench retirement” (at least that I know of) interview with (now former) U.S. District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin!

In the interview (which is available here), Judge Scheindlin comments on everything from the significance of her landmark Zubulake and Pension Committee rulings to the differences between circuits in sanctioning spoliation of ESI to thoughts about the amended Rule 37 to issues that most need attention now to even the departure of Judge Paul Grewal from the bench to join Facebook (wow!).  While she is retired from the bench, it appears that she will still be quite actively involved in litigation via special master work and via work in arbitration and mediation.  It’s an interesting and enlightening discussion and write-up.  Great job, Jason!

So, what do you think?  Will the retirement of influential judges like Judge Scheindlin and Judge Grewal adversely affect the judiciary’s handling of eDiscovery issues?  Or will other judges step up to continue their legacy?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Just a reminder that I will be moderating a panel at The Masters Conference Windy City Cybersecurity, Social Media and eDiscovery event next Tuesday, May 24 (we covered it here) as part of a full day of educational sessions covering a wide range of topics.  CloudNine will be sponsoring that session, titled Faster, Cheaper, Better: How Automation is Revolutionizing eDiscovery at 4:15.  Click here to register for the conference.  If you’re a non-vendor, the cost is only $100 to attend for the full day!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

BakerHostetler’s New “Attorney” Doesn’t Carry a Briefcase: eDiscovery Trends

BakerHostetler has brought a new “attorney” into the fold named ROSS (not like “Ross” from the old TV show Friends, but “ROSS”).  They call ROSS “artificially intelligent”, which doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to say, but it’s entirely accurate.

As reported in The American Lawyer (AI Pioneer ROSS Intelligence Lands Its First Big Law Clients, written by Susan Beck), BakerHostetler became the first law firm to announce (earlier this month) that it has licensed the artificial intelligence product developed by ROSS Intelligence for bankruptcy matters.

The ROSS platform is built upon Watson, IBM’s cognitive computer, and it’s “a digital legal expert that helps you power through your legal research”.  According to the Ross Intelligence site, “You ask your questions in plain English, as you would a colleague, and ROSS then reads through the entire body of law and returns a cited answer and topical readings from legislation, case law and secondary sources to get you up-to-speed quickly.”  As the site states, ROSS will:

  1. Provide you a highly relevant answer, not 1000s of results, to your question posed in natural language, not keywords.
  2. Monitor the law for changes that can positively/negatively affect your case, instead of flooding you with legal news.
  3. Learn the more you and other lawyers use it.
  4. Offer a simple, consistent experience across all your devices and form factors.

And, it’s not triskaidekaphobic, which would come in handy today.  Hey, does it write blog posts too?  Just asking… :o)

ROSS Intelligence CEO and co-founder Andrew Arruda said that, in addition to BakerHostetler, a few other firms have also signed licenses, and those announcements will come shortly.  “Our aim is to have ROSS on the legal team of every lawyer in the world,” he said.  Over the last year, ROSS Intelligence has been operating a pilot project with more than 20 law firms that enables the firms test the software for free.

In our thought leader interview at LegalTech New York (LTNY) earlier this year, Ralph Losey theorized about IBM someday making a big splash in the eDiscovery market and noted that “[w]hat they don’t have yet is ‘Watson, the review lawyer’.”  Perhaps not yet.  But, it will be interesting to see if ROSS (or some other technology) can eventually expand to certain discovery tasks and processes that will continue to automate the eDiscovery process as we know it.

So, what do you think?  Do you think ROSS will eventually become involved in the discovery process?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Just a reminder that I will be moderating a panel at The Masters Conference Windy City Cybersecurity, Social Media and eDiscovery event on May 24 (we covered it here) as part of a full day of educational sessions covering a wide range of topics.  CloudNine will be sponsoring that session, titled Faster, Cheaper, Better: How Automation is Revolutionizing eDiscovery at 4:15.  Click here to register for the conference.  If you’re a non-vendor, the cost is only $100 to attend for the full day!

Image © Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Television

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

“Master” Your Knowledge of eDiscovery With This Conference in Chicago Later This Month: eDiscovery Trends

If you’re in the Chicago area or plan to be there on May 24, join me and other legal technology experts and professionals at The Masters Conference Windy City Cybersecurity, Social Media and eDiscovery event for a full day of educational sessions covering a wide range of topics!

The Masters Conference brings together leading experts and professionals from law firms, corporations and the bench to develop strategies, practices and resources for managing the information life cycle.  This year’s Chicago event covers topics ranging from vendor selection to benefits and challenges associated with creating an Information Governance (IG) program to how to handle cross-border data in the wake of the Schrems decision and the new privacy shield.  The Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity and social media discovery are covered too.

The event will be held at the Metropolitan Club, 233 South Wacker Drive, 67th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606.  Registration begins at 8am, with sessions starting right after that, at 8:30am.

CloudNine will be sponsoring the session Faster, Cheaper, Better: How Automation is Revolutionizing eDiscovery at 4:15.  I will be moderating with Rob Robinson of Complex Discovery and Kevin Clark of Hire Counsel, who is also the Vice Chair of the E-Discovery Committee of the DC Bar, and Co-Chair of the EDRM Metrics Group, as panelists.

