Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
eDiscovery Law: Possible Changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Affecting eDiscovery
eDiscovery Law: Possible Changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Affecting eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

As reported on Law Technology News recently, a subcommittee of the Judicial Conference of the United States is preparing to make recommendations about the possibility of changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that would improve eDiscovery procedures and rules in the United States, and affect how eDiscovery is conducted abroad.

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eDiscovery Case Law: Court Upholds Sanctions for Intentional Spoliation of Unallocated Space Data
eDiscovery Case Law: Court Upholds Sanctions for Intentional Spoliation of Unallocated Space Data 150 150 CloudNine

The Supreme Court of Delaware recently upheld the sanctions against the defendant for wiping the unallocated space on his company’s computer system, despite a court order prohibiting such destruction. In Genger v. TR Investors, LLC, No. 592,2010, 2011 WL 2802832 (Del. July 18, 2011), Arie Genger, CEO of Trans-Resources, Inc., argued that sanctions against him were unreasonable and made a motion for the court to overturn its previous decision regarding spoliation of discovery materials. Instead, after due process, the court upheld its earlier decision.

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eDiscovery Trends: OLP Response to LTN Article Regarding eDiscovery Certifications
eDiscovery Trends: OLP Response to LTN Article Regarding eDiscovery Certifications 150 150 CloudNine

Yesterday, Law Technology News (LTN) published an article entitled E-Discovery Certification: Sham Exams?, by Patrick Oot, which questioned the validity of several of the eDiscovery certification programs that, in their words, are “sprouting up faster than dandelions in May grass”. As you can imagine, the article did not go over swimmingly with organizations that sponsor eDiscovery certification programs. One of those is The Organization of Legal Professionals (OLP). Chere Estrin is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the OLP. Yesterday, I interviewed her regarding the LTN article and the OLP certification program. Here is the interview.

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Working Successfully with eDiscovery and Litigation Support Service Providers: Paper is Still Important, Part 2
Working Successfully with eDiscovery and Litigation Support Service Providers: Paper is Still Important, Part 2 150 150 CloudNine

Friday, we talked about the information you should include in a request for proposal for processing a paper discovery collection. Today we’ll review some questions you should ask of a service provider to help you to select the provider that’s the best fit for your case. Of course, you’ll ask for pricing information, if the vendor can meet your schedule requirements, and for references. In addition, here are questions to ask and information to request.

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Working Successfully with eDiscovery and Litigation Support Service Providers: Paper is Still Important
Working Successfully with eDiscovery and Litigation Support Service Providers: Paper is Still Important 150 150 CloudNine

For several years now, the focus of our discovery efforts has been handling ESI. Paper, however, hasn’t gone away yet. And it probably won’t any time soon. People still have at least small collections of paper that need to be handled. What’s the best way to handle paper? Convert it ASAP and blend it into the rest of the collection so attorneys can do a comprehensive review of the entire universe of potentially responsive documents. That means scanning, coding, and OCR processing to enable the paper to reviewed and searched. Here’s information the vendor will need to give you accurate cost and schedule information for handling the paper portion of your collection.

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eDiscovery Case Law: Court Orders Sanctions in Response to "Callous and Careless Attitude" of Defendant in Discovery
eDiscovery Case Law: Court Orders Sanctions in Response to "Callous and Careless Attitude" of Defendant in Discovery 150 150 CloudNine

A Special Master determined that multiple discovery failures on the part of the defendant in an indemnity action were due to discovery procedures “wholly devoid of competence, yet only once motivated by guile”. Accordingly, the court ordered sanctions against the defendant and also ordered the defendant to pay all costs associated with its discovery failures, including plaintiff’s attorney fees and costs.

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eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 3: Understanding the Elements Contributing to Cost
eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 3: Understanding the Elements Contributing to Cost 150 150 CloudNine

We’ve spent some time in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series discussing the factors and assumptions that go into eDiscovery budgeting, but what about the concrete eDiscovery process itself? In addition to understanding the factors that go into budgeting, it’s important to recognize the elements that contribute to eDiscovery costs. There are five primary factors that contribute to the costs of eDiscovery in progress.

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eDiscovery Breaking News: News International to Suspend Deletion of Emails and Other Documents
eDiscovery Breaking News: News International to Suspend Deletion of Emails and Other Documents 150 150 CloudNine

According to The Independent, staff at Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers has been warned to stop deleting any documents that may be relevant to the current investigations, as a suspension of its usual policy about deletion of documents goes into effect. Over the course of the 2011 investigation into illegal voicemail hacking by News International employees, there has been contention over the ongoing deletion of documents at the newspaper and its subsidiaries. But only during this past weekend did News International’s parent company, News Corp, finally send an email to all of its employees instructing them to take measures preventing the deletion of documents that might be related to the investigation, including emails and other ESI.

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eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 2: Key Assumptions and Choices That Affect eDiscovery Budgeting
eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 2: Key Assumptions and Choices That Affect eDiscovery Budgeting 150 150 CloudNine

Friday, we talked about assumptions and elements that contribute to cost that need to be considered when budgeting for eDiscovery activities. Now that you know a bit about the factors surrounding the cost of eDiscovery, let’s take a look at budgeting and the estimates that attorneys provide to a client before beginning eDiscovery work. The first step in budgeting is to prepare an estimate based on your and your client’s best guesses and assumptions. What are some of these assumptions?

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eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 1: Assumptions and Elements that Contribute to Cost
eDiscovery Budgeting, Part 1: Assumptions and Elements that Contribute to Cost 150 150 CloudNine

While attorneys may struggle with the regional and international regulations surrounding eDiscovery, your client is likely to be less concerned with the practical legal details of your discovery request, and more concerned with the financial cost. Whether you’re working with the plaintiff or the defense, one of the most important considerations in preparing for eDiscovery is presenting the expense accurately and completely to the client – and that means understanding for yourself the factors that go into budgeting for eDiscovery.

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