
Performing an Example Copy with Robocopy – eDiscovery Best Practices

Yesterday, we discussed the benefits of Robocopy, how to access it via the command line prompt (if you have Windows Vista or later) and how to get it (if you don’t).  Today, we’re going to perform an example copy and take a look at the results.

As you’ll recall, we discussed the pitfalls last week of using drag and drop for collecting files for eDiscovery and illustrated an example using a blog post that I wrote about a month ago in a Word document for the post Five Common Myths About Predictive Coding.  If you followed the steps along with one of your own files, you noticed that the resulting file appeared to have been modified before it was created, which reflects spoliation of the metadata during the copy process.  Let’s see how Robocopy handles that file copy.

I mentioned yesterday that Robocopy is a command line tool.  If you’re really good at typing long commands at the command prompt without making a mistake, you can enter cmd in the ‘Search programs and files’ box from the Windows Start menu (‘Start’, then ‘Run’, for older versions on Windows) and that will open up a window with the command prompt.  Feel free to “have at it”.

I actually use Excel as a Robocopy script builder – courtesy of CloudNine Discovery’s Vice President of Computer Forensics, Michael Heslop (thanks, Mikey!).  The Excel workbook that I’m using takes user entered information regarding the custodian’s files to be copied and uses that to build a Robocopy statement that can then be executed at the command prompt.  I have three script examples in the Excel file: 1) Script to copy all files/folders in a folder path, 2) Script to copy specific file extensions in a folder path, and 3) Script to copy one file in a folder path.  It’s the third script example I’ll use here.

You’ll see below that I’ve highlighted the changes I’ve made to the single file copy script in the Excel spreadsheet, specifying the file name that I want to copy, the name of the custodian, the destination drive (in this case, the “E:” drive which references a connected external drive) and the path to be copied.

The resulting Robocopy statement created is as follows:

robocopy “C:Usersdaustin” “E:Austin, DougCUsersdaustin” “Common Myths About Predictive Coding–eDiscovery Best Practices.docx” /S /ZB /XJ /V /TEE /W:0 /R:0 /LOG+:”E:RobcopyLog-Austin,Doug.log”

This statement (that Michael created) takes the prompt information I’ve provided and uses it to build the Robocopy statement with desired copy and logging options.  To see a list of available options for Robocopy, type robocopy /? at the command prompt.

I take the Robocopy statement and copy it, pasting it into an empty file in Notepad or Wordpad, then save it with a file name that contains a “.bat” extension (e.g., robocop1.bat, saved to my desktop).  Then, simply double-click the file and it will open up a command window on the desktop and execute the statement.

Doing so put a copy of the file in the E:Austin, DougCUsersdaustinDocuments folder.  It also created a log file at the root which documents every folder it checked and the one folder in which it found the file.  Look at the properties of the copied file and you’ll see:

The Created date and the Accessed date reflect the original date and time when the file was created and last accessed.  That’s what we want!

You can request a copy of my Excel Robocopy script builder by sending an email to me at daustin@cloudnincloudnine.comm and I’ll be happy to send it to you.   It’s rudimentary, but it works!

So, what do you think?  Have you used Robocopy as a mechanism for eDiscovery collection?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Want to Save Your Metadata in Collection? Robocop(y) to the Rescue! – eDiscovery Best Practices

I may be showing my age, but I love the original movie RoboCop (1987).  Good movie for its time (the original, not the sequels).  But, I digress…

Last week, we discussed the pitfalls of using drag and drop for collecting files for eDiscovery and illustrated an example using a blog post that I wrote about a month ago in a Word document for the post Five Common Myths About Predictive Coding.  If you followed the steps along with one of your own files, you noticed that the resulting file appeared to have been modified before it was created, which reflects spoliation of the metadata during the copy process.