Our panel discussion will provide an overview of the evolution of electronic discovery technologies and also share with attendees ways that they can consider and compare technology offerings from the large ecosystem of providers supporting litigation, investigations, and audits and includes an overview of the attributes of fourth generation eDiscovery automation technology.  It should be a very informative discussion with a very knowledgeable panel!  Hope you can join us!

Click here to register for the conference.  If you’re a non-vendor, the cost is only $100 to attend for the full day!

The Masters Conference also has an event coming up in New York City in July and Washington DC in October.  Click here for more information on remaining scheduled events for the year.

So, what do you think?  Are you going to be in Chicago on May 24?  If so, come join us!  And, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Time to Express Your Confidence Level in the eDiscovery Ecosystem (Again): eDiscovery Trends

After his inaugural eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey yielded some interesting results, Rob Robinson has made good on his plan to conduct the survey quarterly on his terrific Complex Discovery site with the Spring 2016 Survey.  Now is your chance to express your confidence in the eDiscovery ecosystem!

As he notes on the site, Rob’s eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey is a non-scientific survey designed to provide insight into the business confidence level of individuals working in the eDiscovery ecosystem. The term ‘business’ represents the economic factors that impact the creation, delivery, and consumption of eDiscovery products and services.

Like last quarter, Rob asks questions related to how you rate general business conditions for eDiscovery in your segment of the eDiscovery market, both current and six months from now, a general sense of where you think revenue and profits will be for your segment of the market in six months and which issue do you think will most impact the business of eDiscovery over the next six months, among other questions.  It’s a simple nine question survey that literally takes about a minute to complete.  Who hasn’t got a minute to provide useful information?

Individual answers are kept confidential, with the aggregate results to be published on Rob’s Complex Discovery site upon completion of the response period, which runs from May 1 through May 30.

Last time, there were 80 total respondents, which is not bad for the two weeks that the survey was open!  Looks like Rob decided to allow a full month to respond this time, which should allow for even more respondents.  Of course, last time over two-thirds of respondents were providers; hopefully, there will be a more even distribution this time around.  A majority of respondents last time considered business in eDiscovery to be good and most expected it to be as good or better six months later.  Our coverage of the last survey, with a link to the full survey, is here.

This time, with stories such as the resolution of the Apple v FBI dispute (at least temporarily), the Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report and the “Panama Papers”, it will be interesting to see if a new issue becomes the issue that will most impact discovery over the next six months.

The more respondents there are, the more useful the results will be!  Click here to take the survey yourself.  Don’t forget!

So, what do you think?  Are you confident in the state of business within the eDiscovery industry?  Share your thoughts in the survey and, as always, please share any comments you might have with us or let us know if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

What Happens in the Internet Each Minute in 2016? You Have No Idea: eDiscovery Trends

There’s a Don Henley song titled New York Minute where “In a New York minute…Everything can change”.  In an Internet minute in 2016, data can explode throughout the world.

I love infographics and not just because they make my job easier because I don’t have to write as much.  :o)  The graphic above (copyright by Excelacom, thanks to Stephen’s Lighthouse for the tip) gives you a sense of what happens within the internet in a typical minute.  And, this just covers the most popular apps and mechanisms for communicating and sharing information – there’s a lot more happening each minute that isn’t covered here.

In this era of Big Data, if you’re responsible for information governance in your organization, statistics like those shown above might cause you to lose some sleep.  Sorry about that.  But, they do help convey the increasing challenge of managing all of the data within an organization.  Maybe these are good numbers to reference when you’re pushing for that raise?  You’re welcome.  :o)

So, what do you think?  How have the challenges of Big Data affected your organization?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Your “Mashup” of eDiscovery Market Estimates is Early This Year: eDiscovery Trends

We look forward to the eDiscovery Market Size Mashup that Rob Robinson compiles and presents on his Complex Discovery site each year.  Each of the past three years in July, we have covered his compilations of various eDiscovery market estimates, with estimates for 2012 to 2017, for 2013 to 2018 and 2014-2019 (in two parts).  This year, we don’t have to wait until July: he has released his worldwide eDiscovery software overview for 2015 to 2020 now!

As always, the compilation is “[t]aken from a combination of public market sizing estimations as shared in leading electronic discovery publications, posts and discussions over time”.  Rob’s “Mashup” shares general market sizing estimates for both the software and service areas of the electronic discovery market for the years between 2015 and 2020.

Here are some highlights (based on the estimated from the compiled sources):

  • The eDiscovery Software and Services market is expected to grow an estimated 13.15% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) per year from 2015 to 2020 from $7.33 billion to $13.597 billion per year. Services will comprise approximately 71.69% of the market and software will comprise approximately 28.31% by 2020.
  • The eDiscovery Software market is expected to grow an estimated 14.75% annual growth per year from 2015 to 2020 from $1.935 billion to $3.849 billion per year. Software currently comprises 26.39% of the market, which will rise to 28.31% by 2020.  Also by 2020, 70% of the eDiscovery software market is expected to be “off-premise” – which includes cloud-based and other Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)/Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)/Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solutions.
  • The eDiscovery Services market is expected to grow an estimated 12.55% annual growth per year from 2015 to 2020 from $5.397 billion to $9.748 billion per year. The breakdown of the services market by 2020 is expected to be as follows: 68% review, 19% processing and 13% collection (over the past three years, review was at 73% and collection was at 8%).

