
Court Denies Defendant’s Motion to Overrule Plaintiff’s Objections to Discovery Requests

Requesting 72 Spelling Variations on Five Search Terms Spells Trouble for Plaintiffs: eDiscovery Case Law

In Diesel Power Source et. al. v. Crazy Carl’s Turbos et. al., No. 14-826 (D. Utah, Feb. 23, 2017), Utah Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells denied the plaintiff’s Motion for Sanctions for the failure of the defendant to produce ESI, finding that the plaintiff had failed to sufficiently narrow its search terms by introducing 72 spelling variations on the five terms it proposed.  Judge Wells also denied the defendants’ Motion for Order to Show Cause and for Sanctions, finding that the defendants had failed to provide any “certification that the parties made reasonable efforts to reach agreement on the disputed matters.”

Case Background

In this case regarding defamatory comments and photographs allegedly posted on the internet by the defendants about the plaintiffs (who were business competitors), Judge Wells led off her order by stating: “To state that the parties in this matter are not cooperating with each other is an understatement.”  Throughout the case, each of the parties had taken turns filing motions for sanctions and each of the parties had complained to the court about the other side failing to provide requested discovery, causing Judge Wells to note that the case “has sat stuck in the quagmire of discovery despair” since it was filed in November 2014.

The plaintiffs sought sanctions against the defendants for their alleged failure to comply with a May 2016 court order compelling them to produce certain items. Following a hearing held in December 2016, it became apparent that some items were still outstanding. The court took the Motion for Sanctions under advisement before finding in January 2017 that the email search terms submitted by the plaintiffs were “overly generic and result in an undue burden placed upon Defendants”. The court ordered the plaintiffs to provide “five detailed search terms that must be more detailed than those previously submitted”.

Following the court’s order, the plaintiff provided the defendants with five search terms, but also provided 72 “spelling variations” on these search terms for a total of 77 search terms.  Due to the number of search terms, the defendants filed a Motion for Order to Show Cause and for Sanctions, again asserting that the plaintiff was on a fishing expedition and also arguing that the plaintiff had failed to comply with the court’s May 2016 order, asking for sanctions citing to the Ehrenhaus factors.  In response, the plaintiff argued it is easy to search using the 72 “spelling variations” if quotations are used.

Judge’s Ruling

In considering the motions, Judge Wells stated: “After considering all that has happened during discovery the court finds both parties to be at fault. First, the court finds Plaintiff has failed to sufficiently narrow its search terms. Previously the court found Plaintiff’s search terms to be overly generic placing an undue burden upon Defendants. Now, Plaintiff has taken the court’s instruction to provide five search terms to an extreme by supplementing it with 72 additional ‘spelling variations.’ Such an expansion is not within the spirit and intent of the court’s prior orders, its comments during hearings or within the principles of proportionality found in the discovery rules.”  As a result, Judge Wells ruled that “Plaintiff is permitted to use the five search terms it has provided along with three listed spelling variations, three for each of the five search terms, for a total of twenty terms.”

As for the defendants’ motion, Judge Wells stated that “Defendants Motion for Order to Show Cause and for Sanctions not only misstates the record before the court, it also fails to comply with the Short Form Discovery Rules as set forth by Judge Nuffer and as set forth in Local Rule 37-1. Defendants have failed to provide any ‘certification that the parties made reasonable efforts to reach agreement on the disputed matters’ and that provides an additional basis to deny Defendants motion.”  Judge Wells also noted that “[m]uch of Defendants motion is an attempt to draw the court’s attention away from Defendants own malfeasance. There is no excuse for Defendants failure to provide the federal tax returns and bank statements.”

Judge Wells also issued a warning to “both parties that going forward there needs to be a renewed spirit of cooperation otherwise the court will use its inherent powers to sanction the attorneys in this case for the continued stonewalling that has been a reoccurring theme in this litigation.”

So, what do you think?  Should courts rule on limiting spelling variations of search terms?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Here’s a FREE Training Course on How to Do TAR: eDiscovery Best Practices

A lot of people can talk about technology assisted review (TAR), but how many people actually know how to conduct an eDiscovery review using TAR?  Here’s a TAR course that’s designed to show you how to do it.

On Ralph Losey’s excellent e-Discovery Team® blog, he has unveiled the e-Discovery Team’s training course on how to conduct electronic document review enhanced by active machine learning, a type of specialized Artificial Intelligence.  In other words, the training course is designed to teach you how to “do” TAR.

The TAR method that Ralph discusses is called Hybrid Multimodal IST Predictive Coding 4.0 and the Course is composed of Sixteen Classes, which are individual pages on the e-Discovery Team site.  The Classes are here (links to each one are available via the Introduction link below):

  1. First Class: Introduction
  2. Second Class: TREC Total Recall Track
  3. Third Class: Introduction to the Nine Insights Concerning the Use of Predictive Coding in Legal Document Review
  4. Fourth Class: 1st of the Nine Insights – Active Machine Learning
  5. Fifth Class: Balanced Hybrid and Intelligently Spaced Training
  6. Sixth Class: Concept and Similarity Searches
  7. Seventh Class: Keyword and Linear Review
  8. Eighth Class: GIGO, QC, SME, Method, Software
  9. Ninth Class: Introduction to the Eight-Step Work Flow
  10. Tenth Class: Step One – ESI Communications
  11. Eleventh Class: Step Two – Multimodal ECA
  12. Twelfth Class: Step Three – Random Prevalence
  13. Thirteenth Class: Steps Four, Five and Six – Iterate
  14. Fourteenth Class: Step Seven – ZEN Quality Assurance Tests
  15. Fifteenth Class: Step Eight – Phased Production
  16. Sixteenth Class: Conclusion

Ralph notes that “With a lot of hard work you can complete this online training program in a long weekend. After that, this course can serve as a solid reference to consult during your complex document review projects.”