I mentioned that there are better, more forensically sound, free methods for collecting data.  One such method is Robocopy.  Robocopy is short for “Robust File Copy”.  So, technically, it has nothing to do with RoboCop, unless you consider that it protects your file metadata during the copy and saves you from spoliation of data.  Here are some key benefits:

  • Saves Metadata: Preserves file system date/time stamps which, as we illustrated last week, drag and drop does not preserve;
  • Targeted Collections: Suitable for targeted active file collections, primarily based on copying folders and their contents (files and sub-folders), not for deleted files or data from unallocated space;
  • Reliable: Enables the user to resume copying where it left off in the event of network/system interruptions;
  • Complete: Supports mirroring of the source folder so that the entire contents can be copied, including empty folders;
  • Self-Documenting: Provides an option to log the copy process for self-documentation, useful for chain of custody tracking.

If you have Windows Vista (or a later version of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8), you already have the command line version of Robocopy.  Robocopy provides numerous options for copying, including how files are copied, which files are selected, options for retrying files that fail to copy and options to log the copy process.  To see all syntax options for Robocopy (and there are many), type robocopy /? at the command prompt.

If you have an earlier version of Windows (like XP), Robocopy is not automatically included with your version of Windows.  To install it you have two options: 1. Download the robocopy.exe from the Windows 2003 resource kit, or 2. Install a GUI version which includes the exe.

If you prefer a GUI interface for later versions of Windows, you can try Richcopy (which we will discuss next week).

Not excited about using a command line tool?  Tomorrow, we will walk through a Robocopy exercise with the same file I copied last week and I will discuss how you can build a Robocopy “script” in Excel (or use one that I already have) to make the copying and collection process easier.

So, what do you think?  Have you used Robocopy as a mechanism for eDiscovery collection?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Image Copyright ©Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Plaintiff Receives Adverse Inference Sanction for Deleting Facebook Profile – eDiscovery Case Law

Unlike last week’s case law summary about a case where a request for social media data was denied, this week’s case law summary relates to sanctions for deleting a social media data profile.

In Gatto v. United Air Lines, Inc., No. 10-cv-1090-ES-SCM, (D.N.J. Mar. 25, 2013), New Jersey Magistrate Judge Steven C. Mannion issued an adverse inference sanction against the plaintiff for failing to preserve data due to the fact that he either, deactivated his Facebook account and allowed the account to be automatically deleted after fourteen days, or that he deleted the account outright.  Judge Mannion denied the defendant’s request for attorney’s fees and costs for “the time and effort it was forced to expend in an effort to obtain discovery”.

Case Background

In this personal injury action, a ground operations supervisor alleged injuries after vehicles operated by the defendants did “crash into him”.  The defendants served a production request to the plaintiff in July 2011 which included a request for documents and information related to social media accounts maintained by the plaintiff.  In November 2011, the plaintiff provided the defendants with signed authorizations for the release of information from sites such as eBay and PayPal, but did not include an authorization for the release of records from Facebook.  In a settlement conference in December 2011, the judge ordered the plaintiff to execute an authorization for the release of documents and information from Facebook and the plaintiff agreed to change his password and provide it to the defendants.

However, the parties disputed whether it was agreed that defense counsel would directly access the plaintiff’s Facebook account.  The defendants subsequently accessed the account and the plaintiff received an alert from Facebook that his account was logged onto from an unfamiliar IP address.  After, in January 2012, the plaintiff’s counsel agreed to download the Facebook account information and provide a copy to the parties, it was determined that the plaintiff’s Facebook account had been deactivated back on December 16, 2011 (after he received the alert from Facebook), and that all of the plaintiff’s account data was lost.  As a result, the defendants requested the adverse inference instruction and monetary sanctions.

Judge’s Evaluation and Ruling

Judge Mannion noted four factors in considering an adverse inference instruction sanction:

  1. the evidence was within the party’s control;
  2. there was an actual suppression or withholding of evidence;
  3. the evidence was destroyed or withheld was relevant to the claims or defenses; and
  4. it was reasonably foreseeable that the evidence would be discoverable.