Growth rates are fairly steady with those reported last year, though down from the estimates the prior two years.

Here are the sources that Rob states were used in compiling the “mashup” (including his own, how clever!):

  • U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. 2016 Top Markets Report – Cloud Computing. April 14, 2016.
  • “eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey – Winter 2016 Results.” ComplexDiscovery. March 2, 2016.
  • “Worldwide eDiscovery Services Forecast 2014-2019.” Sean Pike, Angela Gelnaw. December 2015.
  • Gartner, Inc. “Critical Capabilities for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Garth Landers. October 6, 2015.
  • Transparency Market Research. “eDiscovery Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014-2022.” July 6, 2015
  • Markets and Markets. “E-Discovery Market By Solution, Deployment, Industry, & Region – Global Forecast to 2020. July 2015.
  • Global Industry Analysts, Inc. “eDiscovery (Software and Services) Global Strategic Business Report.” May 28, 2015.
  • Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Garth Landers. May 18, 2015.
  • The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2014-2018.” Sara Radicati. December 3, 2014.
  • Transparency Market Research. “eDiscovery Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2014-2020).” June 2014.
  • Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Jie Zhang, Debra Logan, Garth Landers. June 19, 2014.
  • “Worldwide eDiscovery Software 2014-2018 Forecast.” Sean Pike. May 2014.
  • The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2013-2017.” Sara Radicati. August 2013.
  • Gartner, Inc. “Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery Software.” Debra Logan, Alan Dayley, Sheila Childs. June 10, 2013.
  • The Radicati Group. “eDiscovery Market, 2012-2016.” Sara Radicati, Todd Yamasaki. October 2012.
  • Transparency Market Research. “World e-Discovery Software & Service Market Study.” August 2012.
  • Rand Institute For Civil Justice. “Where the Money Goes: Understanding Litigant Expenditures for Producing Electronic Discovery.” Nicolas Pace and Laura Zakaras. April 2012.
  • “MarketScape: Worldwide Standalone Early Case Assessment Applications Vendor Analysis.” Vivian Tero. September 19, 2011.
  • Industry Observer Estimations (Multiple Observers)

So, what do you think?  Do you think the eDiscovery software market is slowing down?  Or is it simply a matter of the market maturing over time?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

The Benefits of Blogging: eDiscovery Trends

One of the highlights of the week for me last week at the ACEDS conference was the Law Student Blogger/Social Invitational pre-conference seminar where I was one of the speakers.  It was a great opportunity to share stories with some of my fellow bloggers in the industry whom I respect and admire.

Yesterday, Jason Krause posted a terrific write-up of the session on the ACEDS website (ACEDS Panel: The State of Legal Blogging in 2016) where he discussed some of the comments by the blogger panel (and included an interview that he conducted with Rob Robinson about the session).  While we didn’t have a lot of attendees for the session (damn you, Cyber Security seminar, for being so popular!), it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience sharing stories with Rob, Robin Thompson, Ari Kaplan and Tom O’Connor.  I have tremendous respect for each of my blogger colleagues that participated in that session and for other bloggers in the industry as well.

With over 1,400 lifetime posts (Tuesday was our 1,400th post) over more than 5 1/2 years, I can certainly attest to the benefits of blogging.  Having worked in the litigation support/eDiscovery industry assisting clients for over 25 years, I can say that my profile in the industry has been boosted far more by 5 1/2 years of blogging that it has by all of the years of client work.  If you’re a law student looking to make your mark, blogging is a great way to get noticed!

Another side benefit of regular blogging (and you cannot get more regular than daily, after all) is that it forces you to stay current on developments in the industry.  Having been “heads down” in client projects in the past for months at a time, I’ve been known to let my industry research lag during those stretches and have emerged having to play “catch up”.  When you blog regularly, you really have to stay current with developments in the industry and your appetite for knowledge is enhanced when you’re always looking for blog topics.  I’m grateful for that aspect that being a blogger provides.

Blogging can sometimes be circular, as well.  Craig Ball issues a new “EDNA” challenge on his blog a couple of weeks ago (to which CloudNine’s CEO Brad Jenkins provided a response) and then he discussed the various responses at a session at ACEDS (along with Tom and Tania Mabrey).  We covered his challenge, his post, and the session here a few days ago on this blog.  And, Rob (after covering Craig’s challenge as well several days ago), covered the session here (which includes a look at the slides from the session and is definitely worth checking out) on his Complex Discovery blog.  When it came to the “EDNA” challenge, blogging tied it all together!

Don’t forget that today I will be moderating a panel in Birmingham, Alabama!  The session is titled The New Rule 34(b):  Managing e-Discovery Requests, Objections & Other Fun Stuff and it will begin at 11:30AM CT.  Click on the link to attend in person in Birmingham (with CLE credit available) or via WebEx (no CLE credit available).  Should be a fun session!