The sixteen classes in this course cover seventeen topics, split into nine insights and eight workflow steps:

  1. Active Machine Learning (aka Predictive Coding)
  2. Concept & Similarity Searches (aka Passive Learning)
  3. Keyword Search (tested, Boolean, parametric)
  4. Focused Linear Search (key dates & people)
  5. GIGO & QC (Garbage In, Garbage Out) (Quality Control)
  6. Balanced Hybrid (man-machine balance with IST)
  7. SME (Subject Matter Expert, typically trial counsel)
  8. Method (for electronic document review)
  9. Software (for electronic document review)
  10. Talk (step 1 – relevance dialogues)
  11. ECA (step 2 – early case assessment using all methods)
  12. Random (step 3 – prevalence range estimate, not control sets)
  13. Select (step 4 – choose documents for training machine)
  14. AI Rank (step 5 – machine ranks documents according to probabilities)
  15. Review (step 6 – attorneys review and code documents)
  16. Zen QC (step 7 – Zero Error Numerics Quality Control procedures)
  17. Produce (step 8 – production of relevant, non-privileged documents)

Ralph provides charts to illustrate the insights and steps on his Introduction class.  Ralph notes that they “offer this information for free on this blog to encourage as many people as possible in this industry to get on the AI bandwagon.”  I asked Ralph if he wanted to say anything additional to our readers regarding the course and he told me that he “will be adding homework assignments next at the end of each class.”  I look forward to “diving in” and reviewing the classes on my own ASAP.  Thanks, Ralph!

So, what do you think?   Have you used TAR on a case yet?  If so, how did it go?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

78 is Great! eDiscovery Daily Is Seventy Eight! (Months Old, That Is)

A new record!  (Get it?)  Seventy eight months ago today (a.k.a., 6 1/2 years), eDiscovery Daily was launched.  It’s hard to believe that it has been 6 1/2 years since our first three posts debuted on our first day, September 20, 2010.  Now, we’re up to 1,656 lifetime posts, and so much has happened in the industry that we’ve covered.

Twice a year, we like to take a look back at some of the important stories and topics during that time.  So, here are just a few of the posts over the last six months you may have missed.  Enjoy!

Thanks, once again, for your support!  Our subscriber base and daily views continue to grow, and we owe it all to you!  Thanks for the interest you’ve shown in the topics!  We will do our best to continue to provide interesting and useful eDiscovery news and analysis.  And, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Today’s the Day for the Best Practices in Keyword Searching Webcast!: eDiscovery Best Practices

Today at 12:00pm CT (1:00pm ET, 10:00 am PT), CloudNine will be conducting a webcast titled Best Practices for eDiscovery Searching via the BrightTALK network.  There’s still time to register for it, if you haven’t already!

Our webcast session will cover goals for effective searching, what to consider prior to collecting ESI that will be subject to search, mechanisms for culling prior to searching, mechanisms for improving search recall and precision, challenges to effective searching and recommended best practices for searching and validating your search results to ensure that they are effective.

We will cover many of the concepts we’ve covered on this blog over the years, showing you how not to get wild with wildcards, how to cull out email signature logos from review, how to expand the recall of searches to capture additional hits that might be missed due to misspellings or poor quality text, how to effectively conduct name searches to maximize hit retrieval and how to account for noise words in your search results.

We will also use external sites to help us check our proposed wildcard terms for variations to ensure that our term isn’t too broad (or too narrow) and we will use other sites to help us determine how large of a sample size we need for testing our search result set and even generate our sample set for us.

And, finally, we will look at relevant case law regarding disputes over search protocol and results.

Karen DeSouza, the Director of Review Services at CloudNine, and I will conduct this hour long webcast to discuss best practices for effective searching that may just help you decide whether keyword search still has a place in your eDiscovery workflow.  Click here to register for today’s webinar.  Hope to see you then!

With all of the hype surrounding Technology Assisted Review, many wonder if keyword search still has a place in eDiscovery.  Perhaps it does, if it’s conducted properly.  Find out today the best practices for eDiscovery searching using keywords and decide for yourself!

So, what do you think?  Is keyword searching dead?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Part 2: eDiscovery Trends

This is the fifth of the 2017 Legaltech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscovery Daily interviewed several thought leaders at LTNY (aka Legalweek) this year to get their observations regarding trends at the show and generally within the eDiscovery industry.

Today’s thought leader is Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.  Jason is a member of Drinker Biddle’s Information Governance and eDiscovery practice and co-chair of the Information Governance Initiative.  An internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents, Jason previously served as the first Director of Litigation for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, and as trial lawyer and senior counsel at the Department of Justice.  He also was a founding co-coordinator of the National Institute of Standards and Technology TREC Legal Track, a multi-year international information retrieval project devoted to evaluating search issues in a legal context.  He served as lead editor of the recently published ABA book, Perspectives on Predictive Coding and Other Advanced Search Methods for the Legal Practitioner.

Jason provided so much good information that we decided to publish his interview in two parts.  The first part of his interview was published on Friday and Craig Ball’s interview originally scheduled for today will be published on Wednesday and Thursday of next week (also in two parts).

Since you mentioned the recent trend we’ve seen toward an emphasis on technology competence for attorneys, I was going to also mention that we’re up to 26 states that have adopted some sort of technology competence requirement, with Florida being the first state that has required technology CLE for their attorneys.  Do you think the increased emphasis on technology competence will change the general lack of understanding of technology (and advanced search technologies) within the legal profession?

Doug, I’m happy to say that, in the 36+ years that I’ve practiced law, I’ve never had to meet a CLE requirement – the Massachusetts and the DC bars don’t require it!  (Call me lucky.  I’ve also vowed never to take another bar exam.)  But there is clearly a movement towards states’ adoption of the ABA professional rules, including the comment to Rule 1.1 mentioned above.  And in addition to California’s ethics opinion, there are any number of local courts where a great deal of e-discovery competency has been expected of counsel for some time.  (The Seventh Circuit Electronic Discovery Pilot Program, Judge Paul Grimm in Maryland, and state and federal courts in New York have all led the way on this.)   Anyone who practices eDiscovery in a large, complex case is going to have to confront this fact.   Technical competency is of course also needed in a larger percentage of smaller cases in state and federal court as well, given that the need to search Facebook and related apps, as well as GPS devices and other smart technologies, all will be increasingly useful for handling smaller cases involving personal injury, divorce or employment law.  You just can’t hide from the world that we are in – we are immersed in ESI and increasingly immersed in algorithms and analytics that affect all of our lives.

