About Us

There are reasons why government, law firm and corporate legal teams rely on CloudNine for their eDiscovery, investigation and access request needs. In the dynamic world of legal tech, we stand apart as an industry pioneer with longevity, an experienced team, proven technology and solutions that can handle even the hard-to-manage modern data. We also approach our work with accountability in mind, with a focus on helping our customers get the results they want on budget and on time.

By offering our cloud-based and on-premise solutions individually or as a comprehensive, hybrid solutions, CloudNine delivers unparalleled flexibility and performance.

Built on a culture of accountability and continual improvement, we stand behind our solutions and services and our unwavering commitment to building customer loyalty.

What Clients Are Saying About CloudNine

Great value product.

“Offers the major features we were looking for, at a fraction of pricing of other competitors.”

I used CloudNine as part of fraud investigation for email searches.

“…The tag function made it easy to flag the search results. I was impressed with the ease of use for a first-time user. The speed and ease of loading data and being able to review it immediately is a tremendous advantage over other Cloud-based platforms.”

Excellent tool with outstanding support

“CloudNine Review is excellent, it takes the best of the (market leader) review solution and leaves out all of the fiddly bits that make that product excruciating to use. Their upload and processing is automatic, and their pricing structure is the best I’ve seen.”

Great software that is easy to log on, user-friendly, has a great layout, and is easy to navigate.

“…CloudNine is great at searching documents, including tagging, and exporting. Software tailored to our business needs and streamlined the task at hand.

Houston Headquarters

12848 Queensbury Lane, Houston, TX 77024

Organizational Leadership

Abhishek Jhaver

General Manager and CFO

Years in Industry20 years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareEntire offering
Favorite Thing About CloudNine®Best in Class
Abhishek Jhaver

General Manager and CFO

Sports TeamHouston Texans
FoodMexican and Indian
MovieBollywood movie – Sholay
BookThe Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Trivia ExpertisePlaying sports and watching movies with my family
Abhishek Jhaver

General Manager and CFO

Favorite SuperheroIron Man
Chris Minton

Vp Of Operations & IT

Years in Industry16 years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareCloudNine Review™
Favorite Thing About CloudNine®Everybody Matters
Chris Minton

Vp Of Operations & IT

Sports TeamHouston Astros
FoodAnything Seafood
MovieThe Matrix
BookThe Bible
Trivia ExpertiseGenerally well rounded
Hidden TalentActing
HobbyAnything outdoors
Chris Minton

Vp Of Operations & IT

Favorite SuperheroSuperman
Kari Byers

Vp Of Sales & Customer Success

Years in Industry21 years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareCloudNine Review
Favorite Thing About CloudNine®Strong family mentality
Kari Byers

Vp Of Sales & Customer Success

Sports TeamNebraska Cornhuskers (We almost always almost win)
MovieNo favorite movie, but I love comedies
BookNo favorite book, but I love mysteries & historical fiction
Hidden TalentNone, I always lose
Kari Byers

Vp Of Sales & Customer Success

Favorite SuperheroWonder Woman
Jacob Hesse

Vp Of Professional Services & Support

Years in Industry22 years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareThe CloudNine Product Suite, you can’t live with just one!
Favorite Thing About CloudNine®Respect, Trust, Collaboration
Jacob Hesse

Vp Of Professional Services & Support

Sports TeamCapital City Cavaliers (I’m not a sports fan, this is the local HS team)
MovieStar Trek
BookThe Postman
Hidden TalentPencil, watercolor, pen
HobbyI’m rebuilding the family farm: orchard, vineyard, adding lavender.
Jacob Hesse

Vp Of Professional Services & Support

Favorite SuperheroCaptain Picard
Brian Kelley

VP of Products & Engineering

Years in Industry9 years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareCloudNine Review
Favorite Thing About CloudNine®The great and passionate people who work at CloudNine
Brian Kelley

VP of Products & Engineering

Sports TeamLSU Football
BookThe Hatchet
Trivia ExpertiseSports
Hidden TalentBowling
Brian Kelley

VP of Products & Engineering

Favorite SuperheroBatman
Rick Clark

VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

Years in Industry20+ years
Favorite CloudNine® SoftwareCloudNine Analyst & CloudNine Review
Favorite Thing About CloudNine® The leadership and culture that gives employees the opportunity to be creative
Rick Clark

VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

Sports TeamSan Francisco 49ers
FoodSushi and Sashimi
MovieIt’s a Wonderful Life
BookDan Brown’s DaVinci Code series
Trivia ExpertiseMedium High
Hidden TalentCo-host of a trivia show
HobbyWoodworking and Painting
Rick Clark

VP of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

Favorite SuperheroDeadpool


Request a CloudNine demo and see how easy eDiscovery can be!