So, what do you think?  Have you ever written a blog?  If so, what was your experience?  Please share any comments you might have with us or let us know if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Join Me for a Panel Discussion Regarding Rule 34(b) Changes and Other Fun Stuff!: eDiscovery Best Practices

This Thursday, I’ll be in Birmingham, Alabama and I’m excited to be participating in a roundtable discussion regarding the new Rule 34(b) changes!  Here is how you can attend (and even get CLE credit) if you’re in the Birmingham area and how you can still attend via the Web if you’re remote.

The event is hosted by the ESI Roundtable , which is a grassroots, continuing legal education organization that provides eDiscovery training & workshops with practical content and local networking.  Founded by Melissa Rogozinski, ESI Roundtable has produced and hosted over 250 eDiscovery CLEs since 2008!  And, I’m excited to report that the event will be sponsored by CloudNine!

Thursday’s event is titled The New Rule 34(b):  Managing e-Discovery Requests, Objections & Other Fun Stuff .  With Rule 34(b) having been recently amended to both emphasize response time to discovery as well as require specificity of objections, it will be an interesting discussion with experienced attorneys (representing both the plaintiff and defendant points of view) about Rule 34(b), the changes to the rule and what it all means to you.

I will be moderating and adding perspective as someone who has spent over 25 years providing technology assistance and support to attorneys in the litigation process.  It should be educational and a lot of fun!

If you are in Birmingham, CLE credit is available.  You must register, purchase a ticket and attend ONSITE/IN-PERSON to receive CLE credit.  The event will be held at Adams & Reese LLP at Regions Harbert Plaza, 1901 6th Avenue North, Suite 3000, Birmingham, AL 35203 (I hear it’s got a great view of the city).  Click here and go to the bottom of the page to register for CLE credit.

If you can’t attend in person, but would still like to learn from the panelists and attend the event from the comfort of your own workstation, you can attend via WebEx.  Click here to register for the event via WebEx.  Sorry, no CLE credit available for WebEx attendees.

Regardless, it should be a lot of fun and I look forward to meeting all of the in-person attendees on Thursday!

So, what do you think?  Are you interested in learning more about the latest FRCP rules changes?  Please share any comments you might have with us or let us know if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Wednesday ACEDS Conference Sessions: eDiscovery Trends

The ACEDS conference concludes today after kicking off yesterday (and conducting pre-conference seminars the day before).  Let’s take a look at today’s sessions.

The conference is being held today and tomorrow at the Grand Hyatt New York (located at 109 East 42nd Street at Grand Central Terminal).  I will be covering the conference for eDiscovery Daily and will provide info about the sessions before each day, so that attendees will know what’s available.  And our parent company, CloudNine will be one of the exhibitors at the show, at booth #106.  If you’re there, come by and see us!

Unlike other conferences where I have to search for the sessions that relate to eDiscovery, I don’t have to do that here – they all relate to eDiscovery, Information Governance or Cybersecurity.  Here are the sessions for today, the last day of the conference:

8:00 – 9:00 AM:

The Anatomy of a Tweet

Social media is increasingly important to many civil and criminal cases, but do you know how to securely and accurately preserve a Tweet or Facebook post? Social media is dynamic and fluid, so the standards that apply in other forms of discovery will simply not work in the social context. We have a panel of social media insiders who will explain how to obtain evidence from any social platform, with and without user login credentials.

Speakers: William Wilkinson, Director, Forensic Technology, BDO; Rob Robinson, Managing Director, Complex Discovery; Julie K. Brown, Litigation Technology Manager, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP; Calvin Weeks, Computer Forensics Manager, Eide Bailly LLP.

Establishing the Parameters of Ethical Conduct in the Legal Technology Industry – LTPI Working Session

Eric Mandel, Board of Directors for the Legal Technology Professionals Institute (LTPI) will facilitate an open workshop on the proposed ethical standards for eDiscovery Professionals. The LTPI Ethical framework will include: Operational guidance for developing an ethical framework for legal technology professionals, focusing particularly on:

  • Good faith basis in work recommended
  • Reasonableness in efforts
  • Reasonableness in costs
  • Usability for end purposes
  • Fidelity of processes (no “lossiness”)
  • Compliance with laws governing disclosures
  • Accuracy of results
  • Usability to all stakeholders or consumers
  • Ability to certify the foregoing in good faith

Speaker: Eric Mandel, Chair and President, Legal Technology Professionals Institute.

Women to Know: What’s Your Pitch/What’s Your Story

Speakers: David Cowen, President and Managing Director, The Cowen Group; Tania Mabrey, Founder, Sagacity Technology Consultants LLC.

The Essence of E-Discovery Education

E-Discovery education presents unique challenges for lawyers, paralegals, litigation professionals, and judges. This panel will explore educational pathways integrating e-discovery law, technology and practice in degree programs, certification programs, training programs, and continuing legal education that will highlight recommendations on how to teach e-discovery as well as what prospective students should look for in a quality e-discovery educational program.

