Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP – eDiscovery Trends
Jason R. Baron of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is Jason R. Baron. An internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents, Jason is a member of Drinker Biddle’s Information Governance and eDiscovery practice. Jason previously served as Director of Litigation for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and as trial lawyer and senior counsel at the Department of Justice. He was a founding co-coordinator of the National Institute of Standards and Technology TREC Legal Track, a multi-year international information retrieval project devoted to evaluating search issues in a legal context. He also founded the international DESI (Discovery of Electronically Stored Information) workshop series, bringing together lawyers and academics to discuss cutting-edge issues in eDiscovery.

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Federal Court Partially Reverses District Court’s Taxation of Electronic Discovery Costs – eDiscovery Case Law
Federal Court Partially Reverses District Court’s Taxation of Electronic Discovery Costs – eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In CBT Flint Partners, LLC v. Return Path, Inc., the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals reversed in part and vacated in part an earlier decision by the Georgia district court to require the plaintiffs to pay the defendants’ costs relating to the production and duplication of electronically stored information (ESI) offered as eDiscovery, limiting taxation to only those costs which were directly related to copying.

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George Socha of Socha Consulting LLC – eDiscovery Trends
George Socha of Socha Consulting LLC – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is George Socha. A litigator for 16 years, George is President of Socha Consulting LLC, offering services as an electronic discovery expert witness, special master and advisor to corporations, law firms and their clients, and legal vertical market software and service providers in the areas of electronic discovery and automated litigation support. George has also been co-author of the leading survey on the electronic discovery market, The Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey; in 2011, he and Tom Gelbmann converted the Survey into Apersee, an online system for selecting eDiscovery providers and their offerings. In 2005, he and Tom Gelbmann launched the Electronic Discovery Reference Model project to establish standards within the eDiscovery industry – today, the EDRM model has become a standard in the industry for the eDiscovery life cycle and there are nine active projects with over 300 members from 81 participating organizations. George has a J.D. for Cornell Law School and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

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Adam Losey of IT-Lex.org – eDiscovery Trends
Adam Losey of IT-Lex.org – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is Adam Losey. Adam is president and editor-in-chief of IT-Lex.org, a technology law not-for-profit educational and literary organization and an attorney at Foley & Lardner LLP. Adam also served as an adjunct professor at Columbia University, where he taught electronic discovery as part of Columbia’s Information and Digital Resource Management Master’s Program.

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ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Evidence Conference – eDiscovery Trends
ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Evidence Conference – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Last week, I told you about a two-day program being hosted next week in my hometown of Houston by The Sedona Conference®. Then, on Tuesday, I told you about the Second Annual Electronic Discovery Conference for the Small and Medium Case, hosted by the Levin College of Law at the University of Florida and EDRM also next week. Now, here is another conference alternative for next week – the Third Annual ASU-Arkfeld eDiscovery and Digital Evidence Conference, hosted by Arizona State University and noted eDiscovery expert Michael Arkfeld.

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Alon Israely, Esq., CISSP of BIA – eDiscovery Trends
Alon Israely, Esq., CISSP of BIA – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is Alon Israely. Alon is the Manager of Strategic Partnerships at Business Intelligence Associates, Inc. (BIA) and currently leads the Strategic Partner Program at BIA. Alon has over eighteen years of experience in a variety of advanced computing-related technologies and has consulted with law firms and their clients on a variety of technology issues, including expert witness services related to computer forensics, digital evidence management and data security. Alon is an attorney and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

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eDiscovery Conference for Small to Medium Cases – eDiscovery Trends
eDiscovery Conference for Small to Medium Cases – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Last week, I told you about a two-day program being hosted in my hometown of Houston by The Sedona Conference®. Here is another conference that you can attend no matter where you are, for a very reasonable price!

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Laura Zubulake, Author of “Zubulake’s e-Discovery” – eDiscovery Trends
Laura Zubulake, Author of “Zubulake’s e-Discovery” – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is Laura Zubulake. Laura worked on Wall Street for 20 years in institutional equity departments and, in 1991, authored the book The Complete Guide to Convertible Securities Worldwide. She was the plaintiff in the Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg case, which resulted in several landmark opinions related to eDiscovery and counsel’s obligations for the preservation of electronically stored information. The December 2006 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were influenced, in part, by the Zubulake case. In 2012, Laura published a book titled Zubulake’s e-Discovery: The Untold Story of my Quest for Justice, previously discussed on this blog and she speaks professionally about eDiscovery topics and her experiences related to the case.

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James D. Zinn, Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group – eDiscovery Trends
James D. Zinn, Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is James D. Zinn. James is Managing Director of Huron Consulting Group. James leads the technology team at Huron Legal, which includes the data collection, processing, hosting, production, and forensic analysis services along with infrastructure, support, and software development. James has extensive experience managing the strategic and tactical use of technology within investigative and litigation consulting matters.

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Tom Gelbmann of Gelbmann & Associates, LLC – eDiscovery Trends
Tom Gelbmann of Gelbmann & Associates, LLC – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

Today’s thought leader is Tom Gelbmann. Tom is Principal of Gelbmann & Associates, LLC. Since 1993, Gelbmann & Associates, LLC, is a consulting practice serving the legal services industry. Tom has an extensive record of working with law firms, corporate counsel and legal services providers as a consultant, advisor, project manager, and has also held the CIO position at two major law firms. Tom has also been co-author of the leading survey on the electronic discovery market, The Socha-Gelbmann Electronic Discovery Survey; in 2011 he and George Socha converted the Survey into Apersee, an online system for selecting eDiscovery providers and their offerings. In 2005, he and George Socha launched the Electronic Discovery Reference Model project to establish standards within the eDiscovery industry – today, the EDRM model has become a standard in the industry for the eDiscovery life cycle.

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