Judge Mannion stated, “Here, the deletion of Plaintiff’s Facebook account clearly satisfies the first, third, and fourth of the aforementioned factors.  Plaintiff’s Facebook account was clearly within his control, as Plaintiff had authority to add, delete, or modify his account’s content…It is also clear that Plaintiff’s Facebook account was relevant to the litigation.”  With regard to the second factor and the plaintiff’s claim that the deletion was unintentional, Judge Mannion ruled that “Even if Plaintiff did not intend to permanently deprive the defendants of the information associated with his Facebook account, there is no dispute that Plaintiff intentionally deactivated the account. In doing so, and then failing to reactivate the account within the necessary time period, Plaintiff effectively caused the account to be permanently deleted.”  Finding all four factors satisfied, Judge Mannion granted the adverse inference instruction sanction.  With regard to the request for fees and costs, Judge Mannion ruled that “such a decision is left to the discretion of the court” and denied the request.

So, what do you think?  Was the sanction appropriate?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Pop Quiz: Is it Possible for a File to be Modified Before it is Created? – eDiscovery Best Practices

Sounds like a trick question, doesn’t it?  The answer is yes.  And, collecting files in a forensically unsound manner can be a drag…and drop.

You know those TV shows where they say “Don’t try this at home?”  Here is an exercise you can try at home.  Follow these steps:

Open Windows Explorer and go to one of your commonly used folders – for example, your Documents folder.  Select one of the documents by clicking on it.  Then, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and drag that file to another folder (preferably another of your commonly used folders).  You’ve just created a copy of that file.  BTW, be sure you hold down the Ctrl key when dragging; otherwise, you will move the file to the new folder instead of copying it.

Go to the folder containing the new copy of the file in Windows Explorer and right-click on the file, then select Properties from the pop-up menu.  You will then see a Properties window similar to the one in the graphic at the top of this blog post.  In my example, I used a blog post that I wrote about a month ago in a Word document for the post Five Common Myths About Predictive Coding.

Notice anything unusual?  The Created date and the Accessed date reflect the date and time that you performed a “drag and drop” of the file to create a copy of it in a new location.  The Modified date still reflects the date the original file was last modified – in my example above, the modified date is the date and time when I last edited that document in Word.  The file appears to have been modified one month before it was created.*

If this were an eDiscovery collection scenario and you used “drag and drop” to collect a file like this, then…congratulations! – you’ve just spoliated metadata during the collection process.  This is one reason why “drag and drop” is not a recommended approach for collecting data for eDiscovery purposes.

There are better, more forensically sound, free methods for collecting data, even if your goal is simply to perform a targeted collection of active files from within a folder.  If you wish to also collect deleted files and data from drive “slack space”, there are free methods for performing that collection as well.  Next week, we will begin discussing some of those methods.

So, what do you think?  Have you used “drag and drop” as a mechanism for eDiscovery collection?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

* – Microsoft Office files do keep their own internal metadata date fields, so the date created would still be preserved within that field.  Other file types do not, so the “drag and drop” method would eliminate the date created completely for the new copies of those files.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

The Hammer Comes Down on Losing Plaintiff for Spoliation of Data – eDiscovery Case Law

Apparently, having your case dismissed isn’t the worst that can happen to you for egregious spoliation of data.  You can also be ordered to pay the winning party over $200,000 in fees and costs for the case.

In Taylor v. Mitre Corp., No. 1:11-cv-1247, 2013 (E.D. Va. Feb. 13, 2013), Virginia District Judge Liam O’Grady partially granted the prevailing defendant’s motion for fees and costs after the court dismissed the case due to the plaintiff’s spoliation of evidence. The court refused to grant the costs of image processing because the defendant did not adequately explain the services involved; it granted the costs of forensic analysis of the plaintiff’s laptop and made a partial award of attorneys’ fees given the difficulty in litigating this issue.

In November 2012 (as discussed on this blog here), Judge O’Grady dismissed the plaintiff’s employment-related claims against his former employer, Mitre. Taylor had used a sledgehammer to destroy a computer and data wiping programs to eliminate data from his laptop, prompting case-ending spoliation remedies. When the court ruled in favor of Mitre, it also ruled that Taylor should pay for Mitre’s fees and costs associated with its motion for sanctions.