Speakers: Rachel See, Lead Technology Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board; Bill Hamilton, Faculty and Executive Director, University of Florida Law, International Center for Automated Information Retrieval; Vice-Chancellor Bryan University; Hon. James C. Francis IV, US Magistrate Judge, Southern District of New York.

9:30 – 10:30 AM:

GENERAL SESSION: Tracking Terrorism in the Digital Age & Its Lessons for EDiscovery – Judicial Perspectives

The FBI and Apple Computers are now locked in a court battle over how to unlock an iPhone 5C belonging to Syed Farook, the San Bernardino terror shooter. But this battle is just one small piece of a larger fight over digital privacy, terrorism, and security that will not be settled anytime soon.

The recent terror attacks in California, Paris, Turkey, Beirut, and elsewhere are a terrible human tragedy and we join the worldwide condemnation and offer our deepest sympathies to the victims. But as e-discovery specialists, we are now at the forefront of the fight to bring these criminals to justice, and seek to help advance the science and understanding of terror networks so as to help bring perpetrators to justice and prevent future atrocities.

This panel of Judges will discuss how they battle terrorism in the digital realm.

Speakers: Ronald J. Hedges, Principal, Ronald J. Hedges LLC; Hon. James C. Francis IV, US Magistrate Judge, Southern District of New York; Hon. Matthew Sciarrino, Jr, Judge, New York State Supreme Court – Criminal Term – Kings County; Hon. Xavier Rodriguez, US District Judge, US District Court, Western District of Texas.

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM:

“Bring it In” House

Many of the warhorses of the litigation support industry were first created in the 1980s. While they were groundbreaking when initially released, there is plenty of new technology available to create your own litigation workflow. We’ve brought in experts who can explain alternative platforms- including cloud-based services and mobile applications. They will show how to build litigation workflows that work for your firm and how to secure data beyond the basic security options found in many software platforms. In addition, we will also show you an important third option for the tech savviest attorneys- building your own in-house platform from free or inexpensive software.

Speakers: George Socha, President & Founder, Socha Consulting, LLC; Julie K. Brown, Litigation Technology Manager, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP; Tina Garbarino, Manager of the e-Discovery Services Team at NBCUniversal.

EDna Challenge Part 2

A few years ago, Craig Ball wrote a widely-read and influential paper called “E-Discovery for Everybody: The EDna Challenge.”  Craig asked a group of e-discovery experts how they recommended conducting e-discovery in a case involving a budget of only $1,000. Recognizing that e-discovery costs have increased exponentially, we’ve assembled an all-star panel to revisit the question for 2016 on a $5000 budget. You will learn proven and cost-effective methods as well as some creative new ways to do discovery on a shoestring budget.

Speakers: Tania Mabrey, Founder, Sagacity Technology Consultants LLC; Craig D. Ball, ESI Special Master, Computer Forensic Examiner and Attorney; Tom O’Connor, Senior ESI Consultant, Advanced Discovery.

The Living Dead of E-Discovery

Long after a case is dead and buried, the data often lives on, haunting its former owners. Too many of us keep data from old cases, which only raises costs and creates potentially dangerous security risks. For example, how do you delete data stored with outside counsel or in the cloud or on a third-party’s servers? ESI from old cases increases the risk of a data breach, particularly when the ESI contains PHI and PII. Our panel will address this vital but often ignored aspect of modern litigation.

Speakers: Rachel See, Lead Technology Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board; Cindy MacBean, Manager of Litigation Support Services at Watt Tieder law firm in McLean; Alex Ponce de Leon, Discovery Counsel, Google, Inc.; Chris Dix, Attorney, Smith Hulsey & Busey.

12:00 – 1:15 PM:

ACEDS Awards Luncheon

Honoring Craig Ball of Craig D. Ball, P.C., Allison Brecher of Marsh and McLennan, Sheila Grela of Kennedy and Souza and Kim Taylor of Ipro.

1:15 – 2:15 PM:

The Crystal “Ball”: A Look Into the Future of E-Discovery

Craig Ball will look out into the future and lay out a roadmap for the ACEDS community to contribute to justice and efficiency. Craig is known as a speaker who pulls no punches. Expect an incisive talk spanning forensics, the cloud, legal ethics and creative ways to solve disputes involving technology in the legal system and what you can do to stay competent in EDiscovery as the landscape continuously changes.

Speaker: Craig D. Ball, ESI Special Master, Computer Forensic Examiner and Attorney.

2:45 – 3:45 PM:

Metrics That Matter

The Six Sigma for E-Discovery session will present an overview of how e-discovery professionals can use Six Sigma to improve to quality and efficiency of their processes. Topics will include a discussion on collecting and using metrics, along with a briefing on basic statistical terms. Attendees will also be introduced to Six Sigma based team management tools that support the effective (and ethical) management of e-discovery projects, including, communication protocols, process mapping, and assessing the costs of poor quality.

Speakers: Scott M. Cohen, Director of E-Discovery & Information Governance, Winston & Strawn LLP; Kimberly Williams, Founder and CEO, RedShift Legal, Inc.

