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Our 1,000th Post! – eDiscovery Milestones

When we launched nearly four years ago on September 20, 2010, our goal was to be a daily resource for eDiscovery news and analysis.  Now, after doing so each business day (except for one), I’m happy to announce that today is our 1,000th post on eDiscovery Daily!

We’ve covered the gamut in eDiscovery, from case law to industry trends to best practices.  Here are some of the categories that we’ve covered and the number of posts (to date) for each:

We’ve also covered every phase of the EDRM (177) life cycle, including:

Every post we have published is still available on the site for your reference, which has made eDiscovery Daily into quite a knowledgebase!  We’re quite proud of that.

Comparing our first three months of existence to now, we have seen traffic on our site grow an amazing 474%!  Our subscriber base has more than tripled in the last three years!  We want to take this time to thank you, our readers and subcribers, for making that happen.  Thanks for making the eDiscoveryDaily blog a regular resource for your eDiscovery news and analysis!  We really appreciate the support!

We also want to thank the blogs and publications that have linked to our posts and raised our public awareness, including Pinhawk, Ride the Lightning, Litigation Support Guru, Complex Discovery, Bryan University, The Electronic Discovery Reading Room, Litigation Support Today, Alltop, ABA Journal, Litigation Support, InfoGovernance Engagement Area, EDD Blog Online, eDiscovery Journal, e-Discovery Team ® and any other publication that has picked up at least one of our posts for reference (sorry if I missed any!).  We really appreciate it!

I also want to extend a special thanks to Jane Gennarelli, who has provided some serial topics, ranging from project management to coordinating review teams to what litigation support and discovery used to be like back in the 80’s (to which some of us “old timers” can relate).  Her contributions are always well received and appreciated by the readers – and also especially by me, since I get a day off!

We always end each post with a request: “Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.”  And, we mean it.  We want to cover the topics you want to hear about, so please let us know.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with a new, original post.  In the meantime, feel free to click on any of the links above and peruse some of our 999 previous posts.  Now is your chance to catch up!  😉

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Failure to Preserve Cloud-Based Data Results in Severe Sanction for Defendant – eDiscovery Case Law


In Brown v. Tellermate Holdings, 2:11-cv-1122 (S.D. Ohio Jul 1, 2014), Magistrate Judge Terence Kemp granted plaintiffs’ motion for judgment and motion to strike, ruling that the defendant could not “present or rely upon evidence that it terminated the Browns' employment for performance-related reasons” and enabling the plaintiffs to use documents produced by the defendant “designated as attorneys'-eyes-only” to be used by the plaintiffs “without restriction”, due to the defendant’s failure to preserve or produce data from their database.

You have to love an opinion that begins like this:

“There may have been a time in the courts of this country when building stone walls in response to discovery requests, hiding both the information sought and even the facts about its existence, was the norm (although never the proper course of action). Those days have passed. Discovery is, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, intended to be a transparent process.”

That’s how this lengthy opinion began in this case where the plaintiffs, former sales agents, sued the defendant for age discrimination after they were terminated.  The defendant responded by arguing that the terminations were performance related.  To address that argument, the plaintiffs sought records from the defendant’s through to demonstrate that they consistently met or exceeded their quotas. In response, the defendant “with the participation of its counsel, either intentionally or inadvertently failed to fulfill certain of its discovery obligations, leading to a cascade of unproductive discovery conferences, improperly-opposed discovery motions, and significant delay and obstruction of the discovery process.”  As Judge Kemp described, the defendant’s counsel:

  • “failed to uncover even the most basic information about an electronically-stored database of information (the ‘’ database);
  • as a direct result of that failure, took no steps to preserve the integrity of the information in that database;
  • failed to learn of the existence of certain documents about a prior age discrimination charge (the "Frank Mecka matter") until almost a year after they were requested;
  • and, as a result of these failures, made statements to opposing counsel and in oral and written submissions to the Court which were false and misleading, and which had the effect of hampering the Browns' ability to pursue discovery in a timely and cost-efficient manner (as well as the Court's ability to resolve this case in the same way).”

One of the defendant’s attorneys went so far as to provide these reasons to the plaintiffs as to why they could not produce the information from

  • "Tellermate does not maintain information in hard copy format."
  • "Tellermate cannot print out accurate historical records from . . ."
  • "[D]iscovery of information should be directed to, not Tellermate."

The defendant later claimed that it was “contractually prohibited from providing information” and that it “cannot access historical data” – both of which were untrue.