Mitre claimed fees in the amount of $378,480 and costs in the amount of $49,245. The fees included the costs of forensic analysis of Taylor’s computer and image processing. Noting the “scant case law on the issue of image processing,” Judge O’Grady declined to award costs for this service and also referenced Mitre’s failure to explain “what these image processing services entailed (for example, what does it mean to ‘blow back TIFF images,’ why does it cost $686.00, and why did it need to be performed twice?), but Mitre [made] no claim that the resulting images were ever admitted into evidence.” Although rejecting more than $5,000 of Mitre’s claim, the court permitted Mitre to submit an additional motion to explain these fees.

Mitre also claimed costs of more than $32,000 to analyze Taylor’s laptop. Finding that “Taylor’s intentional destruction of evidence no doubt made forensic analysis of his computer more time consuming and expensive,” Judge O’Grady awarded the fee. However, he partially rejected the request for costs because “the Taxation Guidelines do not entitle Mitre to expert witness fees beyond the $40 per day, plus travel and incidentals, afforded to lay witnesses.” Accordingly the court awarded Mitre the costs of the forensic analysis, minus the costs of $3,200 charged for “‘testimony preparation’ and ‘expert testimony.’”

In addition, Mitre’s attorneys sought compensation for the work they did “as a result of Mr. Taylor’s spoliation. The bill is for 649.2 hours of attorney time and 245.4 hours of paralegal time, for a grand total of $378,480.00 in fees.” The court reduced the hours of the attorneys to 487 hours, finding that some of the time would have been spent regardless of the spoliation, with the rest acceptable because the “spoliation issue was, however, contentious and much ink was spilled.” The court rejected the request for paralegal time, finding the tasks they performed either administrative or attorney work. Ultimately, the court awarded fees of $163,882.18.  Including the awarded costs, the total came to $202,399.66 in fees and costs awarded – a hefty price for using a sledgehammer and data wiping software on two discoverable computers.

So, what do you think?  Were the awarded costs appropriate?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Case Summary Source: Applied Discovery (free subscription required).  For eDiscovery news and best practices, check out the Applied Discovery Blog here.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Defendants Sanctioned, Sort Of, for Failure to Preserve Text Messages – eDiscovery Case Law

In Christou v. Beatport, LLC, Civil Action No. 10-cv-02912-RBJ-KMT, (D. Colo. Jan. 23, 2013), Colorado District Judge R. Brooke Jackson ruled that the plaintiffs could introduce evidence at trial to show the defendants failure to preserve text messages after the key defendant’s iPhone was lost.  However, the judge also ruled that the defendants could present “evidence in explanation…and argue that no adverse inference should be drawn”.

The defendant had worked for the plaintiff in his Denver nightclubs booking disc jockeys and received both financial and promotional support from the plaintiff in launching an online marketplace (Beatport) for promoting and selling Electronic Dance Music.  Beatport became enormously successful and grew to become the largest online site that caters essentially exclusively to producers and consumers of Electronic Dance Music.  When the plaintiff left the defendant’s employment, he went on to found his own competing nightclub in Denver and the plaintiff claimed that the defendant has been threatening A-List DJ’s that their tracks will not be promoted on Beatport if they perform in the plaintiff’s clubs.

When the case was filed, plaintiffs served a litigation hold letter on the defendants, directing them to preserve several categories of documents, including text messages. However, defendants took no steps to preserve the text messages on the plaintiff’s iPhone, but did not produce any text messages in response to plaintiffs’ first discovery requests served in May 2011. The defendant indicated that he lost his iPhone in August 2011, and with it any text messages saved on it. Plaintiffs contended that this “spoliation” of evidence should be sanctioned by an adverse jury instruction.  The defendants noted that Roulier testified that he did not use text messages to book DJ’s and argued that “it is sheer speculation” that his text messages contained relevant evidence, also noting that they responded fully to the May 2011 discovery, indicating that there was nothing responsive in the text messages.

Noting that the defendant’s testimony that he did not use text messages to book DJ’s was “hardly proof that his text messages did not contain relevant evidence”, Judge Jackson also noted that “although defendants state that defendants ‘found no responsive text messages,’ they do not indicate that defense counsel reviewed Mr. Roulier’s text messages”.

