webcasts & podcasts

Up-to-date and informative webcasts on all things data and legal discovery from the leading provider of discovery automation technology, CloudNine. Regular content includes briefings, presentations, and legal education events designed to intrigue, inform, and improve viewers understanding and execution of audits, investigations, and electronic discovery tasks.
Webcast: Legal Hold Notifications from CloudNine

Delivered as an advanced, integrated, and automated option in CloudNine’s cloud-based, SaaS-delivered simplified eDiscovery automation software, Legal Hold Notifications improve the ability of legal and compliance teams to implement legal holds by providing them with an intuitive and secure tool for marshaling the data preservation process. To learn more about Legal Hold Notifications, visit cloudnine.com.

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Webcast: eDiscovery and CloudNine – A Complete Demonstration

A complete demonstration of CloudNine’s SaaS-delivered eDiscovery automation software by industry expert and author Doug Austin. Used extensively by corporations and law firms to simplify legal discovery in litigation, investigations, and audits, CloudNine provides eDiscovery practitioners with a secure platform that enables the upload, review, and production of documents from a fully integrated and automated fourth-generation eDiscovery platform.For a free trial, visit cloudnine.com.

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