Ultimately, it became clear that the defendant had not exported or preserved the data from and had re-used the plaintiffs’ accounts, spoliating the only information that could have addressed the defendant’s claim that the terminations were performance related (the defendant claimed did not conduct performance reviews of its sales representatives).  As a result, Judge Kemp stated that the “only realistic solution to this problem is to preclude Tellermate from using any evidence which would tend to show that the Browns were terminated for performance-related reasons” and issued the following severe sanctions:

“Tellermate shall not, in connection with either the pending summary judgment motion or at trial, be entitled to present or rely upon evidence that it terminated the Browns' employment for performance-related reasons. The documents produced by Tellermate in April, 2013 and designated as attorneys'-eyes-only may be used by the Browns without restriction, subject to Tellermate's ability to redesignate particular documents as confidential under the existing protective order, provided it does so within fourteen days and has a good faith basis for so designating each particular document. Tellermate shall produce the remaining Frank Mecka documents to the Browns within fourteen days. Finally, Tellermate and its counsel shall pay, jointly, the Browns' reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the filing and prosecution of those two motions as well as in the filing of any motions to compel discovery relating to the and Frank Mecka documents.”

So, what do you think?  Do the sanctions fit the activities by the defendant?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Want My Production? Here’s my Database! – eDiscovery Trends

A couple of weeks ago, we covered a case where the US Government was ordered to continue providing access to an eDiscovery database to a defendant in a criminal case.  That case shed light on a growing trend in the industry that I have also observed personally – “producing” documents to opposing counsel by providing access to the documents via a hosted eDiscovery solution.

In Craig Ball’s Lawyer’s Guide to Forms of Production (that we recently covered here), Craig identified hosted production as one of the options for forms of production that can be requested.  However, as Craig notes, “More commonly, hosted data and online review tools are used internally by a producing party’s counsel to search the data for privileged and responsive items rather than as a means to afford access to the requesting party. The items identified are then duplicated onto transfer media (e.g., optical disks or a hard drive) and produced in one or more of the formats described above.”

That is certainly true, though more parties in litigation are choosing to provide access to the online database as a means of production (“production without production” as Craig calls it).  While I don’t have any statistics to point to, that has at least been my recent experience as platform manager for OnDemand®, CloudNine Discovery’s own hosted eDiscovery platform.

Typically, there are two options for producing documents by providing online access: 1) provide access to the existing database, or 2) create a new database of produced documents.  Here are the pros and cons of each:

  • Existing Database: Many parties provide access to portions of their existing eDiscovery database.  This reduces costs because the data is already hosted and may be a way for both parties to share hosting costs.  In those instances, security becomes paramount.  As attorneys need to exclude access to non-responsive or privileged documents and other work product, the eDiscovery application needs to provide the ability to limit the documents that users can see as well as limit the fields that users can see.  In addition, it’s important to have a well-documented plan for the database administrator to follow to ensure that the correct rights are assigned.  If not, inadvertent disclosures of documents or data fields used during review and production can occur.
  • New Database: While it may cost more to create a new database of produced documents (essentially doubling the storage of those documents into a new database), it is much easier to secure privileged information and attorney work product because those documents and data fields simply aren’t there, essentially eliminating the possibility of an inadvertent disclosure due to incorrect rights assignments.  In these cases, the receiving party often agrees to bear the costs of hosting their portion of the data.

In both cases, the advantages to the receiving party include access to the same produced documents in the same format in which they were reviewed using the same search and analytical tools that the producing party used to produce the documents, putting both parties on equal footing.

So, what do you think?  Have you been part of a hosted production?  If so, how did it go?  Were you on the producing or receiving end?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Surprisingly Few States Have an Ethics Opinion Regarding Lawyer Cloud Usage – eDiscovery Best Practices


The Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) web site has a great resource for those who want more information regarding the ethics for lawyers in using and storing client data in the cloud.  Though, surprisingly few states have published ethics opinions on the topic.

On their site in a page entitled Cloud Ethics Opinions Around the U.S., the ABA provides an interactive map of the states (see the image of it above), with the states that have published ethics opinions shown in blue.  On the actual site, you can either click on the state to scroll down to it or manually scroll down to the state by name alphabetically (more or less, the list has “Nevada” after “New Hampshire”, “New Jersey” and “New York”, just sayin’).  According to the ABA, here are the states that have published ethics opinions (with links to each state’s opinion):

If you counted, that’s 14 total states with opinions – less than 28% of the total state jurisdictions (when you include DC).

If you don’t feel like reading all of the opinions word for word, the ABA site provides two tabs below the interactive map:

  • Quick Reference tab that identifies whether cloud usage for client data is permitted (so far, all states say “Yes”), the standard for use (currently all states with opinions enforce a reasonable care standard) and a bullet point list of specific requirements or recommendations;
  • Opinion Summaries tab that provides a brief summary for each of the opinions.

As the site notes, “in most opinions, the specific steps or factors listed are intended as non-binding recommendations or suggestions. Best practices may evolve depending on the sensitivity of the data or changes in the technology.”  Also, the site identifies opinions (Arizona, Maine and New Jersey to date) where the opinions address issues which aren't directly labeled cloud computing or software as a service, but which share similar technology (e.g.. online backup and file storage).

Hopefully, more states will follow the examples of these 14 states and publish their own opinions soon.

Thanks to Sharon Nelson and to the Ride the Lightning blog for the tip (who, in turn, acknowledged Brett Burney for providing the info at the Virginia State Bar Techshow).  It’s great to have so many smart people in our industry!

