Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
eDiscoveryJournal Webinar: More on Native Format Production and Redaction
eDiscoveryJournal Webinar: More on Native Format Production and Redaction 150 150 CloudNine

As noted yesterday, eDiscoveryJournal conducted a webinar last Friday with some notable eDiscovery industry thought leaders regarding issues associated with native format production and redaction, including George Socha, Craig Ball and Tom O’Connor, and moderated by Greg Buckles, co-founder of eDiscoveryJournal, who has over 20 years experience in discovery and consulting. Here are more highlights from the webinar.

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eDiscoveryJournal Webinar: Debate on Native Format Production and Redaction
eDiscoveryJournal Webinar: Debate on Native Format Production and Redaction 150 150 CloudNine

eDiscoveryJournal conducted a webinar last Friday with some notable eDiscovery industry thought leaders regarding issues associated with native format production and redaction, including George Socha, Craig Ball and Tom O’Connor, and moderated by Greg Buckles, co-founder of eDiscoveryJournal, who has over 20 years experience in discovery and consulting.

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State eDiscovery Rules: Oklahoma Adopts Amendments to Rules for eDiscovery
State eDiscovery Rules: Oklahoma Adopts Amendments to Rules for eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Though the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in December of 2006 have affected how discovery of ESI is handled in Federal courts, lawyers who practice exclusively in state court cases may not have had to consider rules for handling of ESI in their cases. Some states have adopted civil procedure rules for eDiscovery; others have not. Effective today, one state that has adopted new amendments to their Rules of Civil Procedure is Oklahoma.

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Sanctions and Other Things that Go Bump in the Night
Sanctions and Other Things that Go Bump in the Night 150 150 CloudNine

Sunday is Halloween, so it seems appropriate to try to “scare” you before the big day. Does this scare you? “pervasive and willful violation of serial Court orders to preserve and produce ESI evidence be treated as contempt of court, and that he be imprisoned for a period not to exceed two years”

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eDiscovery Project Management: Finding the Right People for Your Team
eDiscovery Project Management: Finding the Right People for Your Team 150 150 CloudNine

Yesterday, we talked about the skill sets and areas of expertise that are required to effectively handle an electronic discovery project. Those skills and expertise are diverse and you won’t find everything you need in a single person. You need to put together a team. So, where do you find the right people for your team?

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eDiscovery Project Management: Assemble the Right Team
eDiscovery Project Management: Assemble the Right Team 150 150 CloudNine

There are lots of tasks associated with a large electronic discovery project. A number of skill sets and areas of expertise are required to do them all well. It’s not likely that all of those skills and knowledge will reside in a single person. You need to create the right electronic discovery team to ensure that there are no glitches.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Brad Jenkins of Trial Solutions
Thought Leader Q&A: Brad Jenkins of Trial Solutions 150 150 CloudNine

Brad Jenkins, President and CEO of Trial Solutions, has over 20 years of experience leading customer focused companies in the litigation support arena. Brad has authored many articles on litigation support issues, and has spoken before national audiences on document management practices and solutions.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Kirke Snyder
Thought Leader Q&A: Kirke Snyder 150 150 CloudNine

Kirke Snyder has earned a law degree and also a masters degree in legal administration. He is an expert in document retention and litigation electronic discovery issues. He can be reached at KSnyder@Regis.edu.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Chris Jurkiewicz of Venio Systems
Thought Leader Q&A: Chris Jurkiewicz of Venio Systems 150 150 CloudNine

Chris Jurkiewicz is the Co-Founder and Executive Vice President at Venio Systems which created Venio FPR™ to provide law firms, corporations and government entities the ability to gain a comprehensive picture of their data set at the front-end; thereby, saving precious time and money on the back-end. Prior to the founding of Venio Systems, Chris was Vice President of E-Discovery Technologies at Onsite3 for eight years.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Alon Israely of BIA
Thought Leader Q&A: Alon Israely of BIA 150 150 CloudNine

Alon Israely has over fifteen years of experience in a variety of advanced computing-related technologies. Alon is a Senior Advisor in BIA’s Advisory Services group and currently oversees BIA’s product development for its core technology products. Prior to BIA, Alon consulted with law firms and their clients on a variety of technology issues, including expert witness services related to computer forensics, digital evidence management and data security.

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