Avoiding Sanctions in 2016

With the new Rule 37(e), the Federal Rules now reserve the most severe sanctions only for cases in which one party destroys or withholds evidence with an intent to deprive the other party. In theory, this means that means that it will be harder for parties to be sanctioned for a failure to preserve evidence, provided good faith efforts were made. Of course, reality is always more complicated. Find out how the law is evolving to meet this new standard and what is now considered a sanctionable offense in e-discovery. Current cases with a Rules focus will be explored.

Speakers: Alex Ponce de Leon, Discovery Counsel, Google, Inc.; Alvin F. Lindsay, CEDS, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Miami; Hon. Xavier Rodriguez, US District Judge, US District Court, Western District of Texas.

Master Class: Interviewing in eDiscovery

Ever wished you could be a fly on the wall for a real interview in a law firm or eDiscovery vendor? Now is your chance! TRU Staffing Partners’ founder and CEO, Jared Coseglia, will be teaching a one-of-a-kind Master Class on “Interviewing in eDiscovery.” This interactive session will feature mock interviews with actual professionals in the industry intermingled with coaching from one of the foremost global leaders in legal technology career representation and staffing. The event will include a variety of interviews including an eDiscovery project manager, a technical litigation support analyst, and an eDiscovery consultant in a theatrical environment for all to observe and ask questions. Attendees will gain valuable insight on how to ask the right questions (as potential employer and employee), how to position yourself for the right role, how to better prepare for the interview, how to talk about compensation, and more.

Speakers: James Bekier, Director of Litigation Services for Baker Hostetler; Jared M. Coseglia, Founder & CEO, TRU Staffing Partners; Philip Favro, Consultant, Discovery & Information Governance, Driven, Inc.

ProBono: Planning, Strategies and Implementations

We all want to use our talents to give back to the world, but often don’t know how. This ACEDS webinar will tell you how to find pro bono legal work that makes you happy while making the world a little better. Pro bono organizations need all kinds of help- training, co-counsel work, as well as goods and services. Our presenters will tell you how to figure out where your natural talents are and how to integrate pro bono work with your life and career so that it is a not burden, but a joy.

Speakers: Suzanne Clark, Attorney, eDiCT, LLC; Tom O’Connor, Senior ESI Consultant, Advanced Discovery.

Hope to see you there!

So, what do you think?  Did you attend ACEDS this year?  If so, what did you think of the conference?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Welcome to the ACEDS Conference!: eDiscovery Trends

The ACEDS conference informally kicked off yesterday with its pre-conference seminars and I enjoyed “talking shop” (from a blogging perspective) with Rob Robinson, Robin Thompson, Ari Kaplan and Tom O’Connor (among others).  Now, that the appetizer is out of the way, let’s move on to the main course!

The conference is being held today and tomorrow at the Grand Hyatt New York (located at 109 East 42nd Street at Grand Central Terminal).  I will be covering the conference for eDiscovery Daily and will provide info about the sessions before each day, so that attendees will know what’s available.  And our parent company, CloudNine will be one of the exhibitors at the show, at booth #106.  If you’re there, come by and see us!

Unlike other conferences where I have to search for the sessions that relate to eDiscovery, I don’t have to do that here – they all relate to eDiscovery, Information Governance or Cybersecurity.  Here are the sessions for today:

9:00 – 10:00 AM:

Future Forward Stewardship of Privacy and Security

David Shonka, Acting General Counsel for the Federal Trade Commission, will focus on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and its future forward stewardship of privacy and security.  Specific topics will include current regulatory frameworks, guidelines and recommendations, the FTC v. Wyndham Worldwide Corp. case and observations on the Commentary on Privacy and Information Security: Principles and Guidelines for Lawyers, Law Firms, and Other Legal Service Providers published by The Sedona Conference™.

Speaker: David Shonka, Acting General Counsel for the Federal Trade Commission.

10:30 – 11:30 AM:

The Art & Science of Computer Forensics: Why Hillary Clinton’s Email & Tom Brady’s Cell Phone Matter

Ever wonder what a data forensic examiner is looking for or what they see during an investigation? Experienced forensic examiners will be on-hand to show you what digital evidence looks like, down to the bits and bytes of every piece of information. They will show you what is stored in a modern computer system, what metadata reveals, and what you can reasonably expect to find in a modern digital forensic examination. Other topics covered are:

  • Which recovered files/fragments are considered fact testimony vs. opinion testimony
  • A primer on getting your expert accepted by the court.
  • What written reports should look like
  • What are cost expectations for forensic examinations and what are realistic examination timelines in 2016.

Speakers: Christine Chalstrom, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and President, Shepherd Data Services; David A. Greetham, CFE, Vice President, e-Discovery Operations, Ricoh Americas Corporation; Calvin Weeks, Computer Forensics Manager, Eide Bailly LLP; Stephanie L. Giammarco, Partner, BDO Consulting, New York.

The Secrets No One Tells You: Taking Control of Your Time, Projects, Meetings, and Other Workplace Time-Stealers

We all live under pressure. Clients, judges, attorneys, and bosses issue constant and often contradictory instructions. It’s a recipe for stress, pressure, dissatisfaction – unless you know Bill and Steve’s excellent survival secrets. In this high-energy, interactive session, they’ll share tips, tricks, and techniques for productive meetings, managing email and interruptions, kicking projects into gear, even figuring out what clients actually want. Steve and Bill will show you not just how to survive, but how to thrive in this environment. Bonus: bring your own questions and problems for some on-the-spot suggestions on taking control of a hectic work environment.