So, what do you think? Are you surprised that more states don’t have published cloud ethics opinions?  Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

eDiscovery Daily will take a holiday on Monday for Memorial Day to remember all of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the US Armed Forces.  We will resume with new posts next Tuesday.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

300,000 Visits on eDiscovery Daily! – eDiscovery Milestones

While we haven’t served over 300 billion burgers like McDonald’s, we have provided something to digest each business day for over 43 months.  We’re proud to announce that on Friday, eDiscovery Daily reached the 300,000 visit milestone!  It took us a little over 21 months to reach 100,000 visits and just over 22 months to triple that to 300,000!  On to 500,000!

When we reach key milestones, we like to take a look back at some of the recent stories we’ve covered, so, in case you missed them, here are some recent eDiscovery items of interest from the past six weeks.

After 2,354 Public Comments, One Major Change to the Proposed Federal Rules: By the February 15 deadline for the comment period, no less than 2,354 public comments had been filed regarding the proposed Federal Rules amendments.  Much of the controversy related to Rule 37(e)(1)(B), which included a hotly debated amendment that the court may impose sanctions or order an adverse jury instruction, but only if it finds that the failure to preserve caused “substantial prejudice” in the litigation and was “willful or in bad faith,” or that the failure to preserve “irreparably deprived a party of any meaningful opportunity” to litigate the claims in the action.  Since then, Rule 37(e) has been modified, not just once, but twice.

Government Attorneys Have eDiscovery Issues Too: From a confidence standpoint, 73% of respondents feel as confident or more confident in their ability to manage eDiscovery in their cases.  But, 84% of respondents feel somewhat or not at all effective in their agency’s ability to deal with the challenges of eDiscovery and 80% of respondents feel somewhat or not at all confident that if challenged their agency could demonstrate that their ESI was “accurate, accessible, complete and trustworthy.  These and other survey findings are available here.

Cloud Security Fears Diminish With Experience: According to a recent survey of 1,068 companies conducted by RightScale, Inc., concern about cloud security diminish as users gain more experience using cloud-based services.  Learn more about organizations’ cloud habits here.

Daughter’s Facebook Post Voids $80,000 Settlement: As reported a few weeks ago on CNN, the former head of a private preparatory school in Miami lost out an $80,000 discrimination settlement after his daughter boasted about it on Facebook.  That’s why it’s important to think before you hit send.  Even if you’re still in grade school.

New California Proposed Opinion Requires eDiscovery Competence: If a new proposed opinion in California is adopted, attorneys in that state had better be sufficiently skilled in eDiscovery, hire technical consultants or competent counsel that is sufficiently skilled, or decline representation in cases where eDiscovery is required.

Predictive Analytics: It’s Not Just for Review Anymore: One of the most frequently discussed trends in this year’s annual thought leader interviews that we conducted was the application of analytics (including predictive analytics) to Information Governance.  A recent report published in the Richmond Journal of Law & Technology (and discussed here) addresses how analytics can be used to optimize Information Governance.

How Do You Dispose of “Digital Debris”? EDRM Has Answers:  Those answers can be found in a new white paper discussed here.

Also, hackers took Typepad, our platform for hosting the blog, down for a bit.  But, we’re back and better than ever!

Want to get to know some of your litigation support colleagues better?  Leave it to Jane Gennarelli, who has provided profiles here, here, here, here, here and here.

We’ve also had 11 posts about case law, just in the last six weeks (and 296 overall!).  Here is a link to our case law posts.

Every post we have ever published is still available, so the blog has become quite a knowledge base over the last 43+ months.  Sometime this summer, we will publish our 1,000th post!

On behalf of everyone at CloudNine Discovery who has worked on the blog and other publications that have picked up and either linked to or republished our posts, thanks to all of you!  We really appreciate the support!  Now, on to the next topic.  🙂

And, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Cloud Security Fears Diminish With Experience – eDiscovery Trends

One of the more common trends identified by thought leaders in our recently concluded thought leader series was the continued emergence of the cloud as a viable solution to manage corporate big data.  One reason for that appears to be greater acceptance of cloud security.  Now, there’s a survey that seems to confirm that trend.

According to a recent survey of 1,068 companies conducted by RightScale, Inc. (referenced in the Forbes article Cloud Security Fears Diminish With Experience, Survey Shows, by Joe McKendrick), concern about cloud security diminish as users gain more experience using cloud-based services.  According to the survey, “security remains the most-often cited challenge among Cloud Beginners (31 percent) but decreases to the fifth most cited (13 percent) among Cloud Focused organizations. As organizations become more experienced in cloud security options and best practices, the less of a concern cloud security becomes”.