So, to be technically competent in e-discovery in 2017, you do need to know what you don’t know.  Like the California ethics opinion states, that means either knowing the technical points spelled out in the opinion, or knowing enough to know you need help by going to an expert within your firm or a consultant.  Or to step aside and get a co-counsel to help.  And, I think that will be a trend line that we will see.  I don’t think we are all required by these opinions to be Maura Grossman or Judge Peck, or that we need to get an advanced degree in information science or data analytics (although it might help!).   We just need to know enough to ask questions about what it takes to do a better job in eDiscovery.

The highest goal for the e-discovery bar will continue to be working in a way that is consistent with Rule 1, with a just, speedy and economical approach to litigation.  And, in the information governance arena, we can make ourselves valuable and competent as well, by knowing something about advanced search.   At Drinker Biddle, my colleague Bennett Borden is a partner and Chief Data Scientist of our firm – to my knowledge the only lawyer who holds those two titles at an AmLaw 100 firm.   Bennett has been on a “soapbox” as well, saying that we can apply what we have learned using analytics in eDiscovery to every field of practice at a law firm, whether it’s mergers and acquisitions or employment law or anything.  Our practice group routinely is called upon to advise and be part of an ongoing firm-wide discussion of how clients need insight into their large data sets.

We all know where these lines are going.  In terms of technology, at least, the world is not going backwards.  We’re not heading to a place where computers are getting less smart – just the opposite.  Whether you agree with me that the pace of change is itself accelerating,  or just think change is happening, we are in a world where (for the rest of our lives) we are going to be confronting new apps and new technologies.  And, as lawyers, we need to understand the implications across a range of engagements across all legal domains.

In addition to what we’ve already discussed, what are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

A few things come to mind: One is that the Information Governance Initiative celebrated its third anniversary during this year’s Legaltech.  Under Barclay Blair and Bennett Borden’s stewardship, the IGI has grown now to 25+ supporters from the legal tech community.  The IGI is widely recognized as a robust “think tank” providing thought leadership about IG topics.  Aside from white papers and benchmark studies, what we have focused on in the last couple of years is holding a Chief Information Governance Officer (CIGO) summit and, this year, that will take place on May 10 and 11 in Chicago.  As we have in the last two years, we will endeavor to gather 60 or 70 “card carrying” members of the IG profession – people who are in a leadership role within IG at their respective organizations.  Many of those who come are de facto Chief Information Governance Officers except that they have some other title on their business card.  This year we will again have a serious conversation about what it means to be a leader in IG.

I have written a recent article in Ethical Boardroom (a magazine out of the UK that may not be very well known in the US, but has really good content regarding corporate governance issues), that I would like to be a theme for 2017 and going forward: how to involve the boards of directors in companies in participating in oversight of information governance issues, to essentially deputize them as fiduciaries of IG in some sense.  Through Sarbanes-Oxley and through the efforts of many companies, board members have developed expertise on cybersecurity issues, and there have been many articles about how you can get involved in that.  But, I think there’s a broader conversation than just data breach issues which encompasses IG – and I have written an article on that.  I’ve also been interested in data ethics issues including moderating a panel at the last annual ACC meeting in San Francisco, so I’ll also be talking about algorithmic bias this year as well.

The last thing that I’ll bring up which is very close to my heart is that, since 2007, I’ve been asked to lead a workshop with my fellow organizers, called the DESI (Discovery of ESI) VII workshop series at the International Conference of AI and Law (ICAIL).  The format of the workshop is that people come and present work that they’ve done, either research papers or even just position papers of 4 or 5 pages.  So, it’s a very easy lift to be part of a very smart community of PhDs and lawyers talking about sophisticated topics.

This year, the workshop will be held on June 12 at King’s College in London.  In prior years we’ve had workshops in Barcelona, Rome, Beijing, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Palo Alto, as well as once before in London itself.   Now, we’re back in London, and I encourage all of your readers to attend and consider participating by putting in a paper.  Maura Grossman and Gordon Cormack graciously have agreed to be the opening keynote speakers at this year’s workshop, which will be especially focused on identifying and protecting sensitive information in large collections.  This is an eDiscovery problem in complex litigation involving privileged documents, but it’s also a problem for privacy related materials (like PII and PHI), and a problem that comes up in audits and internal investigations as to what is proprietary and what can be provided.

Filtering content is also a problem in terms of allowing public access to the vast digital archives of government.  In the case of White House email, we’ve been accumulating emails since the 1990s and there will soon be close to a billion emails that are in existence at the National Archives.  One cannot, however, walk into the National Archives and see any of those e-mails, at least any time soon.  One can walk in and see paper records — but the large and growing collections of e-mails and certain other forms of electronic documents remain off limits because of the sensitive nature of content scattered throughout the collections.  In fact, it may be many, many decades before the vast bulk of NARA’s e-mail collection is made available to the public.  So, that’s an issue that I’ve been writing and speaking on, and that I trust will be discussed at DESI VII.  I will also be speaking on this subject at CeDEM 2017, an upcoming e-Democracy conference being held outside of Vienna, Austria this coming May. 

Thanks, Jason, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Don’t forget our webcast tomorrow: Best Practices for Effective eDiscovery Searching at noon CST.  Click here to register!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Part 1: eDiscovery Trends

This is the fifth of the 2017 Legaltech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscovery Daily interviewed several thought leaders at LTNY (aka Legalweek) this year to get their observations regarding trends at the show and generally within the eDiscovery industry.

Today’s thought leader is Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP.  Jason is a member of Drinker Biddle’s Information Governance and eDiscovery practice and co-chair of the Information Governance Initiative.  An internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents, Jason previously served as the first Director of Litigation for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, and as trial lawyer and senior counsel at the Department of Justice.  He also was a founding co-coordinator of the National Institute of Standards and Technology TREC Legal Track, a multi-year international information retrieval project devoted to evaluating search issues in a legal context.  He served as lead editor of the recently published ABA book, Perspectives on Predictive Coding and Other Advanced Search Methods for the Legal Practitioner.

Jason provided so much good information that we decided to publish his interview in two parts.  The remainder of his interview will be published on Monday and Craig Ball’s interview (also in two parts) will be published on Wednesday and Thursday of next week.

What are your observations about LTNY this year and how it compared to other LTNY shows that you have attended?

