
Evaluate a Proven Approach to eDiscovery and Data Processing with CloudNine Explore

The digital age has had a major impact on more than just how we occupy our free time. It’s also changed the way we review and process legal data.  

 Lawyers and paralegals handle much more than the physical evidence of discovery. Most law firms sift through unprecedented volumes of evidence that come with the digital age. 


When Data Volumes Exceed Capacity: Controlling The Ever Growing Amount of Data

Legal service providers (LSPs) review and process massive sets of complex and diverse digital content oftentimes, in the terabytes. For context, consider this comparison of data:

  • 1 MB = a 400-page book
  • 1 GB = over a thousand 400-page books
  • 1 TB = more than a million 400-page books

Faced with this overwhelming volume of data, an eDiscovery solution capable of working at a high speed and top-of-the-line accuracy will equip you to fight your cases with maximum efficiency. 

Reaping the Benefits Out of Cloud-Based Discovery Software

You can also lose control of your data in expensive cloud platforms. You’re completely dependent on THEIR solution, as they hold your data hostage indefinitely, at whatever rates they set.  Plus, if an eDiscovery solution doesn’t have the capacity to scale with your ever-increasing data needs or carry the solutions you need, you can suffer from ineffective workflow functionality. 

Your organization needs an eDiscovery solution that provides you with:

  • A great degree of workflow flexibility with on-premise and cloud solutions
  • The ability to add new fields, as needed
  • The power to flex up and down the data storage as you consume, allowing you to only pay for what you need
  • The process of continuous improvement in regards to their data processing engine

With a cloud-based eDiscovery solution capable of handling the volume and variety of data you have in addition to the functionality and features you need, you will be able to work efficiently.


Evaluating The CloudNine Explore Solution

As the industry leader for processing eDiscovery data, CloudNine Explore is based on four key components:

  • Explore
  • Assess
  • Protect
  • Deliver


CloudNine Explore helps you navigate your way through massive volumes of data to identify risk, determine the scope of the project and control your costs. This helps you uncover important information about the data before you begin:

  • How much data is there?
  • What type of data has been collected?
  • What languages are included in the data?
  • What data is hidden from view?
  • Where did the data come from?

Knowing this information will help you evaluate the risk and potential cost of litigation at the earliest possible point.   This knowledge enables you to set more realistic costs to process and store the data, as well as to determine the size of your review team and necessary skill sets. 


With CloudNine Explore, you can inspect and review your data using both automated and manual processes. When you receive hundreds of thousands of documents and files through eDiscovery, you need to be able to process through it quickly and efficiently. CloudNine Explore’s multi-threaded, multi-core indexing functionality helps you filter through your exported data faster so you can pull only the data you need. 

Being thoughtful about your research and using specific keyword search terms to promote specific documents, helps you filter out data like specific email domain names for later review.


If the integrity of your data is compromised, lost, distorted or manipulated, the consequence can be devastating to your case. 

CloudNine Explore allows you to securely upload, ingest and preserve all relevant data for your ongoing investigations or litigation with an easier and more efficient eDiscovery platform.

All your data is stored securely in a single, on-prem location, housed safely behind the firewall. This safety net saves money while giving you direct access to your data so you know exactly where it is at all times.


Sharing discovered assets with the opposing side for review is more than a courtesy, it’s required.  CloudNine Explore makes it easy to provide information as required for legal production or further investigation so you stay compliant. 

Avoid costly and time-consuming production of redundant and unnecessary documents while reducing the risk of producing privileged or protected content. 


Faster Data Ingestion, Faster ROI With CloudNine Explore

CloudNine Explore saves you money, which in turn positions your project to yield high ROI. 

  • Explore works extremely fast, which means less time spent processing and reviewing data. 
  • Explore stores your data securely in a single, on-prem location, which provides your organization with consistent and transparent pricing. 
  • Integration costs are minimal because of its simplicity. Installation, scale, and automation are simple and straightforward. You don’t even need an IT department to deploy it. 

Now that you’ve learned how CloudNine Explore allows you to safely store and process your data; request a free demo to learn how you can save time and money.


Reconstructed Text Message Chains And A Telling Voicemail Tips The Scales

When a partner of a commercial real estate company caught wind of fraudulent deals being penned by the other partners of the firm, he decided to take action. However, one of the partners involved realized that there may be trouble, and quickly began a coordinated effort to destroy the digital trail evidence. Text messages were removed from devices and cloud-based backups destroyed.