Speakers: Bill Speros, Attorney Consulting in Evidence Management, Speros & Associates, LLC; Steven B. Levy, CEO, Lexician.

Ethics Rules for the Tech Attorney

We all know that lawyers can’t be Luddites anymore. ABA Model Rule, Rule 1.1 says lawyers should keep up with changes in the law and its practice, “including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology.”  But technical competence means a lot more than just knowing a few buzzwords and phrases. This panel that includes bar association ethics administrators, will get into the practical technical considerations every lawyer must understand and be able to critically assess in the course of representing a client in today’s digital world.

Speakers: Kiriaki Tourikis, Vice President, Assistant General Counsel, JPMorgan Chase; Ronald J. Hedges, Principal, Ronald J. Hedges LLC; Michael Simon, Principal of Seventh Samurai LLC.

Hiring & Retaining E-Discovery Leaders

In budget constrained environments, how do you attract and retain top talent? In ethically nuanced situations, how do you create an open, supportive environment that challenges people to be better?  How do you support your people while holding them accountable?  While it is easier to spot educational opportunities for hard skills, how do you expand the leadership potential of your team?

Speakers: David Cowen, President and Managing Director, The Cowen Group; Kenya Dixon, Assistant Director, Division of Litigation Technology and Analysis, Federal Trade Commission.

12:00 – 12:45 PM:

Piecing the Puzzle Together: Understanding How Associations can Enhance Your Career

Looking at the number of associations available, you may often find yourself trying to figure out what the benefit of joining each is and how each apart or together can most benefit your career. During this session, leaders from EDRM, Legal Technology Professionals Institute, ILTA, Women in eDiscovery, and others will give you a look into how each of them provide you the benefits of professional development, networking, and mentoring; how the benefits they provide work with other organizations and associations; and what they see the future holding.

Speakers: Beth Finkle, Executive Director, Women in e–Discovery; Bryn Bowen, CRM, Director of Information Services, Schulte Roth & Zabel; Stephen Dooley, Assistant Director of Electronic Discovery & Litigation Support, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP; Maribel Rivera, Principal, Maribel Rivera Marketing; George Socha, President & Founder, Socha Consulting, LLC; Eric Mandel, Chair and President, Legal Technology Professionals Institute; Mary Mack, Executive Director, ACEDS.

2:00 – 3:00 PM:

Tracking Terrorism in the Digital Age & Its Lessons for EDiscovery – A Technical Approach

The FBI and Apple battle over how to unlock an iPhone 5C belonging to Syed Farook, the San Bernardino terror shooter is just one small piece of a larger fight over digital privacy, terrorism, and security that will not be settled anytime soon.

The recent terror attacks in California, Paris, Turkey, Beirut, and elsewhere are a terrible human tragedy and we join the worldwide condemnation and offer our deepest sympathies to the victims. But as computer forensics specialists, we are now at the forefront of the fight to bring these criminals to justice, and seek to help advance the science and understanding of terror networks so as to prevent future atrocities.

Join us at the ACEDS E-Discovery Conference in New York City as our expert discusses how to battle terrorism in the digital realm. In this session, we will discuss ominous trends, including:

  • Why terrorist plotters are able to avoid leaving digital clues or traceable evidence.
  • How encrypted communications tools are making it easier than ever for parties to hide, destroy, and obscure their data trails online.
  • Which encrypted communications tools are making it easier than ever for parties to hide, destroy, and obscure their data trails online.
  • How to break terrorism rings without violating privacy rights for the rest of us.

Speakers: Roy Zur, CEO, Cybint.

E-Discovery Project Management: Ask Forgiveness, Not Permission

Undertaking an organization-wide legal project management or PMO initiative within a corporate legal department, at a law firm or a service provider is not something to be undertaken lightly. The executive level buy-in, the resources needed, and the patience required can all be daunting. But quite apart from applying project management to overall operations, the question presented to this panel is whether project management methodologies may be applied in more discreet circumstances; specifically, to the e-discovery processes of the EDRM.  Several industry experts will discuss how project management may be used to maximize efficiency, control risk, and produce sound, defensible results across the EDRM without the high-level buy-in needed for an organization-wide initiative. Attendees will take away some best practices in project management and learn the small, important things that will make your electronic discovery projects successful.

Speakers: Jason D. Wallach, Partner, Blank Rome LLP; Albert J. Buckwalter, Director – Litigation Support Group, Department of Justice – Civil Rights Division; Mike Quartararo, Director of Litigation Support Services, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP.

The Limits of Proportionality

At the 2015 ACEDS E-Discovery Conference, Judge Grimm, a leading architect and proponent of the changes to FRCP 26(b), told the audience that proportionality had been “lost” in the old rules. He also argued that the new amendments to the Federal Rules will make it more likely that judges will actively enforce the requirement.  Even US Supreme Court Justice Roberts’ recently-issued “State of the Judiciary” report for 2016 emphasized the importance of the new proportionality rules.