It certainly has had a different look and feel this year, given that it’s now Legalweek in its branding.  (Although some of us old timers still will always refer to it as Legaltech).  I was very impressed with the lineup of speakers, despite the fact that several of the names that have routinely appeared year after year, like myself, were not speaking this year.  Instead, it seems there has been a broader reach that goes beyond eDiscovery, including a whole set of people who are in the data analysis and forensics world.

I really liked the keynote on day one.  I previously had read Andrew McAfee’s book, The Second Machine Age – and I certainly agreed with his observation in the keynote that we are not only in an era of accelerating change but that the pace of acceleration is itself accelerating.  Part of McAfee’s presentation was about how, up until about a year ago, predictions were that it would take about another decade or two for a software program to beat the world’s best Go player.  The speaker showed articles from 2015, from publications like The Wall Street Journal, that talked up the complexity of the game Go.  The speaker noted how Go is intuitive, that the game progresses in complexity, and the really interesting thing is that, unlike chess, the best Go players in the world really have no idea how they do it.  They simply intuit, by looking at the 19 x 19 grid, as to a winning strategy.  And yet, remarkably, this past year, a machine did beat the world’s best Go player – a decade ahead of time in terms of the predictions! 

McAfee went on to highlight another element, true in both Go and chess, which will be increasingly true in every domain in which machines are learning, namely: that machines are filled with surprises.  They not only do better in some domains now than the best human, but they go about doing tasks in ways that are different than humans.  McAfee illustrated a move in Go that the machine did that no human would ever do; it so surprised the best player in the world that he got up out of this chair and walked around the room, as he just couldn’t believe it (in part because it seemed like a move that a novice would make).  And yet the machine won that game.  So, we’re actually at an inflection point where humans are learning from software how to play these games both better and differently (i.e., more like a computer).

Now, you can add to these examples to illustrate a larger point of special interest to the lawtech crowd: that we are closer and closer to experiencing a “Turing test” moment in a number of domains, where it is increasingly difficult to distinguish AI from human responses.  Because we are living in a world where things are happening at such an accelerated pace, it wouldn’t surprise me, in five years, that Legaltech (oops—Legalweek) will be mostly about the law of AI and robots – including the ethics of handling extremely smart robots that mimic human behavior and then some.  I am not a believer that soon we will be in peril based on the world being taken over by super-intelligent machines.  But I do believe that we will be increasingly reliant on software, and that software will perform at a level that the Alexas and Siris of the future will seem to be our buddies, not just limited automated personal assistants.  We won’t even need screens anymore — we’ll simply be giving verbal instructions to these devices.  You already see that increasingly with not only Amazon Echo’s Alexa but in smart dolls and a range of other products.  But all this also means that Alexa and the other devices are accumulating data (ESI) from the people using them — all of which is grist for the e-discovery mill.  This world of IoT, smart devices, and smart analytics, is what McAfee and others are talking about: the acceleration in technological change is itself accelerating!

I think all of this means an even more interesting Legaltech of the future. Predictive coding technology was the hot topic at Legaltech about four years ago, after Judge Peck issued his ruling in DaSilva Moore.  (I think there were a dozen or more panels on technology assisted review and predictive coding that year.)  More recently we’ve seen a wave of panels on information governance and data analytics – which I plead guilty to being a part of.  As I said, I think we are now looking at a world of smart devices, IoT, AI, and robotics that will soon dominate the conversation in raising lots of ethical issues.  Indeed, I just read that in the EU an effort has been initiated to have a committee looking into the ethics of robots and human interaction with robots.  So, we are living in very, very interesting and exciting times.  That’s what you get when you’re living in an exponentially growing world of data. 

Last year, there were a few a notable case law decisions related to the use of Technology Assisted Review.  How do you think those cases impacted the use and acceptance of TAR?

I think you’re seeing a more sophisticated level on the part of a greater slice of the judiciary in predictive coding cases; it isn’t simply the same cadre of judges providing the rulings.  There are also new rulings in the UK, Ireland, and Australia, and that is all good.  I’m not going to talk in detail about any one case, but I think that there is a trend line that can be seen where the lurking question in complex, document-intensive e-discovery cases is whether a party acted reasonably in not using some form of advanced search and review techniques, like technology assisted review.   As Judge Peck said in the Hyles case, we’re not there yet, but it seems to me that’s where the hockey puck will be soon.

If I’m right, and the burden will be to explain why one didn’t use advanced search methods, it follows that clients should be demanding the greater efficiencies that can be obtained through such methods. Granted, you have to get past a certain level of financial risk in a case to justify use of advanced search methods.  Obviously, employing keywords and even manual searching in very small collections is still perfectly viable. But when you’re in complex litigation of a certain size, it is unfathomable to me that a major Fortune 500 corporation wouldn’t at least game out the cost of using traditional manual search methods supplemented by keywords, versus the use of some advanced software to supplement those older, “tried and true” methods.  As you know, I am a very big advocate for all of us looking into these issues, not just to benefit clients in eDiscovery but also across all kinds of legal engagements.

I realize I have been an evangelist for advanced search techniques.  So let me just quote, for the record here, a couple of sentences I’ve written as part of an Introduction to the book Perspectives on Predictive Coding and Other Advanced Search Methods for the Legal Practitioner (link above):  “As the book goes to print, there appear to be voices in the profession questioning whether predictive coding has been oversold or overhyped and pointing to resistance in some quarters to wholesale embrace of the types of algorithmics and analytics on display throughout this volume.  Notwithstanding these critics, the editors of this volume remain serene in their certainty that the chapters of this book represent the future of eDiscovery and the legal profession as it will come to be practiced into the foreseeable future by a larger and larger contingent of lawyers.  Of course, for some, the prospect of needing to be technically competent in advanced search techniques may lead to considerations of early retirement. For others, the idea that lawyers may benefit by embracing predictive coding and other advanced technologies is exhilarating.  We hope this book inspires the latter feeling on the part of the reader.”

Since you have mentioned your book, tell us more about its contents.

This book was a labor of love, as no one will be getting any royalties!  Michael Berman originally suggested to me that this volume would be a useful addition to the legal literature, and over the next two-plus years he and I, with the able assistance of Ralph Losey, managed to pull off getting the best minds in the profession to contribute content and to work towards publication.  I think this is a volume that speaks not only to practitioners “inside the bubble” (i.e., at Legaltech or at places like The Sedona Conference®), but also to a larger contingent of lawyers who don’t know about the subject in any depth and wish to learn.  These are lawyers who earnestly want to be technologically competent under ABA Model Rule 1.1, and who are aware of a growing body of bar guidance, including the recent California Bar opinion on e-discovery competence.   I think more and more, especially in complex cases, such competency means being at least aware of emerging, advanced search and document review techniques.  That may not exactly be easy for some lawyers (especially in my age cohort), but I am sure it will be easier for the generation succeeding us. 