Investigators leveraged the power of active threading functionality allowing them to reconstruct conversations from multiple data sources ranging from backups to forensic images of each individual’s phone.

The digital trail of evidence being deleted from multiple devices presented a significant hurdle to investigators attempting to piece conversations back together. The answer and revealing path rested on reconstructing the fragmented message threads across devices. Investigators leveraged the power of active threading functionality to reconstruct conversations from multiple data sources ranging from backups to forensic images of each individual’s phone. Interestingly enough, it was a voicemail that captured the group’s intentions to delete the incriminating data that became the key piece of evidence.

While the whistleblower possessed text messages and other communications surrounding the corruption, fraud, and dishonesty, other key messages were found through restoration of iCloud backups spanning laptops and two smartphones. The technology was able to reveal key information captured from multitude of metadata sources including:

  • EXIF Data from several key photos
  • Geolocations revealing travel patterns
  • Text Messages, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger

Using the functionality of active threading, the counsel saved incredible amounts of time putting the story together with all of the relevant data. In the end, the timeline functionality paired with its ability to support multiple disparate data types counsel was able to clearly piece together the fraud as well as the attempt to hide the evidence.

Phones Analyzed For Message Content And Cell Tower Location Data Foil Criminals

Today’s criminals do not plan their crimes via email and zoom exchanging PowerPoint slides. And when it comes to solving today’s complex crimes, identifying technological data points that can prove innocence or guilt beyond a reasonable doubt are at the heart of every investigation. From Fitbits to burner phones, today’s criminals leave a trail of digital fingerprints that require modern investigative technology.

Mobile devices are often considered a window into one’s daily life. A cell phone’s location can be detected through cell site location information, often referred to as CSLI. This data, when available, can be quickly analyzed through technological means to place a person at or near specific locations. However, geolocation is often just one piece of a complex puzzle. When you send an SMS, MMS or place a call, your phone’s location is often being recorded when connecting to a nearby cell tower. Dates and times are also recorded down to the second that include the moment a call or message was sent, as well as the service being engaged, such as SMS or 4G LTE.

Investigators were trying to piece together as much evidence as possible to determine where each suspect was located in correlation to the crime scene.

Recently one of our Partners needed to analyze and cross reference messages received by one device in conjunction with cell tower data from two other devices subpoenaed as part of a criminal investigation. Mobile messages from the victim’s device were loaded into our platform, combined with the cell tower data captured from the suspect’s devices. Leveraging the Actor Matching Technology, each message could be mapped to its participants, showing who was engaged in conversations at specific times.

Investigators were trying to piece together as much evidence as possible to determine where each suspect was located in correlation to the crime scene. The Actor Matching Technology quickly linked actors to the phone calls, text messages, and the cell tower geolocations recorded. Timelines were then built for each matter actor to show where each suspect was located in correlation to the victim. Combining this evidence into a single investigative solution quickly revealed patterns of activity surrounding the night of the incident, helping investigators present a clear picture of the night in question.

A Ticking Time Clock Tells the Tale of Hours Worked

Wage and hour class actions require specificity of aligning claims to the class. Much of this data usually resides in a multitude of platforms ranging from off-the-shelf software to proprietary timekeeping systems that often prove challenging to align and fully understand.

A telemarketing firm was faced with a claim of several years of unpaid time was owed to employees because their timekeeping software used to register employees’ time was not properly recording the start and end of their workday. The claim alleged that the system did not synchronize time entries properly with the actual time each employee started their workday, taking anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to register their initial punch in time. There were also claims by the class that their workday often extended beyond the time they clocked out. Overall, the claim alleged the employees had been underpaid on average of thirty minutes each day spanning a period of approximately three years and sought reparations for these unpaid hours.

CloudNine technology was used to effectively combine both the timecard entries with each employees’ email activity over the course of the period of the claim. The digital trail revealed that periods of work activity were in sync with the timekeeping system.

Data available included exports from the timekeeping system, which reflected each employees’ time in and out for each day worked, as well as internal ticketing system that leveraged email notifications and responses, reflecting when each user was actively resolving open requests. CloudNine technology was used to effectively combine both the timecard entries with each employees’ email activity over the course of the period of the claim. The digital trail revealed that periods of work activity were in sync with the timekeeping system.