Speakers: Bill Millican, Corporate Director of Training and Development, Xact Data Discovery; Alex Ponce de Leon, Discovery Counsel, Google, Inc.; Hon. Xavier Rodriguez, US District Judge, US District Court, Western District of Texas.

What Your Data Governance Team Can Do For You

In pursuit of e-discovery excellence, the data itself can present several challenges.  As companies encounter litigation requiring data collection, at the same time, companies are encountering a renaissance of insight and business value that can be derived from the very same data.  The team often at the helm of overseeing data management activities in pursuit of business value is Enterprise Data Governance.  Data Governance teams set policy, identify accountability for improving data, and ensure the organizations’ overall treatment of data is improving.  If you are asking any of the following as an e-discovery professional, your data governance team may be able to help you.

  • Where is the data I need? What does this stuff mean?  (Metadata)
  • Is this data any good? Should I be using it?  (Data Quality)
  • Who is responsible for this data set? (Stewardship)

Speaker: Laura Hahn, Senior Manager, Enterprise Data Governance, TD Ameritrade.

Financial Industry Roundtable (Invitation Only)

Closed session to practitioners in the financial industry to have candid conversations about the solutions and challenges in this particular market.  This session will not be recorded and no materials will be distributed.  Possible topics include: voice, archiving, trade reconciliation, Advanced use of TAR and suggestions are welcome.

Speaker: Jason Velasco, eDiscovery Engineering and Architecture, Deutsche Bank.

Using Analytics & Visualizations to Gain Better Insight into Your Data

Big Data plays a big role in litigation for many law firms and organizations. Having the ability to cull down your data earlier in the litigation cycle enables your firm or organization to work more efficiently and competitively. Technology is increasingly playing a key role in helping firms and organizations effectively identify and manage the data most important to your litigation. This session will discuss the emerging trends around analytics in e-Discovery, and how your firm or organization can implement best practices to ensure the highest quality results at a lower cost than traditional document reviews.

Speaker: Dean Kuhlmann, Vice President of Business Development, Brainspace.

3:30 – 4:30 PM:

Defending and Defeating TAR

This session focuses on three sets of TAR’s purported capabilities from two alternative perspectives:  How to defeat TAR’s use or to defend it.

It is led by Judge Ron Hedges who describes the challenge and invites observations from three attorneys who have lead e-discovery projects for a combined 50+ years—and they live to tell about it—and invites observations from you.

Speakers: Gina Sansone, Manager of Litigation Support, AXINN; Bill Speros, Attorney Consulting in Evidence Management, Speros & Associates, LLC; Ronald J. Hedges, Principal, Ronald J. Hedges LLC; Adam Wright Strayer, Esq., Director leading Technology-Assisted Review.

Managing Your Project Manager’s Project Manager: Who’s On First?

Inevitably in any e-discovery matter, there can be as many as three project managers handling a case at any given time. Between the client, law firm and service provider, it’s often difficult to determine who should take the lead, direct traffic, manage budgets and most importantly, manage people. Steven Levy, author of Legal Project Management: Control Cost, Meet Schedules, Manage Risks and Maintain Sanity, will moderate this lively and challenging debate among project managers from all three perspectives to help organizations understand how to work together and manage the e-discovery process, lead the charge, understand boundaries, manage budgets and, most importantly, play nice together in the sandbox.

Speakers: Angelique Harris, Litigation Services Manager, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP; Todd Hartley, Counsel, Nissan North America, Inc.; Nick Reizen, Vice President of E-Discovery, Xact Data Discovery; Steven B. Levy, CEO, Lexician.

E-Discovery & Compliance

Contributing authors to the Thompson Reuters West treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel, will lead a spirited discussion of eDiscovery trends with a focus on how they affect the practice of corporate legal departments, including the overlap with compliance.

Speakers: Ignatius Grande, Senior E-Discovery Attorney/Director of Practice Support at Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP; Alitia Faccone, Chief Marketing Officer at Wilentz, Goldman & Sptizer, P.C.; Philip H. Cohen, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP; Kenneth N. Rashbaum, Partner, Barton LLP; Gregory V. Bell, Principal Attorney Editor, Thomson Reuters; Carole Basri, Adjunct Professor for Corporate Compliance at Fordham Law School.

Solving the Privilege Problem

The FRCP and the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) have given lawyers tools to avoid inadvertently waiving privilege in most e-discovery circumstances. However, in many cases, including some involving tech-savvy litigants like Facebook, Apple, and Samsung, parties have lost the privilege protection. This session will help parties avoid these mistakes once and for all. Topics include:

  • Handling privilege review in light of new Rules, case law, and technology
  • Sample 502, clawback and protective orders
  • How to obtain a workable 502(d) order

Speakers: James L. Bernard, Partner, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP; Helen Bergman Moure, Principal, Lex Aperta; Philip Favro, Consultant, Discovery & Information Governance, Driven, Inc..

Hope to see you there!

So, what do you think?  Are you planning to attend ACEDS this year?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.