Other key findings of the survey include:

  • 94 percent of respondent organizations are using the cloud in some form, with 29 percent using the public cloud only, 7 percent using private clouds only and 58 percent using both public and private clouds;
  • 74 percent of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy and more than half of those are already using both public and private cloud;
  • Less than a third of organizations have defined such critical aspects of governance as which clouds can be used, disaster recovery approaches, and cost management;
  • The number of respondents who regard cloud security as a significant challenge has decreased among both cloud beginners and cloud pros;
  • The cloud “maturity” of respondents ranged from 24 percent who either have no plans to deploy cloud solutions (6 percent) or are only in the planning stage (18 percent) to 47 percent that either have multiple projects or applications already deployed in the cloud (25 percent) or are heavily using cloud infrastructure and are looking to optimize cloud operations as well as cloud costs (22 percent).

You can download the 20 page survey report, chock full of graphs and statistics, here.  It’s a very interesting read.

So, what do you think? How many cloud-based applications does your organization use? Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Smaller Law Firms Save Big with Cloud-Based eDiscovery – eDiscovery Trends

According to a new article in ABA Journal (Cloud-based e-discovery can mean big savings for smaller firms, written by Joe Dysart), if you are a smaller law firm, it may make more sense to “rent” your eDiscovery applications in the “cloud” rather than bring a full-fledged hardware and software solution in-house.

Dysart’s article quotes a couple of panelists from a panel session at the recent LegalTech (LTNY) conference, including panelist Alan Winchester, a partner at the New York City firm Harris Beach, who stated: “For firms without robust IT departments, it grants them the experts to manage the technology operations and security.”

The article also identifies some benefits of using cloud-based eDiscovery solutions, including:

  • No need for software updating: Updates to cloud software tend to evolve over time, with users easily absorbing smaller, steadier changes over a much longer time span.
  • Best practices are continually updated: eDiscovery cloud vendors learn to avoid the pitfalls with software much more quickly, given that they are working with multiple law firms at once. Essentially, the mistakes and misunderstandings that can happen with an eDiscovery software package tend to happen at a much faster rate.
  • No need for yearlong rollouts: With eDiscovery in the cloud, all the hardware and software installation logistics are sidestepped. Instead, firms can focus entirely on training staff and bringing them up to speed.
  • The return on investment can be very attractive: Smaller law firms may go months or even years before needing a robust eDiscovery package. Instead of spending major dollars – and then watching helplessly as the system grows obsolete – they can go to the cloud for eDiscovery on an ad hoc basis and often save handsomely.

As platform manager for CloudNine Discovery’s OnDemand® eDiscovery review application (shameless plug warning!), I can attest to the benefits above with some of our own clients.  When we have software updates to apply, it’s a simple rollout (typically on a Saturday night for up to a couple of hours – our developers have no life!) for all users of the software.  And, assisting various clients has enabled us to learn how the software can be modified to meet their needs (the priorities in our ever-changing development roadmap are largely influenced by our own clients’ requests).

If you’re a small firm shopping to “rent” an eDiscovery application, consider this:

  • Know where your data is stored: It’s your data, so you should be able to know where it’s stored and know that it’s secure.  Is it stored in the US or internationally?  You don’t want to have issues getting to your data when you need it most.
  • Try it before you buy it: The cloud provider should let you conduct a no risk trial with your own data before you have to make a purchasing decision (see the banner below if you want to check out CloudNine’s no-risk trial offer).
  • Training and support should be free: The application should be easy to use, but it still helps to get training as well as application support when questions arise.  However, you shouldn’t have to pay for it.

As Dysart’s article concludes, “law firms do need to take a hard look at the technology both ways before taking the plunge”, so it’s always important to consider the pros and cons as it applies to your firm.  Nonetheless, the benefits of cloud-based eDiscovery solutions make it an attractive option for many law firms today, especially small firms with limited budget and resources to manage the ESI in their cases effectively.

So, what do you think? Have you considered cloud-based solutions for your eDiscovery projects? Please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic.

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP – eDiscovery Trends

This is the eighth of the 2014 LegalTech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscoveryDaily interviewed several thought leaders after LTNY this year (don’t get us started) and generally asked each of them the following questions:

  1. What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?
  2. With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?
  3. It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?
  4. What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

Today’s thought leader is Jason R. Baron.  An internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents, Jason is a member of Drinker Biddle’s Information Governance and eDiscovery practice.  Jason previously served as Director of Litigation for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and as trial lawyer and senior counsel at the Department of Justice.  He was a founding co-coordinator of the National Institute of Standards and Technology TREC Legal Track, a multi-year international information retrieval project devoted to evaluating search issues in a legal context.  He also founded the international DESI (Discovery of Electronically Stored Information) workshop series, bringing together lawyers and academics to discuss cutting-edge issues in eDiscovery.

What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?

I think that it was clear, not only to me but to many other attendees that I spoke with at the show, that there was a greater focus and attention this year on Information Governance.  It’s the new black.  You saw that especially in the educational sessions.  Now my good friend Ralph Losey, in a recent posting on his brillilant blog e-Discovery Team®, referred in passing to the topic of Information Governance as “boring” – however, what I think he meant to say is that if Information Governance is simply viewed as the current buzzword for what constitutes electronic recordkeeping best practices, that would be unfortunate.  It’s a lot more profound than that.