At its core, the CloudNine technology is designed to combine a multitude of disparate data types in a simple and intuitive fashion, allowing case teams to quickly identify differing activities and filter by the correlating individual or group. Sets of data can then be easily identified and time-lined to demonstrate clear patterns of work activity across a variety of differing data types.

What Happened in Vegas? It’s No Secret – Read the Buzz

With many reasons to celebrate, CloudNine is still enjoying the excitement of our time Vegas last week. Visiting with valued customers and meeting new contacts are always fortunate opportunities. As an enhancement to those already fruitful conversations, we were thrilled to announce our expanded capabilities through the acquisition of ESI Analyst. Adding modern communication formats such as mobile, chat, social media and more to CloudNine’s powerful and proven applications, fills the market need to manage eDiscovery more effectively, with both modern and traditional data types, on a single platform.

The buzz of our expansion reached the news feeds across multiple social media channels.  A few highlights include:


Demonstrations are being scheduled now to debut CloudNine’s new technology – click to request a time to speak and a member of our team will be in touch to schedule.


Ready to try it out for yourself?  Request a free demo and see how CloudNine can help you.

Focusing on speed, security, simplicity, and services, CloudNine is dedicated to empowering our law firm and LSP clients with proven eDiscovery software solutions for litigation, investigations, and audits. 

Release Preview LAW 7.6

As data volumes grow, fortunately so has computer processing power.  CloudNine LAW and Explore 7.6 will take advantage of this power boost to amplify your speed to review and production.  The import technology behind both LAW’s Turbo Import and Explore uses a computer’s multiple processing cores more efficiently, making processing faster.

The application updates will include over 200 enhancements to build upon the already strong, import speeds of LAW and Explore.  The most notable improvement in LAW will be the introduction of a Turbo Imaging that can be used in parallel with existing imaging.  Turbo leverages near-native imaging technology to create static images of native files without relying on the native application.  This saves time while imaging, because the files don’t have to be opened, printed to image, and then closed.  The module can also take advantage of multiple processing cores, if available.  With imaging speeds up to eight times faster than the traditional imaging license, Turbo Imaging generates production-ready images quickly and easily.

In Explore, users will benefit from improved reporting capabilities.  This builds on Explore’s email threading, near duplicate detection, advanced filtering and integration with Relativity to provide a first-class, early case assessment experience, allowing clients to reduce the volume of data promoted for review by as much as 70%.  The import and ECA processes are all done without creating additional copies of the data until the client is ready to commit an export of potentially responsive content for further review.  This saves clients from storing copies of data that they don’t need, reducing cost and risk associated with managing multiple identical files.

To learn more about these and other enhancements coming in CloudNine LAW and Explore 7.6, please reach out to your account manager, or email us at info@cloudnine.com to schedule an overview and demonstration.  We’re excited to give you a preview of these updates and plan a wider release in the week of September 13th, 2021.


Focusing on speed, security, simplicity, and services, CloudNine is dedicated to empowering our law firm and LSP clients with proven eDiscovery software solutions for litigation, investigations, and audits. 

Ready to try it out for yourself?  Request a free demo and see how CloudNine can help you.

Answer the Unknown Challenges of eDiscovery Review

When it comes to document review in electronic discovery, choosing a solution can be a daunting task. To make an informed decision, you need to know what challenges await you and how to overcome them. 

The three biggest challenges to address when looking for a document review platform are:

  • Security
  • Volume 
  • Cost

By better understanding these challenges and their impact on your operations and bottom line, you’ll be in a better position to choose the best eDiscovery software solution for your business.

Is My eDiscovery Data Safe and Protected?

The benefits of storing eDiscovery data in the cloud are many but, digital security and remote access top the list of concerns among legal teams and legal service providers (LSPs) for these reasons:

  • Lack of control over their data
  • Concerns about handing data over to a third party
  • Worried about their data integrity

Utilizing a company dependent on public cloud solutions like Azure or AWS, means you can’t specifically tell your client where your data actually is as it can be stored across multiple cloud locations.

Another topic, more relevant since the COVID-19 pandemic, is security for remote document review. Creating additional access points can cause worry about your network being vulnerable to data breaches.

Can My eDiscovery Software Handle the Volume and Variety of Records?

Investigations and litigation can create a lot of digital records, often soaring into the terabytes. This is compounded by the variety of digital records being used as evidence in legal proceedings, including:

  • Emails
  • Instant messages
  • Digital images
  • Videos
  • Audio files
  • Text messages
  • Social media posts
  • Websites

This volume and variety of data can have a detrimental impact on your operation if you don’t have the digital space to process or store it all. 

