Our Insights on eDiscovery

Read on to learn more about the latest trends and insights in the world of digital discovery.
Three Things to Consider When Moving to the Cloud
Three Things to Consider When Moving to the Cloud 500 333 CloudNine

More than 50% of organizational decision-makers say they believe cloud migration will continue to rise as a necessary step for business growth. Read about the benefits of this strategic move to their operational efficiency and bottom line.

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JSON is not a document, it is data… and lots of it!
JSON is not a document, it is data… and lots of it! 500 297 CloudNine

The relationship with JSON data can be essential to a favorable outcome in your discovery. However, while accessing this critical data can be intimidating, the process is not complicated but does require the right type of resource to extract the files and map them to the correct data type.

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Three Use Cases to Navigate Modern Data in eDiscovery
Three Use Cases to Navigate Modern Data in eDiscovery 450 300 CloudNine

Whether you’re challenged with multiple sourced data, a personal device dilemma or preventing proprietary company data from landing in the wrong hands, your approach and technology will directly impact your case results. Read on to learn how to access disparate data, create a comprehensible timeline and protect sensitive data.

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Modern Data Discussions by Leading Experts at The Master’s Conference in DC
Modern Data Discussions by Leading Experts at The Master’s Conference in DC 400 200 CloudNine

The topic of modern data was the buzz of many conversations during The Master’s Conference in DC. Read what leading experts say is essential to approach this emerging evidence with efficiency.

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BlueStar Accelerates Modern eDiscovery with ESI Analyst – CloudNine Podcasts
BlueStar Accelerates Modern eDiscovery with ESI Analyst – CloudNine Podcasts 600 300 CloudNine

As the CTO and Managing Partner at BlueStar, Jeremy Schaper has seen an uptick of nontraditional data in the last five years. He and his team found ESI Analyst while searching for an eDiscovery solution that can process traditional and modern data types. Jeremy joined Rick Clark for our CloudNine 360 Innovate Podcast to discuss how BlueStar leveraged ESI Analyst in large cases involving SMS, Slack, and Microsoft Teams data.

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The Challenges of Modern Discovery – CloudNine Webinar
The Challenges of Modern Discovery – CloudNine Webinar 600 300 CloudNine

As the amount of modern ESI grows, developing an efficient and defensible discovery process becomes paramount. Rob Lekowski and Rick Clark from the CloudNine team joined Kevin Thompson from the Chicago Bar Association to discuss how CloudNine ESI Analyst uniquely tackles the pitfalls of modern discovery.

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CloudNine’s LegalWeek 2022 Recap
CloudNine’s LegalWeek 2022 Recap 500 334 CloudNine

Last week, the CloudNine team visited New York City to provide virtual and in-person demos during LegalWeek 2022. Rick Clark, Robert Lekowski, Clint Lehew, and Jess Moore were able to share the capabilities of CloudNine ESI Analyst with over 50 attendees. As the industry’s only near-native investigative platform, CloudNine ESI Analyst simplifies the discovery of mobile, chat, social, and geolocation data from collection to production.

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Inaugural Symposium on eCrime – Dealing with Multiple Data Sources
Inaugural Symposium on eCrime – Dealing with Multiple Data Sources 600 300 CloudNine

CloudNine Senior Director Rick Clark and colleagues were featured as a guest speakers for an e-crime symposium hosted by the Henry Lee Institute of Forensic Science. Watch their group panel to learn how to manage multiple data sources in an investigation.

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Discover the Power of ESI Analyst During LegalWeek 2022
Discover the Power of ESI Analyst During LegalWeek 2022 574 365 CloudNine

From now until Friday, March 11, CloudNine is offering in-person and virtual demos while we visit New York during LegalWeek 2022. We would love to see you there as we reconnect with long-time clients and welcome new faces. The CloudNine team is also eager for the opportunity to showcase our latest eDiscovery innovation, ESI Analyst.

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Managing the Unpredictability of eDiscovery Costs
Managing the Unpredictability of eDiscovery Costs 600 314 CloudNine

With eDiscovery consuming nearly 80% of litigation costs, the potential to rack up expenses can escalate out of control quickly. In this article, we’ll explore common cost recovery models and identify practical steps to help you take control of your eDiscovery and optimize your review process for greater efficiency and profitability.

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