Noting that “Spoliation sanctions are proper when ‘(1) a party has a duty to preserve evidence because it knew, or should have known, that litigation was imminent, and (2) the adverse party was prejudiced by the destruction of the evidence.’”, Judge Jackson stated that “Defendants had a duty to preserve Mr. Roulier’s text messages as potential evidence, but they did not do it. Those text messages, few as they might have been, should have been preserved and either provided to the plaintiffs or potentially made the subject of further proceedings before the Court.”

Nonetheless, Judge Jackson found “no basis to assume that the loss of the phone was other than accidental, or that the failure to preserve the text messages was other than negligent” – therefore, the judge found an adverse jury instruction to be “too harsh”.  Instead, Judge Jackson ordered that “plaintiffs will be permitted to introduce evidence at trial…of the litigation hold letter” and defendant’s “failure to preserve Mr. Roulier’s text messages”. The defendants were allowed to “present evidence in explanation, assuming of course that the evidence is otherwise admissible, and argue that no adverse inference should be drawn.”

So, what do you think?  Should the sanction have been harsher?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Four More Tips to Quash the Cost of eDiscovery – eDiscovery Best Practices

Thursday, we covered the first four tips from Craig Ball’s informative post on his blog (Ball in your Court) entitled Eight Tips to Quash the Cost of E-Discovery with tips on saving eDiscovery costs.  Today, we’ll discuss the last four tips.

5. Test your Methods and Know your ESI: Craig says that “Staggering sums are spent in e-discovery to collect and review data that would never have been collected if only someone had run a small scale test before deploying an enterprise search”.  Knowing your ESI will, as Craig notes, “narrow the scope of collection and review with consequent cost savings”.  In one of the posts on our very first day of the blog, I relayed an actual example from a client regarding a search that included a wildcard of “min*” to retrieve variations like “mine”, “mines” and “mining”.  Because there are 269 words in the English language that begin with “min”, that overly broad search retrieved over 300,000 files with hits in an enterprise-wide search.  Unfortunately, the client had already agreed to the search term before finding that out, which resulted in considerable negotiation (and embarrassment) to get the other side to agree to modify the term.  That’s why it’s always a good idea to test your searches before the meet and confer.  The better you know your ESI, the more you save.

6. Use Good Tools: Craig provides another great analogy in observing that “If you needed to dig a big hole, you wouldn’t use a teaspoon, nor would you hire a hundred people with teaspoons.  You’d use the right power tool and a skilled operator.”  Collection and review tools must fit your requirements and workflow, so, guess what?  You need to understand those requirements and your workflow to pick the right tool.  If you’re putting together a wooden table, you don’t have to learn how to operate a blowtorch if all you need is a hammer and some nails, or a screwdriver and some screws for the job.  The better that the tools fit your workflow, the more you save.

7. Communicate and Cooperate: Craig says that “Much of the waste in e-discovery grows out of apprehension and uncertainty.  Litigants often over-collect and over-review, preferring to spend more than necessary instead of giving the transparency needed to secure a crucial concession on scope or methodology”.  A big part of communication and cooperation, at least in Federal cases, is the Rule 26(f) conference (which is also known as the “meet and confer”, here are two posts on the subject).  The more straightforward you make discovery through communication and cooperation, the more you save.

8. Price is What the Seller Accepts: Craig notes that there is much “pliant pricing” for eDiscovery tools and services and relayed an example where a vendor initially quoted $43.5 million to complete a large expedited project, only to drop that quote all the way down to $3.5 million after some haggling.  Yes, it’s important to shop around.  It’s also important to be able to know the costs going in, through predictable pricing.  If you have 10 gigabytes or 1 terabyte of data, providers should be able to tell you exactly what it will cost to collect, process, load and host that data.  And, it’s always good if the provider will let you try their tools for free, on your actual data, so you know whether those tools are worth the price.  The more predictable price and value of the tools and services are, the more you save.