The more documents you have, the more infrastructure you need to support it. This can compromise your software performance which could affect your ability to navigate, search, report, export, or produce required information, in a timely manner.

If that happens, new eDiscovery projects could be delayed or canceled outright while you complete your current project. Delays could also lead to missed deadlines which could cause your clients to be sanctioned or fined by the courts.

Are eDiscovery Tools Cost-Effective?

Simply put, some eDiscovery software can be expensive. Many include a lot of features and functionality you may not even need but, you are charged generously for it. 

When looking for an eDiscovery solution, it is important to take the following into consideration in order to get the most cost-effective solution:

  • Is the pricing flexible, allowing you to pay only for what you need?
  • How much archived data is stored on the cloud vs. on-prem? Often a hybrid solution will provide you with the most cost savings. 
  • What support is included within your contract? In order to reap the most cost-saving benefits, it’s important to have your team well-versed in the eDiscovery tool.

The eDiscovery Solution – CloudNine Review

Secure, powerful, and cost-effective, CloudNine Review simplifies eDiscovery enabling you to upload documents quickly and to begin reviewing data within minutes. 

CloudNine Review utilizes a private cloud environment so you know where your data is at all times, giving you better audit controls and the assurance your data is intact. To protect client data, CloudNine cybersecurity safeguards are always up-to-date and constantly monitored.

Another safeguard to protect your data on the CloudNine platform are access controls allowing only authorized staff to review specific documents:

  • User-based permissions
  • Project-based rights
  • Document-level rights

By utilizing our private cloud platform, you have access to all of your data anywhere, anytime, without having to log into your network VPN. 

Also, CloudNine Review carries greater bandwidth so you’re able to get your data much faster. As an example, the first day for a new project can look like this:

  • Registered online and began uploading data
  • Uploaded 27 GB of PST email files
  • Processed 300,000 documents (emails and attachments)
  • A reduced document set by 61% with deduplication and irrelevant domain filtering

Imagine being able to accomplish all of that in just the first 24 hours.

The best part is you get what you pay for. CloudNine’s transparent pricing model includes multiple pricing methodologies so you’re never caught off-guard.

Beginning with a predictable upfront cost and low storage fees, CloudNine pricing models are designed to keep your costs down while providing the essential services you need.  To learn about our flexible pricing options, click here to speak to one of our eDiscovery experts.

  • All-in Model – one ‘all-in’ price with no hourly rates for self-service
  • Flex Model – low monthly storage costs for long-running litigation

Plus, you only pay for what you use if your case ends or becomes dormant. Older, dormant case data can be archived and saved at your own location using CloudNine Concordance to help you keep costs low and your data safely archived for the future.

Focusing on speed, security, simplicity, and services, CloudNine is dedicated to empowering our law firm and LSP clients with proven eDiscovery software solutions for litigation, investigations, and audits.

Ready to try it out for yourself? Request a free demo and see how CloudNine can help you.

Working with CloudNine Explore and PST Attachments

#Did You Know: Yes, users really DO attach PSTs to emails!  When examining your early case data, you need complete content visibility including the multiple layers of PST and OST attachments within email containers.

Older processing engines have trouble extracting certain archive containers especially when those containers have PSTs and OSTs attached to emails.  In these cases, the processing may skip over the attached email container or record it as an error.

CloudNine Explore fully expands the data container, without creating duplicate files to process its contents in full, including multi-layered PST and OST files.

A custodian creates a PST file containing several dozen messages about a particular topic and emails it to a co-worker.

Earlier processing engines could process the email sent to the co-worker but could not expand the attached PST to process its contents without requiring a separate and manual process.


Visual example of a PST file in a Zip file, with a PST attachment:


Explore uses the newest extraction technologies to fully expand the attached PST and collect the metadata and emails contained within.  The manual processes are not necessary, and the data is fully expanded and available for searching and review.


Example display of extracted email and metadata within Explore:

Have the assurance of a thorough early case assessment to find hidden or multi-layered files with CloudNine Explore.

Learn how to automate your eDiscovery with the legal industry’s most powerful processing and early case assessment tool.  Click the button below to schedule a demo with a CloudNine eDiscovery specialist.