In my view, the types of analytics that we use in eDiscovery for predictive coding have an important role in Information Governance as well.  The research that I had some role in, coming out of the TREC Legal Track, and subsequent articles by Maura Grossman, Patrick Oot and others, have all helped to crystallize what constitute best practices in the eDiscovery search and document review space.  But the knowledge that we have gained about analytics in these various research studies, as validated in recent court opinions like Da Silva Moore, are applicable to a much broader application than merely in eDiscovery practice.

That is to say, we can all be smarter about using analytical methods to solve lots of legal issues which arise outside of the narrow band of eDiscovery but inside the broader realm of Information Governance.  Ralph discussed this in a recent blog when he referred to the idea of using “presuit” analytics to predict and prevent lawsuits from happening in the first place.  Ralph’s column shows that he certainly gets it, and that I can count him in as a true believer in pre-litigation analytics being accomplished to lower corporate overall risk including the prevention of potential lawsuits.

So, the hottest topic at LegalTech was Information Governance and, as part of that discussion, a conversation about what best practices are from a technology perspective in the space.  What other trends  out there were noted?

Other themes at LegalTech that reflect trends specifically affecting legal and eDiscovery practice: First, it’s clear to us that the cloud is becoming a dominant paradigm for the storage of big data, and that we need to continue to understand how eDiscovery in particular can be optimized in cloud environments.  Second, there is increased attention to the notion of technological competence, in light of the amendments to the Model professional rules of responsibility, including the comment to Rule 1 about the need for attorneys to be technologically competent in keeping up with the law.  That comment certainly means something in the eDiscovery space.  Beyond those two, we saw a conversation about new technologies and new ideas that are happening and that need to be absorbed into the practice of law – for example, sessions on drones and sessions that noted the “Internet of things”.  In all sorts of ways, these various discussion threads show that there are a thousand different ways to collect data in the world, all of it is ESI and all of it needs to be factored in when we’re litigating cases and when we’re trying to govern the data that organizations hold.

With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?

Well, my crystal ball tells me not to make predictions.  However, we’re now up to 700 comments in the last week leading up to the February 15, 2014 deadline for responding. [Editor’s note: over 2,000 comments were submitted by the actual deadline.]  Those comments are sharply divided between a community of plaintiffs’ counsel who question the necessity for rules change, and the defense bar, which at least a part of which strongly urges rules changes in the belief that the present rules encourage over-preservation of evidence, and that more in the way of limitations imposed on discovery should now be imposed.  So, that’s the battleground.  I think a good bet in the space is that the language that emerges is going to be much like the amendments currently proposed, but no one knows for sure.

My view about the amendments is a different one than what has been reflected in most of the comments, which I have put forward on behalf of the Information Governance Initiative (see below).  The view that I have is that there are aspects of the rules amendments that can be supported, and certainly Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 1 should be amended to incorporate the notion of parties cooperating.   However, what I believe to be of greater importance than rules change is a recognition on the part of the judiciary as well as all litigants that the volume and complexity of data is doubling every couple of years, and the technological environment is one that should include advanced tools to help remediate the severe challenges we all face in terms of the preservation of ESI. We live in a world of exponential growth of big data and we need to deal with that fact at a more foundational level than with rules changes for litigation.  So, I urge that we pay attention to both best practices as a matter of technology in the maintenance of big data in electronic systems, as well as continued education of the bench and bar on how to deal with this new reality — because we’re not going back to the 20th century.  The world of exabytes that we live in is only getting bigger and we have to deal with it.  In my mind, I’m attempting to carve out a middle ground where the rules debate is not as draconian or as starkly imagined as parties would reflect in the comments, but rather that we need to step back and ask more fundamental questions.

It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?

Every survey that I know of drives this point home, that there is a “bubble” that some of us practice in where we go from conference to conference, acting as if the 2006 rules amendments are “old hat,” whereas the concept of how to deal with ESI is something new and novel to many others.  So, there is a learning curve that exists where the greater part of the legal community needs to become better versed in the more advanced aspects of eDiscovery.  By now, everyone knows about email potentially being relevant evidence, but not very many people could step through a workflow on predictive coding.  Nor do they necessarily have to do so in a large swath of cases that, candidly, are not a candidate for the most advanced methods.  We need to apply some degree of proportionality analysis to competence and the level of competence that someone needs is dependent on the complexity of the case.  If there is giant litigation that involves billions of documents, then you really need to understand the technical issues at hand, and what questions to ask, to ensure that you’re using the most advanced and efficient search and document review methods.  On the other hand, if you have a case that is only a couple of hundred documents that is in state court or some local jurisdiction, then these more advanced methods are obviously not needed.

So, I think there is an aspect that you’re exactly right to point out, that this is all still new, and we are still maturing in mapping out defensible ediscovery practices in the post-2006 Rules amendment world. But, increasingly, as I have said, we live in a world of digital information.  Whether it’s a family law case involving the exchange of emails or an employment case or even a hit and run case involving GPS data, attorneys are necessarily finding that there cases do indeed involve aspects of discovery where digital or electronic evidence is material and important.  To that extent, all lawyers need to know something about how to preserve, how to collect, how to review and how to produce ESI.  It is clear to me as the years go by that the bar is getting raised in a greater and greater number of cases and that more and more lawyers need to be competent with respect to basic eDiscovery.