So, what do you think?  What are you doing to keep eDiscovery costs down?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Eight Tips to Quash the Cost of eDiscovery – eDiscovery Best Practices

By now, Craig Ball needs no introduction our readers as he has been a thought leader interview participant for the past three years.  Two years ago, we published his interview in a single post, his interview last year was split into a two part series and this year’s interview was split into a three part series.  Perhaps next year, I will be lucky enough to interview him for an hour and we can simply have a five-part “Ball Week” (like the Discovery Channel has “Shark Week”).  Hmmm…

Regardless, I’m a regular reader of his blog, Ball in your Court, as well, and, last week, he published a very informative post entitled Eight Tips to Quash the Cost of E-Discovery with tips on saving eDiscovery costs.  I thought we would cover those tips here, with some commentary:

  1. Eliminate Waste: Craig notes that “irrational fears [that] flow from lack of familiarity with systems, tools and techniques that achieve better outcomes at lower cost” results in waste.  Over-preservation and over-collection of ESI, conversion of ESI, failing to deduplicate and reviewing unnecessary files all drive the cost up.  Last September, we ran a post regarding quality control and making sure the numbers add up when you subtract filtered, NIST/system, exception, duplicate and culled (during searching) files from the collected total.  In that somewhat hypothetical example based on Enron data sets, after removing those files, only 17% of the collected files were actually reviewed (which, in many cases, would still be too high a percentage).  The less number of files that require attorney “eyes on”, the more you save.
  2. Reduce Redundancy and Fragmentation: While, according to the Compliance, Governance and Oversight Council (CGOC), information volume in most organizations doubles every 18-24 months, Craig points out that “human beings don’t create that much more unique information; they mostly make more copies of the same information and break it into smaller pieces.”  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results and insane review is reviewing the same documents over and over and (potentially) getting different results, which is not only inefficient, but could lead to inconsistencies and even inadvertent disclosures.  Most collections not only contain exact duplicates in the exact format (which can identified through hash-based deduplication), but also “near” duplicates that include the same content in different file formats (and at different sizes) or portions of the content in eMail threads.  The less duplicative content that requires review, the more you save.
  3. Don’t Convert ESI: In addition to noting the pitfalls of converting ESI to page-like image formats like TIFF, Craig also wrote a post about it, entitled Are They Trying to Screw Me? (discussed in this blog here).  ‘Nuff said.  The less ESI you convert, the more you save.
  4. Review Rationally: Craig discussed a couple of irrational approaches to review, including reviewing attachments without hits when the eMail has been determined to be non-responsive and the tendency to “treat information in any form from any source as requiring privilege review when even a dollop of thought would make clear that not all forms or sources of ESI are created equal when it comes to their potential to hold privileged content”.  For the latter, he advocates using technology to “isolate privileged content” as well as clawback agreements and Federal Rule of Evidence 502 for protection against inadvertent disclosure.  It’s also important to be able to adjust during the review process if certain groups of documents are identified as needing to be excluded or handled differently, such as the “All Rights Reserved” documents that I previously referenced in the “oil” AND “rights” search example.  The more intelligent the review process, the more you save.

There is too much to say about these eight tips to limit to one blog post, so on Monday (after the Good Friday holiday) we’ll cover tips 5 through 8.  The waiting is the hardest part.

So, what do you think?  What are you doing to keep eDiscovery costs down?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Fulbright’s Litigation Trends Survey Shows Increased Litigation, Mobile Device Collection – eDiscovery Trends

According to Fulbright’s 9th Annual Litigation Trends Survey released last month, companies in the United States and United Kingdom continue to deal with, and spend more on litigation.  From an eDiscovery standpoint, the survey showed an increase in requirements to preserve and collect data from employee mobile devices, a high reliance on self-preservation to fulfill preservation obligations and a decent percentage of organizations using technology assisted review.

Here are some interesting statistics from the report:


Here is a breakdown of the participants in the survey.

  • There were 392 total participants from the US and UK, 96% of which were either General Counsel (82%) or Head of Litigation (14%).
  • About half (49%) of the companies surveyed, were billion dollar companies with $1 billion or more in gross revenue.  36% of the total companies have revenues of $10 billion or more.


The report showed increases in both the number of cases being encountered by organizations, as well as the total expenditures for litigation.