As for some specifics, Judge Andrew Peck wrote the book’s Foreword, Maura Grossman and Gordon Cormack were very generous in not only submitting an expert, original chapter (“A Tour of TAR”), but also allowing us to reprint their glossary of TAR terms.   Phil Favro provided a supplement to his leading article with Judge John Facciola on seed sets and privilege, and Judge Waxse’s important (and controversial) law review article on courts being called upon to apply a Daubert test for advanced search is included.

Most of the 20 chapters in the book are original. There is a really excellent chapter about antitrust law and predictive coding, by Robert Keeling and Jeffrey Sharer.  There is a wonderful chapter on emerging e-discovery standards by Gil Keteltas, Karin Jenson and James Sherer.  Ronni Solomon and her colleagues at King & Spalding wrote a chapter on the defensibility of TAR for a big firm on the defense side.  The late Bill Butterfield and Jeannine Kenney wrote a chapter spelling out from the plaintiff’s side considerations about how to use predictive coding in a fair way.  William Hamilton supplied a much-needed chapter discussing predictive coding for small cases.  Vincent Catanzano, Sandra Rampersaud, and Samantha Greene contributed chapter on setting up TAR protocols.  There are several other chapters talking about information governance written by Sandy Serkes, Leigh Isaacs, and including a reprint of Bennett Borden’s and my law review on “Finding the Signal in the Noise” (with a new coda).  Part of the book provides perspectives from other leading PhDs whom I’ve worked with during the TREC Legal Track and at other workshops, including Doug Oard, Dave Lewis, and William Webber.  Bruce Hedin and colleagues at H5 supplied a thought provoking chapter talking about standards in the field in the use of advanced search. Kathryn Hume educates us on deep learning.   Michael Berman and I (with co-authors), and Ralph Losey, each supplied additional articles rounding out the volume.

Although no one expects the book to be a best-seller on Amazon, I really believe the 650 pages of text will be of interest to readers of your column Doug, and so I do recommend checking it out while supplies last (kidding)!

Part 2 of Jason’s interview will be published on Monday.

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

George Socha of BDO: eDiscovery Trends

This is the fourth of the 2017 Legaltech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscovery Daily interviewed several thought leaders at LTNY (aka Legalweek) this year to get their observations regarding trends at the show and generally within the eDiscovery industry.

Today’s thought leader is George Socha of BDO.  Co-founder of EDRM, George is a Managing Director in BDO Consulting’s Forensic Technology Services practice. Named an “E-Discovery Trailblazer” by The American Lawyer, he assists corporate, law firm, and government clients with all facets of electronic discovery, including information governance, domestically and globally. Prior to joining BDO, George spent 16 years as a litigation attorney in private practice before starting his own consulting firm focused on e-discovery issues in 2003. He received his law degree from Cornell Law School and his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

What are your observations about LTNY this year and how it compared to other LTNY shows that you have attended?

ALM made several changes this year:  Legalweek, not just Legaltech, and an entry fee for the exhibit hall.  I gather traffic in the exhibit hall was down from last year; maybe that meant fewer people just showing up for free stuff or perhaps there were fewer serious shoppers as well.  From what I heard, sessions generally were well attended.  If ALM was hoping for a re-energized Legaltech, I don’t think they got there.

Some years, Legaltech is abuzz with the newest catchphrase, such as “early case assessment” or “predictive coding.”  No pithy phrase left to the fore this year.  There was, however, a recurring theme.  Growing concerns over cybersecurity seemed drive a level of interest in and lend a degree of urgency to information governance in a way we have not seen in the past.  A major problem, folks seemed to say, was the security of data.  A way to help address that problem, better governance of the data.  Part of the means for achieving better governance, turning to eDiscovery tools and techniques.

This past year was an important year for EDRM with the acquisition of EDRM by the Duke University School of Law.  What was the driving force behind the decision for EDRM to be acquired by Duke and how do you think it will impact where EDRM goes from here?

For several years, Tom Gelbmann and I had been looking for a new home for EDRM.  Tom was ready to retire.  I did not want to run EDRM on my own.  And in any event, it was time and past to find an established institution that could provide for a more solid future than any one, two or three individuals could do.

Last year, we were put in touch with the folks at Duke.  From the first discussion it looked like a good match, and I am pleased to be able to say that the first months have gone well.   Tom is now fully retired and Duke is now been taking over the operation of EDRM.  While Tom may be fully retired, I continue to be very actively involved in EDRM and will be for the foreseeable future.

Duke will hold an EDRM workshop this spring, as we have in the past.  The focus of that workshop will be on 1) developing Technology Assisted Review (TAR) standards, both for the bench and the bar, 2) beginning development of standards for data analytics across all phases of the EDRM diagram, and 3) working on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issues, particularly development of the US code of conduct.  Most likely, there will be a couple more activities as well.  The conference will be at Duke (May 15 through 17) and it will follow much the same format as we have used in the past.

Duke can bring to bear a depth and breadth of resources Tom and I never could match, opening up opportunities that we lacked the bandwidth to pursue.  For example, this fall Duke will convene a conference in September, at the Duke Law School, focusing on the TAR standards under development.  In addition, Duke just launched a rebuilt EDRM website, with a new look and better navigation.

One recent trend we’ve seen is with regard to an emphasis on technology competence for attorneys and we’re up to 26 states that have adopted some sort of technology competence requirement, with Florida being the first state that has required technology CLE for their attorneys.  Do you think the increased emphasis on technology competence will change the general lack of understanding of technology within the legal profession?

I would so much like to be able to say “yes, I think those efforts will accomplish those goals”.  However, I’m not so certain how successful they really will be.  CLE requirements are met by attendance, not by demonstrating competence.  Simply to mandate attendance at a CLE by itself is not sufficient to ensure increased competence.