What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

Here’s one thing I’m very excited about.  Bennett Borden, who is chair of the Information Governance and eDiscovery practice here at Drinker Biddle, and Barclay Blair, who runs the company ViaLumina and is a thought leader in the Information Governance space, have teamed up to found the Information Governance Initiative and invited me to act as Co-Chair.  The Initiative is a vendor-neutral industry consortium and think tank which has as its mission a goal of fostering discussion about best practices in the Information Governance space.  We have received a large outpouring of goodwill in the form of individuals joining up as members (it’s free to join, by the way), as well as corporate sponsors who have products and services that address IG issues.  And we hope through various platforms that there will be a better smarter dialogue about how to deal with the challenges of big data and Information Governance using many of the analytical methods that I alluded to earlier.  This is exciting to be part of and I’m delighted, after joining Drinker Biddle, to be able to work with Bennett, Barclay, as well as Jay Brudz and others, to attempt to provide some measure of thought leadership in this space.

I should note that there are other great organizations who are also putting on programs, including The Sedona Conference, which has put out a wonderful Commentary on Information Governance spearheaded by Sedona WG1 chair Conor Crowley, that’s freely available for download.  Sedona and ARMA have also teamed up to put on an information governance conference coming up in April 2014 in Florida.  These are all great to advance the ball.    Hopefully, all of our collective efforts will help to jump start serious conversations around optimizing IG.  For my part, I certainly would encourage individuals to look up the IG Initiative and participate in future activities. (See

Thanks, Jason, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

Alon Israely, Esq., CISSP of BIA – eDiscovery Trends

This is the fifth of the 2014 LegalTech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscoveryDaily interviewed several thought leaders after LTNY this year (don’t get us started) and generally asked each of them the following questions:

  1. What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?
  2. With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?
  3. It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?
  4. What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

Today’s thought leader is Alon Israely.  Alon is the Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Business Intelligence Associates, Inc. (BIA) and currently leads the Strategic Partner Program at BIA.  Alon has over eighteen years of experience in a variety of advanced computing-related technologies and has consulted with law firms and their clients on a variety of technology issues, including expert witness services related to computer forensics, digital evidence management and data security.  Alon is an attorney and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?

Once again, I did not see much differentiation between different exhibitors.  There was nothing that stood out to me as being a groundbreaking differentiator.  That said, it seemed a lighter show, less people.  But, even though it was a lighter number of attendees, the caliber of attendees seemed a bit higher.  This is all coming from my gut as I have no real numbers or metrics to back this up, but, the conversations we had at our booth seemed, on average to be a little more substantive than in previous years.

As for trends, there seems to be more discussion about the high-tech trends, such as cloud computing and analytic technologies.  Instead of people talking about these technologies generally, it seemed as though people were talking about these technologies more specifically.  Not to say that they were differentiated, they were still non-differentiated.  But, there were more people talking about cloud technologies and there was a big CLE about it.  And, more people were talking specifically about analytics, not just saying “you can do all of this culling”, but showing specific examples, with charts, graphics and other neat elements that indicate searching/analytics results.  So, there seemed to be a bit more specificity around technology and, together with that, advanced technology.  But, to be honest with you, there was nothing at the show that really blew my mind.  Nothing that was groundbreaking, nothing that looked like it would initiate a shift in the industry.  If anything, it felt like, other than the few specifics around high-tech, similar to previous years.

I will say that some of the attendees that I talked to, some of the GCs and outside counsel firm attorneys, said they spent more time inside the educational components at LegalTech instead of the exhibit hall.  So, as an exhibitor, that doesn’t make me overly happy to see that, but, as a knowledge leader in the industry, I’m very happy to see that.  I know that ALM has always tried to do a good job with the educational components.  And, I think this year attendees took that part of it more seriously than in the past several years.  It seemed that most of the networking that my BIA colleagues and I did was at the educational sessions, not necessarily on the floor.  I think that’s a positive indicator for the people who made it to the show.

As for general trends in 2014, I think you will see corporations start to take control of their technology, not only for in-house solutions, but also for the solutions that outside counsel will be providing to them.  Today, corporations tend to trust their outside counsel firms as to the review tools and other technologies that they use, but I think that it will be much more of a coordinated effort going forward.  The level of maturity for corporations around eDiscovery is being raised.  What the means in practical terms is that they will work more closely with their trusted vendors.  I don’t believe that corporations are going to bring everything in-house and that vendors will be out of luck, though a lot of other people believe that will happen.  I believe that services business for eDiscovery will remain strong for the next decade or longer and the dynamic of obtaining those services will morph into the corporation sitting side-by-side with the law firm making those services decisions.

