Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
eDiscovery Searching 101: It's a Mistake to Ignore the Mistakes
eDiscovery Searching 101: It's a Mistake to Ignore the Mistakes 150 150 CloudNine

We all make mistakes. And, forgetting that fact can be costly when searching for, or requesting, relevant documents in eDiscovery. For example, if you’re searching for e-mails that relate to management decisions, can you be certain that “management” is spelled perfectly throughout the collection? Unlikely. It could be spelled “managment” or “mangement” and you would miss those potentially critical emails without an effective plan to look for them.

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Social Tech eDiscovery: Facebook Subpoena Policy
Social Tech eDiscovery: Facebook Subpoena Policy 150 150 CloudNine

If an employee resists or no longer has access to responsive content (or you need to request from their online friends through “Wall” posts), you may have to request content directly from Facebook through a subpoena. Facebook has a Law Enforcement page with information about serving civil subpoenas…

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Case Law: Spoliate Evidence and Go to Jail?!?
Case Law: Spoliate Evidence and Go to Jail?!? 150 150 CloudNine

“…Pappas’s pervasive and willful violation of serial Court orders to preserve and produce ESI evidence be treated as contempt of court, and that he be imprisoned for a period not to exceed two years, unless and until he pays to Plaintiff the attorney’s fees and costs that will be awarded to Plaintiff as the prevailing party…”

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eDiscovery Searching 101: Don’t Get “Wild” with Wildcards
eDiscovery Searching 101: Don’t Get “Wild” with Wildcards 150 150 CloudNine

Several months ago, I provided search strategy assistance to a client that had already agreed upon several searches with opposing counsel. One search related to mining activities, so the attorney decided to use a wildcard of “min*” to retrieve variations like “mine”, “mines” and “mining”. That one search retrieved over 300,000 files with hits. Why? Because there are 269 words in the English language that begin with the letters “min”. How do you ensure that you’re retrieving all variations of your search term?

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Announcing eDiscovery Daily!
Announcing eDiscovery Daily! 150 150 CloudNine

eDiscovery Daily is a new blog created by Trial Solutions that is intended to provide eDiscovery news, analysis and educational tips to professionals affected by eDiscovery issues.

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