It also is not clear, to me at least, that there is any consensus as to what constitutes technological competence.  Are we talking about the ability for a lawyer to write a document himself or herself using a word processing program?  Or are we talking about an ability for a lawyer to handle the technological components of certain parts of the eDiscovery process?  Are we saying that lawyers ought to be able to make forensically sound copies of the contents of a hard drive?  Are we saying that they are to understand at some level what it means to make forensically sound copies of a hard drive?  Or are we talking about some other level of technological competence?

Another recent trend we’ve seen is a move toward SaaS automation, with not only certain providers making a splash by offering SaaS automation technology, but also “big boys” in the industry (such as kCura and Ipro) moving toward offering their own SaaS automation solutions.  What do you think the move toward automation will mean for the eDiscovery space?

“Automation” means many different things, depending upon which portion of the eDiscovery and larger legal technology space you focus on.  SaaS automation is only a piece.  For some time now, providers have been automating portions of the eDiscovery process, such as relying on automated steps to facility loading data into a platform, for example, or using TAR to improve the review workflow.  We only will see more of this.

We are beginning to see more effective use of data analytics at all stages of the EDRM diagram, from information governance through presentation.  Similarly, I think we are going to see more and more effective use of artificial intelligence across the full spectrum.  You can take that same concept and expand it out further. It’s not only for eDiscovery, but for all facets of the practice of law.  There are a growing number of people and organizations that are trying to figure out how technology can enhance what lawyers and their support staff are capable of doing.

In addition to what we’ve discussed about EDRM, what are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

Perhaps not surprisingly a significant part of my focus these days is the use of data analytics across all phases of the EDRM model as well as in related areas, such as information governance and cybersecurity.  It is not man versus machine; it is people and technology working together.

Thanks, George, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Mary Mack of ACEDS: eDiscovery Trends

This is the third of the 2017 Legaltech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscovery Daily interviewed several thought leaders at LTNY (aka Legalweek) this year to get their observations regarding trends at the show and generally within the eDiscovery industry.

Today’s thought leader is Mary Mack of ACEDS.  Mary is the Executive Director of the Association of Certified eDiscovery Specialists (ACEDS).  E-discovery luminary and recipient of the Masters Conference Educator of the Year 2016, Mary provides ACEDS and its membership more than a decade of strong credibility and sound leadership within the e-discovery community. Mary is the author of A Process of Illumination: The Practical Guide to Electronic Discovery, considered by many to be the first popular book on e-discovery. She is the co-editor of the Thomson Reuters West treatise, eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel.

What are your expectations of LTNY this year?

{Interviewed Mary the first morning when the conference had really just started}

My biggest expectation is that I’m going to see people and that I’m going to renew relationships.  For example, I just bumped into Hampton Coley, whom I worked with maybe seven years ago and haven’t seen since we worked together.  Legaltech is the place where that’s possible.  But, some of the people that I would normally expect to be here, like Tom O’Connor, aren’t here this year.

From an educational standpoint, unfortunately most of the action is off the floor and away from the sessions, but I was looking at some of those sessions and they’re stellar.  There are some great educational sessions lined up at the show this year.  So, if I am fortunate enough to have an appointment drop out, I’m going to jump into a session or two.

How many years have you been coming to LTNY and how do you think the show has evolved over that time?

I’ve been coming to the show over ten years.  I think there was a time, maybe 2006 or 2007, where it was like everybody and their brother became an eDiscovery company.  Even the copy people had a sign for eDiscovery at their booths.  Now, I think LTNY has evolved to where it’s about an 80% eDiscovery show with 20% around the edges and I think the part that’s around the edges is really interesting.  I’m always looking for things that are going to impact eDiscovery that aren’t quite eDiscovery yet and we saw some of that in years past with Information Governance and with privacy, and now we’re seeing it with cybersecurity.

That was the topic of the event that we had last night – the state of the industry as it relates to eDiscovery and cybersecurity.  I think this year won’t quite be the breakout year for cybersecurity, but it will be the “seed planting” year for cybersecurity, with a look at how cybersecurity informs eDiscovery and how eDiscovery informs cybersecurity.  Because it’s not enough just to keep people out of your network, you need to prosecute, you need evidence and you need that evidence to be authentic.

As for the event we had last night, it was really fantastic.  Jared Cosegilia of Tru Staffing Partners did a good job of organizing the presentation and even had us rehearsing the transitions and breaks.  We were able to put our survey data out for people who are really interested in both security and privacy in our community.  We had some surprising things in our survey, like the fact that over half of the people participating are more than ten years tenured in the industry.  But, what I heard afterward is that government agencies in particular are looking for the younger eDiscovery professionals and they’re having a hard time finding them.  Most eDiscovery professionals are considerably tenured, but the agencies are looking for people that can come in at an entry level salary expectation that’s much different than what we have now.

I think the reason for that is that there really are no schools, other than Bryan University perhaps, with a degree for eDiscovery.  We have courses at UC Irvine and we’re looking at other law schools to teach eDiscovery.  Some law schools have a full course on eDiscovery; in other schools, it’s just one credit now.  But, there’s not an educational feeding ground for the young talent where that young talent has to come in and “earn their stripes”.  The ones who do come in are maybe paralegals, maybe legal assistants or maybe they’re an existing person in a corporation and that’s how they get in.  They’re just not coming fresh out of school.

With that in mind, we’ve seen a recent trend toward an emphasis on technology competence for attorneys and we’re up to 26 states that have adopted some sort of technology competence requirement, with Florida being the first state that has required technology CLE for their attorneys.  What impact do you think those developments will have on attorneys becoming more educated about technology?

I think the technology CLE requirement in Florida is very exciting.  From what I understand, they expected it to be controversial and it wasn’t – it was actually embraced.  So, I think that with those requirements, attorneys will embrace the opportunities to learn more about eDiscovery and I think Florida will see a nice “bump” there in attorney knowledge, like California did when they addressed knowledge of eDiscovery specifically in their formal opinion.  I think it will permeate outside of the “bubble” because the evidence is primarily electronic these days.  Sure, sometimes you have your signed papers and handwritten notes, but most evidence is originating in the digital world and it needs to be admitted and produced in the digital world.  I think that once that attorneys understand the technology and it becomes demystified and the fear goes away, I think that we’ll see them adopt and even embrace it.