That trend was evident at the show: you heard it from different vendor booths and the way that they were pitching their products and you heard it from actual in-house attorneys that were attending.  I saw at least two cases where the GC and his outside counsel attorney were walking around the show together – hopefully, the GC wasn’t getting charged for that time!  You’re starting to see corporations take more control of the reins, but not in the way we always thought where they dictate to the outside counsel what vendors to use.  Instead, it’s much more of a collaborative effort and I think you’ll see much more of that over the next several years.

With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?

I see those being incredibly important.  The more we can get specificity around what needs to happen early in a case and the more that specificity can be codified, the better off we will all be.  If you look at all of the wasted money spent over the last few years, some of that is solved by the new rules, specifically in the area of preservation.  We’re in the business of selling preservation software, so I’m excited about the potential changes.

But, if I step out of that personal perspective, the changes still make a lot of sense because, today, you still have a lot of effort being spent by parties figuring out legal hold and preservation issues.  Who was put on hold, when were holds put in place, what data was and was not preserved.  That usually happens when a problem occurs – you have a peak of expensive lawyering and legal maneuvering with motions practice, etc and typically when it’s already too late.  So, some of these new rules which are focused on discussions early in the case with respect to preservation should nip a lot of that in the bud.  Now, instead of fighting four months later after discovery closes whether some system was preserved or not, that should get covered early-on with some of the new rules that will hopefully go into effect.  So, I’m very excited about the rules changes, not only as a vendor in the space, but also as a legal professional in general.  The more efficiency that you can create early in the matter, the more money you can save and the more you can focus on the substantive issues and on the merits of the case.

It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?

I do wholeheartedly agree.  Our industry is funny because the cost of goods sold for eDiscovery solutions and services is higher than for most other industries else because of the fact that we have to educate with almost every sale.  There are a lot of resources out there, including efforts by many respected thought leaders and all of the great blogs out there, and many providers have an educational component to their website.  So, you’re right that there are a lot of quality resources for attorneys at their fingertips, yet there are still so many attorneys that simply don’t understand it.  Most of the small business and solo practitioners market doesn’t understand eDiscovery and many GCs of mid-sized corporations don’t either.  And, frankly neither do many “corner office” partners at Amlaw200 firms.  They know about it at a high level and understand that it’s important, but they don’t know enough detail.  But, the good news is that with the advent of those educational resources and the fact that every eDiscovery provider and vendor teaches as they sell, those legal professionals don’t need to learn that much – even getting four or five feet “underneath the water” instead of thirty feet under would be helpful.

As to why they don’t know more, I don’t know.  Maybe attorneys are so used to having experts to rely on and because they feel they know enough about eDiscovery, that they don’t need to know any more detail or process understanding unless a problem arises.  I don’t have an explanation as to why, with all of these great resources available, that most legal professionals don’t have more knowledge.  Unless it’s just that they have a “technology block” and are still afraid of the technology aspects of that knowledge base.  To improve things, I believe that vendors will continue to have to sell in an educational manner, with one half of the sale educating the attorney and the other half focused on closing the deal.  And, hopefully more law schools will continue to incorporate eDiscovery into their curriculum.  But, I don’t see the issue of more knowledge across a wider audience of legal professionals getting a whole lot better anytime soon.

What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

BIA continues to be focused on bringing the best technology and workflow that we can to the left side of the EDRM model – such as legal hold, preservation and ECA.  Legal hold activities such as notifying and tracking employees, interviewing custodians and creating questionnaires to do so, and suspending practices such as email auto deletion, and collection of ESI is what we’re all about.  We’ve been really integrating those areas of the left side of the EDRM into one another.  Today, TotalDiscovery employs much more of a circular workflow than it did even a year ago.  It used to be much more siloed – you would implement a legal hold and then do a custodian questionnaire and the collection.  Now, we’ve integrated those steps a lot more.  Hold flows into the questionnaire process, you can seed collections with data from the questionnaires, and so forth.  We’re also continuing to serve up as much intelligence on the data as possible.  You don’t have to wait until you get further down the right side of the model to understand the type of data you have or how much you have.  Obviously, you still need to be able to have a good review tool to perform real hard core research and analysis, but to the extent we can help attorneys more knowledgeable about their data before they get to review, the better it will be for them.  That’s our goal.  So, a lot of that comes from integrating different parts of the process and not focusing on just one area of the process, but gleaning intel from all of them and summarizing at a high level for the attorney.  Also, our enterprise features are really strong and not something we talk about a lot (but we probably should) – stuff like connecting to Active directory, Exchange and other systems – real simple to do as a default configuration.

Also, our flat fee pricing model is a source of pride for us and it’s been very successful.  Flat-fee pricing, unlimited use of functionality and overall budget predictability are values we offer and guarantee – which is unique in the market.  Also, one of the good things about BIA is that we’re a technology company and we’re always adding features – we’ve now moved to a tighter cycle with a new feature or function added every four to six weeks.  Sometimes it’s a small feature, at other times, it’s a large feature we’ve been working on for a while.  It keeps it very fresh and we’re able to do so because of the way we’ve built the product with the cloud and web technologies that we use  So, BIA continues to focus on what we’re good at – improving the workflow and functionality for the tasks compelled by companies on the left side of the EDRM model, leading up to review.

