Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
Reporting from the EDRM Mid-Year Meeting
Reporting from the EDRM Mid-Year Meeting 150 150 CloudNine

This week, the EDRM Mid-Year meeting is taking place in St. Paul, MN. Twice a year, in May and October, eDiscovery professionals who are EDRM members meet to continue the process of working together on various standards projects. EDRM has eight currently active projects and there are over 300 members from 81 participating organizations including eDiscovery providers, law firms and corporations.

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eDiscovery Project Management: Tips for Creating Effective Procedures
eDiscovery Project Management: Tips for Creating Effective Procedures 150 150 CloudNine

Writing procedures is easy. In fact, it’s probably the easiest writing task you’ll ever do. You don’t need to be creative. You don’t need to develop an elegant writing style. In fact, the best procedures are simple and to the point. All that’s required to write good procedures is knowledge of how to do the task and some guidelines.

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eDiscovery Project Management: The Importance of Good Written Procedures
eDiscovery Project Management: The Importance of Good Written Procedures 150 150 CloudNine

Even for simple eDiscovery tasks, good written procedures are critical. Written procedures are a good idea for all tasks, but they are especially important for work done by multiple people. Often procedures are overlooked for simple tasks. It’s easy to feel comfortable that everyone will do a simple task well. The problem is that it’s very easy for two people to interpret a task differently.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Jim McGann of Index Engines
Thought Leader Q&A: Jim McGann of Index Engines 150 150 CloudNine

Jim McGann is Vice President of Information Discovery for Index Engines. Jim has extensive experience with the eDiscovery and Information Management. He is currently contributing to the Sedona working group addressing electronic document retention and production. Jim is also a frequent speaker for industry organizations such as ARMA and ILTA, and has authored multiple articles for legal technology and information management publications.

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Thought Leader Q&A: Christine Musil of Informative Graphics Corporation
Thought Leader Q&A: Christine Musil of Informative Graphics Corporation 150 150 CloudNine

Christine Musil is Director of Marketing for Informative Graphics Corporation, a viewing, annotation and content management software company based in Arizona. Informative Graphics makes several products including Redact-It, an electronic redaction solution used by law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies and a variety of other professional service companies.

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eDiscovery Project Management: Data Gathering Plan, Schedule Collection
eDiscovery Project Management: Data Gathering Plan, Schedule Collection 150 150 CloudNine

We’ve already covered the first step of the data gathering plan: preparing a list of data sources of potentially relevant materials and identifying custodians. Now let’s fill out the plan. Here’s a step-by-step approach.

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eDiscovery Project Management: Data Gathering Plan, Identify Data Sources
eDiscovery Project Management: Data Gathering Plan, Identify Data Sources 150 150 CloudNine

One of the first electronic discovery tasks you’ll do for a case is to collect potentially responsive electronic documents from your client. Before you start that collection effort, you should prepare a data-gathering plan to ensure that you are covering all the bases. That plan should identify the locations from which data will be collected, who will collect the data, and a schedule for the collection effort.

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Announcing eDiscovery Thought Leader Q&A Series!
Announcing eDiscovery Thought Leader Q&A Series! 150 150 CloudNine

eDiscovery Daily is excited to announce a new blog series of Q&A interviews with various eDiscovery thought leaders. Over the next three weeks, we will publish interviews conducted with six individuals with unique and informative perspectives on various eDiscovery topics. Mark your calendars for these industry experts!

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eDiscovery Case Study: Term List Searching for Deadline Emergencies!
eDiscovery Case Study: Term List Searching for Deadline Emergencies! 150 150 CloudNine

“We thought we were going to have a month to review this data, but because of a judge’s ruling in the case, we now have to start depo prep for two key custodians on Monday for depositions now scheduled next week”, said Megan Moore, attorney with Steele Sturm, PLLC, in Houston. “We have to complete our review of their files this weekend.” So, what do you do when you have to conduct both a first pass and final review of the data in a weekend?

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eDiscovery Project Management: Preparing a Budget
eDiscovery Project Management: Preparing a Budget 150 150 CloudNine

Tuesday, we talked about putting together a “big picture plan” for your project. And, yesterday, we provided step-by-step instructions for preparing a schedule for a specific task and identifying the resources you’ll need. Now let’s talk about preparing a budget. Depending on the task, there may be a lot of cost components in your budget. For many projects — for example, a document review project — the biggest cost component will be people.

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