Last year, ACEDS presented a handful of webinars and conference sessions related to automation and Technology Assisted Review and, as you’ll recall, there was lively discussion about TAR during those presentations, and even more lively discussions about TAR after those presentations.  Where do you feel we are today with regard to the acceptance of Technology Assisted Review?

It’s clearly being more and more accepted.  The Supreme Court of Victoria just explicitly approved it in the Rules for Australia.  Judge Peck, once again, wrote an opinion and highlighted how it is a process – it’s not just about the Technology Assisted Review, it’s also about how you perform the Technology Assisted Review.  At the conferences that I attend, when you ask audiences for a show of hands of those who have used TAR, you used to get maybe one or two hands raised.  Now, about half to three quarters of the audience raises their hands to the question of whether they’ve used TAR before.  So, I think the acceptance is there and it will take a different kind of lawyer to manage the reviews.  It’s not going to be your typical contract review attorney, it’s going to be more of a subject matter expert attorney that gets involved.  For the contract review attorneys, it’s an opportunity (and also a challenge) to “up-level” themselves to stay competitive and marketable.

What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

We’ve got a couple of big things happening: one that’s stealth and one that’s not stealth.  I’ll tell you first about the “not stealth” one: we received approval to provide pro bono scholarships for any organization working on Access to Justice.  Regardless whether it’s a corporate or law firm pro bono program, a law school clinic, an advocacy organization, the public defender’s victims’ rights organizations, any of these types of programs can sponsor a scholarship.  The only requirement that we have is that they perform eight hours of pro bono work in order to apply and then they can put whatever other requirements on it that they want.

Organizations who qualify can just pick somebody or hold a contest or whatever they want to do and we will enroll them in eDiscovery essentials, which is a $600 course that will give them an understanding of the functional landscape of eDiscovery, from soup to nuts, with a certificate to reflect completion of that course.  And, that will put them on the path to eDiscovery.  With what I was saying earlier about how government agencies can’t find those entry level people that they seek, part of the reason for that is that they can’t afford to get themselves educated.  So, this is a way for ACEDS to contribute to Access to Justice while also helping young people get that education.

The “stealth” item to mention is that we’re going to provide some cyber training.  We’re in beta and don’t have a press release or anything yet, but we’re working with Roy Zur, who gave a wonderful cybersecurity presentation at our national conference last year, on a project called “Cybint”.  He has put together an assessment and training program, with “bite size” training segments of around ten minutes each.  Once you take the assessment, you’ll know what training you need and you can focus on those specific ten minute training sessions to “up-level” your skills and start to bridge the gap between eDiscovery and cybersecurity.

Thanks, Mary, for participating in the interview!

Thank you, Doug, for your consistent and excellent reporting and blogging.

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Is Keyword Searching Dead? Find Out Here: eDiscovery Best Practices

As I fly back from NYC after Legal Tech New York (and after a weekend spent with the wife and kids), I need an easy but interesting topic to write about for Tuesday’s post.  This’ll do.  :o)

With all of the hype surrounding Technology Assisted Review, many wonder if keyword search still has a place in eDiscovery.  Perhaps it does, if it’s conducted properly.

Later this month, you can decide for yourself.  On Tuesday, February 28 at 12:00pm CT (1:00pm ET, 10:00 am PT), CloudNine will be conducting a webcast titled Best Practices for eDiscovery Searching via the BrightTALK network.

Our webcast session will cover goals for effective searching, what to consider prior to collecting ESI that will be subject to search, mechanisms for culling prior to searching, mechanisms for improving search recall and precision, challenges to effective searching and recommended best practices for searching and validating your search results to ensure effective search results.

We will cover many of the concepts we’ve covered on this blog over the years, showing you how not to get wild with wildcards, how to cull out email signature logos from review, how to expand the recall of searches to capture additional hits that might be missed due to misspellings or poor quality text, how to effectively conduct name searches to maximize hit retrieval and how to account for noise words in your search results.

We will also use external sites to help us check our proposed wildcard terms for variations to ensure that our term isn’t too broad (or too narrow) and we will use other sites to help us determine how large of a sample size we need for testing our search result set and even generate our sample set for us.

And, finally, we will look at relevant case law regarding the use of search to identify good and bad examples (i.e., what to do and what NOT to do) when performing searches to retrieve potentially responsive ESI and discuss a proper work flow to QC your search results.

Karen DeSouza, the Director of Review Services at CloudNine, and I will conduct this hour long webcast to discuss best practices for effective searching that may just help you decide whether keyword search still has a place in your eDiscovery workflow.  Click here to register for the webinar.  Hope to see you then!

So, what do you think?  Is keyword searching dead?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Court Denies Defendant’s Motion to Overrule Plaintiff’s Objections to Discovery Requests

2016 eDiscovery Case Law Year in Review, Part 3

As we noted yesterday and Monday, eDiscovery Daily published 74 posts related to eDiscovery case decisions and activities over the past year, covering 62 unique cases!  Yesterday, we looked back at cases related to cooperation, disputes about discovery, eDiscovery cost reimbursement, form of production disputes, privilege disputes and (once again) the ubiquitous Apple v. Samsung case.  Today, let’s take a look back at cases related to social media discovery, technology assisted review and the first part of the cases relating to sanctions and spoliation.

We grouped those cases into common subject themes and will review them over the next few posts.  Perhaps you missed some of these?  Now is your chance to catch up!

But first, if you want to learn more about what every attorney should know about eDiscovery in 2017, click here.


In addition to our usual cases where defendants want to discover social media data of the plaintiffs suing them, we have two heavyweight companies that wanted to mine for prospective jurors’ social media information (until the judge stepped in, that is).  Here are three cases related to discovery of social media data:

If Google and Oracle are Going to Mine for Jurors’ Social Media Info, They Have to Inform the Court: When the big guys sue each other, the cases last forever.  We’ve been covering developments in the Apple v. Samsung case since July 2012, and that case is still going on.  Another case that we’ve covered a long time ago (way back in November 2011) is Oracle Corp. v. Google Inc. and that case is still going on too.  In that case, with a trial approaching, the judge has told lawyers to disclose Internet and social media research about jurors to the court or agree not to conduct it.

