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Transparency Reports for Other Companies – Social Tech eDiscovery
Transparency Reports for Other Companies – Social Tech eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a fresh look at Twitter’s Law Enforcement Policies and their latest Transparency Report to show government requests for data, looked at (for the first time) LinkedIn’s Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines and Transparency Report and, yesterday, looked at Facebook’s policies and Government Request Reports. Today, we will look at Transparency Reports for other companies.

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Facebook’s Policies and Government Request Reports – Social Tech eDiscovery
Facebook’s Policies and Government Request Reports – Social Tech eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Two weeks ago, we took a fresh look at Twitter’s Law Enforcement Policies and their latest Transparency Report to show government requests for data, then last week (for the first time), we looked at LinkedIn’s Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines and Transparency Report. This week, we’ll take a look at Facebook’s policies and Government Request Reports.

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Court Denies Sanctions for Deletion of “Smoking Gun” Email, Grants Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment – eDiscovery Case Law
Court Denies Sanctions for Deletion of “Smoking Gun” Email, Grants Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment – eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In the case In re Text Messaging Antitrust Litig., Illinois District Judge Matthew F. Kennelly not only denied the plaintiffs’ request for an adverse inference sanction against the defendants for destroying emails, but also granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment, as the plaintiffs failed to provide any supporting circumstantial evidence to meet their burden of proof.

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Court Orders Sharing of Costs for Forensic Examination of Plaintiff’s Emails – eDiscovery Case Law
Court Orders Sharing of Costs for Forensic Examination of Plaintiff’s Emails – eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In Zeller v. So. Central Emergency Med. Servs. Inc., Pennsylvania Magistrate Judge Karoline Mehalchick used the Zubulake seven factor test to rule that the costs for restoring and searching the plaintiff’s emails should be shared, up to a maximum contribution by $1,500 by the plaintiff.

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eDiscovery History: Welcome to Throw-back Thursdays!
eDiscovery History: Welcome to Throw-back Thursdays! 150 150 CloudNine

I was recently teaching a project management class at a large law firm, and a student mentioned that he was working on a case that involved a very old document collection, some of which only existed on microfiche. He asked me for advice on managing the conversion of those documents and incorporating them into his bigger-picture project.

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LinkedIn’s Transparency Report – Social Tech eDiscovery
LinkedIn’s Transparency Report – Social Tech eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Yesterday, we talked about LinkedIn’s Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines. Like Twitter and other social media companies, LinkedIn also discloses a semi-annual Transparency Report to inform the public of the frequency and type of government requests the company receives regarding member data. Let’s take a look.

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LinkedIn Has Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines Too – Social Tech eDiscovery
LinkedIn Has Privacy and Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines Too – Social Tech eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Last week, we discussed recent updates to Twitter’s Law Enforcement policies as well as Twitter’s latest Transparency Report to show government requests for data. Today, let’s take a look at the Privacy Policy and Law Enforcement Guidelines for LinkedIn.

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Court Denies Defendant’s Request to Image Plaintiff’s PCs Three Years after Termination – eDiscovery Case Law
Court Denies Defendant’s Request to Image Plaintiff’s PCs Three Years after Termination – eDiscovery Case Law 150 150 CloudNine

In Downs v. Virginia Health Systems, Virginia Magistrate Judge James G. Welsh, citing proportionality and privacy concerns, denied the defendant’s motion to compel the mirror imaging of the Plaintiff’s personal computers nearly three years after she had been terminated.

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Once Again, It’s Time to Nominate Your Favorite Law Blog – eDiscovery Trends
Once Again, It’s Time to Nominate Your Favorite Law Blog – eDiscovery Trends 150 150 CloudNine

It’s that time of year! If you have a favorite law blog (or “blawg”, get it?), now is the time to nominate it for recognition in the ABA Journal 8th Annual Blawg 100.

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Twitter Remains Transparent Regarding Government Requests – Social Tech eDiscovery
Twitter Remains Transparent Regarding Government Requests – Social Tech eDiscovery 150 150 CloudNine

Yesterday, we took an updated look at Twitter to see how it handles private information and law enforcement requests (such as subpoenas) and what has changed since our last look about two years ago. Today, we will take a look at Twitter’s latest Transparency Report to show government requests for data over the last six months of 2013.

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