Increasing Litigation Cases

  • This year, 92% of respondents anticipate either the same amount or more litigation, up from 89% last year.  26% of respondents expect litigation to increase, while 66% expect litigation to stay the same.  Among the larger companies, 33% of respondents expect more disputes, and 94% expect either the same number or an increase.
  • The number of respondents reporting that they had received a lawsuit rose this year to 86% estimating at least one matter, compared with 73% last year. Those estimating at least 21 lawsuits or more rose to 33% from 22% last year.
  • Companies facing at least one $20 million lawsuit rose to 31% this year, from 23% the previous year.

Increasing Litigation Costs

  • The percentage of companies spending $1 million or more on litigation has increased for the third year in a row to 54%, up from 51% in 2011 and 46% in 2010, primarily due to a sharp rise in $1 million+ cases in the UK (rising from 38% in 2010 up to 53% in 2012).
  • In the US, 53% of organizations spend $1 million or more on litigation and 17% spend $10 million or more.
  • 33% of larger companies spent $10 million on litigation, way up from 19% the year before (and 22% in 2010).


The report showed an increase in requirements to preserve and collect data from employee mobile devices, a high reliance on self-preservation to fulfill preservation obligations and a decent percentage of organizations using technology assisted review.

Mobile Device Preservation and Collection

  • 41% of companies had to preserve and/or collect data from an employee mobile device because of litigation or an investigation in 2012, up from 32% in 2011.
  • Similar increases were reported by respondents from larger companies (38% in 2011, up to 54% in 2012) and midsized companies (26% in 2011, up to 40% in 2012).  Only respondents from smaller companies reported a drop (from 26% to 14%).


  • 69% of companies rely on individuals preserving their own data (i.e., self-preservation) in any of their disputes or investigations.  Larger and mid-sized companies are more likely to utilize self-preservation (73% and 72% respectively) than smaller companies (52%).
  • 41% of companies use self-preservation in all of their matters, and 73% use it for half or more of all matters.
  • When not relying on self-preservation, 72% of respondents say they depend on the IT function to collect all data sources of pertinent custodians.
  • Reasons that respondents gave for not relying on self-preservation included: More cost effective and efficient not to rely on custodian 29%; Lack of compliance by custodians 24%; High profile matter 23%; High monetary or other exposure 22%; Need to conduct forensics 20%; Some or all custodians may have an incentive to improperly delete potentially relevant information; 18%; Case law does not support self-preservation 14% and High profile custodian 11%.

Technology Assisted Review

  • 35% of all respondents are using technology assisted review for at least some of their matters.  U.S. companies are more likely to employ technology-assisted review than their U.K. counterparts (40% versus 23%).
  • 43% of larger companies surveyed use technology assisted review, compared with 32% of mid-sized companies and 23% of the smaller companies.
  • Of those companies utilizing technology assisted review, 21% use it in all of their matters and 51% use it for half or more of their matters.

There are plenty more interesting stats and trends in the report, which is free(!).  To download your own copy of the report, click here.

So, what do you think?  Do any of those trends surprise you?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

eDiscovery Daily Is Thirty! (Months Old, That Is)

Thirty months ago yesterday, eDiscovery Daily was launched.  It’s hard to believe that it has been 2 1/2 years since our first three posts that debuted on our first day.  635 posts later, a lot has happened in the industry that we’ve covered.  And, yes we’re still crazy after all these years for committing to a daily post each business day, but we still haven’t missed a business day yet.  Twice a year, we like to take a look back at some of the important stories and topics during that time.  So, here are just a few of the posts over the last six months you may have missed.  Enjoy!

In addition, Jane Gennarelli has been publishing an excellent series to introduce new eDiscovery professionals to the litigation process and litigation terminology.  Here is the latest post, which includes links to the previous twenty one posts.

Thanks for noticing us!  We’ve nearly quadrupled our readership since the first six month period and almost septupled (that’s grown 7 times in size!) our subscriber base since those first six months!  We appreciate the interest you’ve shown in the topics and will do our best to continue to provide interesting and useful eDiscovery news and analysis.  And, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.