Thanks, Alon, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.

James D. Zinn, Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group – eDiscovery Trends

This is the third of the 2014 LegalTech New York (LTNY) Thought Leader Interview series.  eDiscoveryDaily interviewed several thought leaders after LTNY this year (don’t get us started) and generally asked each of them the following questions:

  1. What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?
  2. With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?
  3. It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?
  4. What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

Today’s thought leader is James D. Zinn. James is Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group.  James leads the technology team at Huron Legal, which includes the data collection, processing, hosting, production, and forensic analysis services along with infrastructure, support, and software development. James has extensive experience managing the strategic and tactical use of technology within investigative and litigation consulting matters.

What significant eDiscovery trends did you see at LTNY this year and what do you see for 2014?

The Legal Tech conference was another good experience for us as a company.  It was an overall good conference for us with good traffic at our booth, great meetings throughout the week and good business opportunities coming from the show.  So, overall our impressions were positive and we felt good about the experience all around.  In fact, I would say that it was one of the best LegalTech experiences ever from our perspective.

As I look around the conference in terms of trends, the biggest trend that I noted was an increase in the discussion about Information Governance.  The whole concept of Information Management and Information Governance has become a popular topic.  There were lots of exhibitors using Information Governance or related language when talking about their products.  There were also several sessions and panel discussions about it, as well.  So, that stood out to me as the biggest trend I saw at the show over the previous year. I think that observation is reflective of an overall trend toward a greater focus on Information Governance and the impact it has on a number of things, including discovery costs and workflow.

The other trend that I see for 2014 is more stratification among the service providers.  Part of the reason for that is continued industry consolidation.  I think there is a growing differentiation between service providers, which we feel from our own experience, as well.  On one hand, a number of providers are continuing to mature and develop their full service offerings while on the other hand; there are new entrants into the market focusing on the application of technology as a differentiator from legacy service providers.

A related trend is greater acceptance of cloud-based solutions.  I think a number of providers are focusing on leveraging cloud-based infrastructures and technologies in their solutions.  I’m sensing an increased acceptance within the marketplace for cloud-based solutions.

With new amendments to discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure now in the comment phase, do you see those being approved this year and what do you see as the impact of those Rules changes?

I don’t have any particular source of information that would lead me to do anything more than speculate on the timing of their approval, but I do see them being accepted this year.  While the amendments have generated a fair amount of discussion, I think they represent a positive trend and will be approved and enacted.  I think the impact on the up front preparation and speed of litigation has been talked about extensively and will be a natural evolution for those who are already well prepared in that area. They will cause even more pain than the last amendments for those who are not as organized.  The impact on the early calendar of litigation may come as a shock to the litigants who aren’t as organized as they need to be.  I also think the introduction of proportionality via the amendments is a good thing and will bring some reasonableness to the burden of discovery that many of our clients face.

It seems despite numerous resources in the industry, most attorneys still don’t know a lot about eDiscovery?  Do you agree with that and, if so, what do you think can be done to improve the situation?

That’s an interesting question because I wonder how much my experience personally and our experience as an organization is influenced by attorneys who are self-selecting.  In other words, do we see a representative sample of attorneys in the marketplace?  I would argue that we’ve seen an increase in the sophistication of our clients, both our clients at law firms and those at corporate legal departments.  To generalize them as a group, they are definitely more educated and more knowledgeable around eDiscovery issues than they were a few years ago.  But, I don’t know if that’s because of the nature of the types of clients we tend to attract are those that have recurring needs for discovery services and have been dealing with it for a number of years.

I do think that, as an industry, there are a lot of resources available to educate, so for those who do not avail themselves of those resources, it may be a reflection of their lack of a regular need for those services.  It’s easy to say that there could always be more education provided, but I think that you’re correct in the assessment that there are a number of good resources already.

What are you working on that you’d like our readers to know about?

We pride ourselves on being close to our clients and their needs and so we are continuing the development of our full-service offerings.  Our focus continues to be around holistic solutions to our clients’ problems, discovery being one of them, Information Governance certainly being another, compliance being a third, and so on.  So, in each of these areas, our focus is on how we can provide a complete solution to our clients.  By “complete”, I’m referring to everything from strategy and organizational assistance to help with the implementation of technologies or procedures and then on to the actual provision of services.  Huron is continuing within eDiscovery and beyond eDiscovery within the legal industry to focus on providing relevant, holistic solutions.

Thanks, James, for participating in the interview!

And to the readers, as always, please share any comments you might have or if you’d like to know more about a particular topic!

Disclaimer: The views represented herein are exclusively the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views held by CloudNine Discovery. eDiscoveryDaily is made available by CloudNine Discovery solely for educational purposes to provide general information about general eDiscovery principles and not to provide specific legal advice applicable to any particular circumstance. eDiscoveryDaily should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a lawyer you have retained and who has agreed to represent you.