Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
The Next Batch of “Dirty Laundry” within the “Panama Papers” Will Be Searchable: eDiscovery Trends
The Next Batch of “Dirty Laundry” within the “Panama Papers” Will Be Searchable: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

“Kick ’em when they’re up, Kick ’em when they’re down, Kick ’em when they’re up, Kick ’em all around” – this seems to be my week for covering Don Henley songs. Based on reports, the next batch of “Dirty Laundry” from the “Panama Papers” will not only provide more details about hundreds of thousands of secret offshore entities, it will also be searchable.

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What Happens in the Internet Each Minute in 2016? You Have No Idea: eDiscovery Trends
What Happens in the Internet Each Minute in 2016? You Have No Idea: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

There’s a Don Henley song titled New York Minute where “In a New York minute…Everything can change”. In an Internet minute in 2016, data can explode throughout the world.

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Your “Mashup” of eDiscovery Market Estimates is Early This Year: eDiscovery Trends
Your “Mashup” of eDiscovery Market Estimates is Early This Year: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

We look forward to the eDiscovery Market Size Mashup that Rob Robinson compiles and presents on his Complex Discovery site each year. Each of the past three years in July, we have covered his compilations of various eDiscovery market estimates, with estimates for 2012 to 2017, for 2013 to 2018 and 2014-2019 (in two parts). This year, we don’t have to wait until July: he has released his worldwide eDiscovery software overview for 2015 to 2020 now!

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Failure to Extend Preservation Hold to Headquarters Does Not Lead To Adverse Inference Sanction: eDiscovery Case Law
Failure to Extend Preservation Hold to Headquarters Does Not Lead To Adverse Inference Sanction: eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In Botey v. Green, et. al., Pennsylvania District Judge Robert D. Mariani denied the plaintiff’s request for an adverse inference sanction for the defendants’ failure to preserve trucking logs related to an accident between the plaintiff and a truck driver working for the defendant’s company, but did agree not to allow the defendants to prove the contents of the destroyed documents by other means or argue their contents in dispositive motions or at trial.

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Nearly Two Thirds of Confirmed Data Breaches Were Related to Password Issues: eDiscovery Trends
Nearly Two Thirds of Confirmed Data Breaches Were Related to Password Issues: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

You’ve got to love a report that starts with the Yogi Berra quote “It’s like déjà vu, all over again.” Sadly, when it comes to data breaches, it seems like that statement – however redundant – is more true than ever.

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The Benefits of Blogging: eDiscovery Trends
The Benefits of Blogging: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

One of the highlights of the week for me last week at the ACEDS conference was the Law Student Blogger/Social Invitational pre-conference seminar where I was one of the speakers. It was a great opportunity to share stories with some of my fellow bloggers in the industry whom I respect and admire.

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Citing Proportionality Concerns, Court Grants Plaintiff’s Motion for Protective Order: eDiscovery Case Law
Citing Proportionality Concerns, Court Grants Plaintiff’s Motion for Protective Order: eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In Noble Roman’s, Inc. v. Hattenhauer Distrib. Co., Indiana Magistrate Judge Debra McVicker Lynch, citing proportionality concerns, granted the plaintiff’s motion for a protective order and ordered that the defendant was prohibited from obtaining the discovery sought by the defendant’s subpoenas from a major shareholder of the plaintiff.

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Join Me for a Panel Discussion Regarding Rule 34(b) Changes and Other Fun Stuff!: eDiscovery Best Practices
Join Me for a Panel Discussion Regarding Rule 34(b) Changes and Other Fun Stuff!: eDiscovery Best Practices 150 150 CloudNine

This Thursday, I’ll be in Birmingham, Alabama and I’m excited to be participating in a roundtable discussion regarding the new Rule 34(b) changes! Here is how you can attend (and even get CLE credit) if you’re in the Birmingham area and how you can still attend via the Web if you’re remote.

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Defendant Sanctioned for Loss of Emails During Provider Switch, But No Sanction For Wiped Hard Drive: eDiscovery Case Law
Defendant Sanctioned for Loss of Emails During Provider Switch, But No Sanction For Wiped Hard Drive: eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In Core Laboratories LP v. Spectrum Tracer Services, LLC et. al., Oklahoma District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange granted the plaintiff’s motion for sanctions for emails that were not preserved during an email provider switch via an adverse inference instruction, but denied the plaintiff’s motion for sanctions for deleting files and for wiping the computer of one of its employees.

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Whip Me, Beat Me, Call Me Edna: eDiscovery Trends
Whip Me, Beat Me, Call Me Edna: eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

One of the more interesting sessions at this week’s ACEDS conference was the session EDNA Challenge Part 2, where Tania Mabrey, Craig Ball and Tom O’Connor followed up on Craig’s original challenge from seven years ago (discussed in his paper E-Discovery for Everybody: The EDna Challenge) to conduct eDiscovery in a case on a budget of only $1,000. This time, the challenge was to do so at a cost of $5,000. While that might seem like an easier challenge, data volumes have risen dramatically, so it may be even more of a challenge than it was back then. Let’s see.

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