Court Orders Plaintiff to Perform a “Download Your Info” From Facebook: In Rhone v. Schneider Nat’l Carriers, Inc., Missouri Magistrate Judge Noelle C. Collins ordered the plaintiff to disclose a complete list of her social media accounts to the defendant and also provide a “Download Your Info” report from her Facebook account from June 2, 2014 to the present within fourteen days and ordered the defendant to disclose to the plaintiff any and all posts, photos or other media from the report it intends to use in support of its defense.

Court Compels Plaintiff to Provide Social Media Account and Activity Data: In Waters v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., Kansas Magistrate Judge Kenneth G. Gale granted the defendant’s motion to compel the plaintiff to produce account information associated with his social media accounts as well as postings from the dates he missed work in conjunction with his injury claims against the defendant.  Judge Gale also granted most of the components of the plaintiff’s motion to compel against the defendant for various discovery requests.


Quite an active year with regard to cases involving technology assisted review (TAR), with the first English case approving the use of TAR and the judge in the first ever TAR case refusing to order a party to use TAR among the cases.  Here are five cases related to TAR:

Predictive Coding is Officially Approved in First English Case: Last month, in Pyrrho Investments Ltd v MWB Property Ltd, citing the landmark DaSilva Moore case (among other authorities), Master Matthews approved the use of predictive coding, due to the “enormous” expense of manually searching through the three million electronic documents associated with the case.  This is the believed to be the first time an English court has approved the use of predictive coding.

Cooperation in Predictive Coding Exercise Fails to Avoid Disputed Production: In Dynamo Holdings v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Texas Tax Court Judge Ronald Buch ruled denied the respondent’s Motion to Compel Production of Documents Containing Certain Terms, finding that there is “no question that petitioners satisfied our Rules when they responded using predictive coding”.

Judge Peck Refuses to Order Defendant to Use Technology Assisted Review: In Hyles v. New York City, New York Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck, indicating that the key issue before the court in the discovery dispute between parties was whether (at the plaintiff’s request) the defendants can be forced to use technology assisted review, refused to force the defendant to do so, stating “The short answer is a decisive ‘NO.’”

English Court Rules that Respondents Can Use Predictive Coding in Contested Case: In Brown v BCA Trading, et. al., Mr. Registrar Jones ruled that, with “nothing, as yet, to suggest that predictive coding will not be able to identify the documents which would otherwise be identified through, for example, keyword search”, “predictive coding must be the way forward” in this dispute between parties as to whether the Respondents could use predictive coding to respond to eDisclosure requests.

Defendant Not Required to Use Predictive Coding by Court: In the case In re Viagra Products Liability Litigation, California Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim, noting that other courts had declined to force a party to use predictive coding, denied the plaintiff’s motion to force the defendant to use predictive coding instead of its preferred approach using search terms.


Of course, once again, the topic with the largest number of case law decisions related to eDiscovery are those related to sanctions and spoliation issues (24 out of 62 total cases for 38.7% of all cases covered).  Are there really more of these cases or do I just find them more interesting?  You decide.  Anyway, here are the first eight cases, including one where the sanction was reversed after the adoption of Rule 37(e):

Court Orders Sanctions Against Defendant for Spoliation of Emails and Other Documents: In Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC v. Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, the Court, determining that the defendant had spoliated data, found that the plaintiff had not demonstrated sufficient facts to warrant striking the defendant’s affirmative defenses, but opted to order an adverse inference instruction and also ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees and costs in preparing the instant motion for sanctions.

Court Gives Plaintiff 21.5 Million Reasons for Not Spoliating Emails: In Hausman v. Holland America Line-U.S.A., et al., Washington District Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein vacated a $21.5 million verdict awarded to a man injured by a closing cruise-ship door in 2011 and ordered a new trial, after the plaintiff’s former assistant alleged that he deleted emails that could hurt his case.

Appeals Court Upholds Terminating Sanctions For Wipe of Cell Phone: In Woodell v. Bernstein, et. al., the California Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the trial court, which imposed terminating sanctions against the plaintiff for spoliation of evidence and dismissed his lawsuit with prejudice after the plaintiff had wiped his cell phone, which was key to the case.

Changes in Federal Rules Result in Reversal of Adverse Inference Sanction: In Nuvasive, Inc. v. Madsen Med. Inc., California Chief District Judge Barry Ted Moskowitz, considering new standards imposed under recently amended Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(e), granted the plaintiff’s motion for an order vacating the Court’s previous order granting (in part) the defendants’ Motion for Sanctions for Spoliation of Evidence.

Alteration of Domain in Produced Emails Leads to Sanctions for Plaintiffs: In CAT3, LLC v. Black Lineage, Inc., New York Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV, ruling that emails produced by the plaintiffs were “intentionally altered”, ordered that the plaintiffs would be precluded from relying on their version of those emails to demonstrate their case and that the plaintiffs would bear the “costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by the defendants in establishing the plaintiffs’ misconduct and in securing relief.”

Our Nation’s Largest City is Not Immune to eDiscovery Sanctions: In Stinson v. City of New York, New York District Judge Robert W. Sweet granted in part and denied in part the plaintiffs’ motion seeking sanctions for spoliation of evidence against the defendants for failure to issue a litigation hold, opting for a permissive inference rather than a mandatory adverse inference sanction against the defendants.

Court Rules Plaintiff’s Duty to Preserve Did Not Extend to Employee’s Internet History: In Marten Transport, Ltd. V. Plattform Advertising, Inc., Kansas Magistrate Judge Teresa J. James denied the defendant’s Motion for Spoliation Sanctions, ruling that, although the plaintiff had a duty to preserve relevant ESI as of Fall 2013, that duty to preserve did not extend to the internet history of one of its employees until June 2015, and by then the internet history was lost.

Defendants Claim of Lightning Strike and Power Surge Doesn’t Save Them from Sanctions: In InternMatch, Inc. v. Nxtbigthing, LLC, et. al., California District Judge Jon S. Tigar, finding that the defendants “consciously disregarded their obligations to preserve relevant evidence” when they discarded various electronic devices after experiencing an alleged power surge without checking to see if they could recover any files from them, granting an adverse inference instruction sanction and plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees.

Tomorrow, we will cover the remaining cases related to sanctions and spoliation.  Stay tuned!

Want to take a look at cases we covered the previous five years?  Here they are:

So, what do you think?  Did you miss any of these?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine. eDiscovery Daily is made available by CloudNine solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscovery Daily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.