CloudNine Appoints Ellery Dyer as New Vice President of Sales, Positioning Company to Drive Continued eDiscovery Growth 

Addition of Experienced Leader Strengthens Company Revenue Generation and Customer Collaboration Capabilities

HOUSTON – CloudNine, a leader in simplifying and automating legal discovery, today announced Ellery Dyer has joined the executive team as Vice President of Sales. In this role, Dyer will lead CloudNine’s sales and business development efforts for its on-premise and off-premise eDiscovery software products and services.

Dyer joins CloudNine with more than thirty years of experience in digital technology and sales. He most recently served in executive sales leadership roles for OpenText’s Discovery (Recommind) software solutions line following prior senior sales roles at Digital Reef, Vercadia Systems, ZANTAZ (Autonomy), and Forte Systems.

“As an experienced and successful sales executive with a deep understanding of data and legal discovery, Ellery brings a unique balance of discovery domain expertise and proven revenue generation capabilities to CloudNine,” stated Brad Jenkins, Chief Executive Officer for CloudNine. “His track record of building high-performing sales teams coupled with his extensive experience in prioritizing the needs of legal professionals will be advantageous to CloudNine as we continue prioritizing growth in pursuit of our efforts to help simplify discovery for our customers. We are pleased to welcome Ellery to our team.”

Learn More

To learn more about CloudNine and how our on-premise and off-premise offerings can augment and enhance your eDiscovery workstreams, visit cloudnine.com.

About CloudNine, The eDiscovery Company

Founded in 2002 and based in Houston, Texas, CloudNine (cloudnine.com) is a legal discovery technology company with expertise in simplifying and automating the discovery of data for audits, investigations, and litigation. Used by more than 2,000 legal and business customers worldwide, including more than 50 of the top 250 Am Law firms and many of the world’s leading corporations, CloudNine’s off-premise and on-premise software and services help customers gain insight and intelligence on electronic data.

CloudNine has been highlighted by industry experts in reports, reviews, and surveys including Gartner, 451 Research, Blue Hill Research, Corporate Counsel Magazine, the New York Journal, and Texas Lawyer. CloudNine also publishes the eDiscovery Daily Blog, a popular, trusted source for legal industry information. A leader in eDiscovery simplification and automation, you can learn more about CloudNine at cloudnine.com.

Company Contact

Doug Austin

Media Contact

Daniel Yunger or Cathryn Vaulman


CloudNine Voted as a Leading National eDiscovery Provider in Eleven Categories in 2018 Best of Midwest Reader Ranking Survey

Fourth Annual Best of the Midwest Survey Highlights Legal Community Recognition of CloudNine

CloudNine, a leader in simplifying and automating legal discovery, today announced its recognition as a leading eDiscovery provider by voters in the National Law Journal’s fourth annual Best of the Midwest annual reader ranking survey. 

The National Law Journal’s Best of the Midwest 2018 Survey was published in June with the top three responses in each category shared in the annual survey results. CloudNine was voted as a leading provider in the following eleven reading ranking categories:

  • Best End-to-End Litigation Consulting Firm (3)
  • Best End-to-End E-Discovery Provider (3)
  • Best Technology-Assisted Review Solution (2)
  • Best Data & Technology Management E-Discovery Provider (1)
  • Best Online Review Platform (2)
  • Best Legal Hold Solution (2)
  • Best Managed E-Discovery & Litigation Support Service Provider (2)
  • Best Managed Document Review (1)
  • Best Information Governance Solution (1)
  • Best Predictive Coding E-Discovery Solution (1)
  • Best Corporate Investigations (1)

Voting for the survey was conducted online via ballot and open to those working in the Midwest legal community. 

About CloudNine, The eDiscovery Company

Founded in 2002, and based in Houston, Texas, CloudNine (cloudnine.com) is a legal discovery technology company with expertise in simplifying and automating the discovery of data for audits, investigations, and litigation. Used by more than 2,000 legal and business customers worldwide including more than 50 of the top 250 Am Law firms and many of the world’s leading corporations, CloudNine’s off-premise and on-premise software and services help customers gain insight and intelligence on electronic data.

CloudNine has been highlighted by industry experts in reports, reviews, and surveys including Gartner, 451 Research, Blue Hill Research, Corporate Counsel Magazine, the New York Journal, and Texas Lawyer. CloudNine also publishes the eDiscovery Daily Blog, a popular trusted source for legal industry information. A leader in eDiscovery simplification and automation, you can learn more about CloudNine at cloudnine.com.

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